Coming off the bus and meeting the Mission President and other Elders!

The following e-mail was received the day after Blake left the MTC and entered his mission!
March 11, 2010
Dear Brother and Sister Pizzey;
What a pleasure it was for Sister Laney and me to welcome your son, Elder Blake Pizzey, into the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission. His first day with us included breakfast and orientation at the mission office, testimony meeting, a brief interview with me, a training session, lunch, and of course, meeting his first companion.
I am impressed by his desire to serve. He is well and in high spirits as he anticipates the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Please be assured that Sister Laney and I will be watching over him while he is here. I'm enclosing a photograph of the three of us taken as we welcomed him at the mission office.

After prayerful consideration, Elder Daniel England has been assigned to be your son’s trainer and first missionary companion.
Thank you for raising such an outstanding son, worthy and willing to serve the Lord full time in our mission. I know you will be blessed for the sacrifices that make his service possible. May the Lord's choicest blessings be yours.
G. Steven Laney
Mission President
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