Out of the MTC! and in the real world! It's great. So can't believe you already know who my companion is! Thats a little weird. Anyways it was nuts. I want to share every minute with you but its way to hard.
I'll tell you about the first day, March 10, 2010. We left the MTC at 6:00 AM, and took the bus to mission home. All eight from my district and four spanish speakers we didn't know about and like another four visa waiters. Anyways we got to the Mission offices and had a lunch while mission president talked to us, then his wife, and councellors and so on. Then testimony meeting in the same room, just go around the tables introduced yourself share stuff about your family, why you came on mission and your testimony. I stomped the yard. Then we had interviews with President Laney, that took awhile, then we all went into the chapel and had intense song. All the new Elders on the left side of the chapel, no one in the middle and all the trainers on the right side. Then it started one by one. He called companions and they go meet in the middle and take a seat. Hold up let me rewind. First I get off the bus and this sweet Elder, Elder England, says whats up Elder Pizzey where yeah from? He was the assistant to the Mission President before so he had already scouted me and knew I was from Canada. Anyways first connection there, I was like ohhh no don't get my hopes up. Then later during the lunch I Elder England came in for a little and talked to us at our table. We put it together that he dated Jenny Petersen's older sister! Didn't even know she had older sister. Well he knows Jenny and I do too so weird! Alright back to the companion calls. It got down to me and three other Elders and Elder England was still avaiable. I was getting so nervous yet excited. But they called us to be companion! We like ran into the middle and gave each other a huge hug, both so excited!

Its unbelieveable, the Lord really does answer your prayers. Last week of the MTC I prayed everynight about my first companion. Not so much that he would be a rad guy, but more so that he would be a good example. In the MTC Bro. Bott (my teacher) told us so many times its all about obiendence. Well I could have got a better companion. He knows the Book of Mormon inside and out. Better personal skills then me, so good at carrying conversations and not shy whatsoever. He is so bold, and straight forward. He can word things amazing and direct any conversation in the right way. AND you should see how intense we are with obiendence. I don't know if you have heard about the little white handbook, its a book we must have on us 24/7 and has the all rules for missionaries around the world. So many missionaries break little rules but us no way. For example we are given one hour for dinners at night, if we stay at a members house for an extra 15 minutes late we repent that night. Like there is not a single rule we break. Bedtime we are in bed when that clock turns 10:30.
We both a agree to wake up at 6:00 instead 6:30 because we want two hour personal study instead of one hour personal study! Its way good, ohh and everyone here in Utah says way every two words.

Well time is running I should answer some questions and share a little more about my mission. Me and Elder England get along great, hes neat and clean, so am I. Very similiar. We are incharge of two stakes Sandy Willowcreek and Salt Lake Wasatch. Each with about 3000 people so we take care of like 6000 people, way to intense! We are BOTH brand new to this area! That means a white wash, both old Elders out and both new Elders in (usually only do that if Elders before weren't doing good). Our Area Book (recorders of investigators prior too us) is outdated. Last investigator was early 2009, so we have nothing to work with. We were left with nothing, its so crazy. Our area is so wealthy, thats mainly why its hard. But thats why they sent us here to flip this place around and clean it up. We are never wasting a minute. For example Sunday. We had 7:00 meeting with Stake President. At 8 we atteneded wards PEC meeting, then a ward council and after that another ward council. Then we went to three sacrement meetings. I gave the opening prayer in one, Elder England said closing. Thats right I'm legit lol. Later we did a few swing byes to some potenial investigators, then we had supper with a Bishop and his family, shared a message. Then we met up with a different Bishop and did some visists in his ward. I shared a message with this one LA family (less active). Our days our like this everday, go from place to place.
We have a truck and get 1000 miles a month but I'm going to buy a bike today, hope it all works out. Our PDay is form 10-6 on mondays but we have dinner with Stake President and his family at five. So much to do today, I still have to write a letter to our mission President. Ohh and right after this we are going to get our mail from Mission Office, I don't want to get my hopes up though, who knows. You don't understand how happy I am that you got my mail, I was so afraid it got lost. Ohh and I'm going to send the iPod home soon, that was pointless, you guys are always right. It sucks.
Ohh and our appartment, or basment suite I should say. The house is 20 years old, and about 3 times the size of ours and must say nicer finishings and trim or whatever. Must have cost $$$$$ to build back in the day, and inside it doesn't seem outdated at all. We have a huge kitchen! Bathroom with two sinks! Couch area! and dinner/study table! Like so spoiled but I guess it comes with the hardest area in the mission. We are working so hard to flip this place around. We got about 20 potential investiagtors. Ohh and our house is as high has it can get on the mountain, we over look the valley including the city from our window. Its a walk out basement into a beautiful back yard, like I'm so blessed. Best companion, and everything is perfect. Sharing gospel is way harder in real life though, must work on it but can't be pro first week.

So anyone can email me, and pictures can be sent. Try to maybe send real ones more so I can keep them and not only look at them for an hour on here . But either way is cool, I'm going to send jump drive with pictures home soon, once I get a few more. What else I haven't been cold, its snowed 5 inches yesterday night almost all melted, used my sweet jacket. Hmm well I think thats it, I love you guys and I gotta run! We only get an hour! Please write me! And send me things! I still get lonely sometimes.
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