Hey guys! Man sounds like the cruise is great, pretty jealous. It's weird thinking your gone somewhere without me!? And whats going on at home, whos taking care of my Macy? Every single person here in Utah has about 3 dogs, if not dogs then 20 cats. I don't understand it but it makes me miss Macy more and more. I think I'm going to send a t-shirt home of mine that she can sniff for hours and go crazy about.
Right after writing these emails we go and pick up our mail, and last week I got so much mail! It was so exciting, I felt so loved. Honestly it was the greatest feeling reading those letters, you don't feel it throughout the week thats for sure. Thanks Lindsay, Dianne, Jim, Debra, Breanne, Kamry and Taren! I even got one from the Dick's, seems like they send it to all the missionaries they know, but it was really kind. And mom thanks so much for the pictures and picture frames, sadly the picture frame that opens up broke in the mail but the bigger one for the family picture was all good. Looks great in the appartment and don't worry about the other frame its all good just having the pictures. All you guys are the greatest. It's so to get time to write people back! There are so many people I want to write! Anyone who wrote me I want to so bad! Plus like 20 others I think about while I'm here! We are only allowed to write emails on Pday's during Pday hours any other spare time during the week (the 5-10 minutes at lunches) is used for extra studies. Since we are not DISO at all and 100% obiendent I follow that rule, sometimes I wish I didn't though. For example Pday's are only from 10-6 and today we had to clean the whole appartment, laundry, wash car, emails, go get mail from zone building, particpate in zone activitity (ultimate frisbee, lame want some ballers in my zone), get some groceries, hair cut, dry clean suits and I got to write letters this week or I'll go nuts! OK enough about today, but thanks to everyone who has sent me something I appreciate it and dad thank you x100 for the GPS its going to help.
So for this week I'm going to sum it up quick because we don't have much time yet, we are late for our zone activitie. It was pretty successfull. There are many highs and lows aleady. Some times we will go a full day of just straight shut down. One day we had two lessons planned, both cancelled so we decided to go tracting because we had nothing else to do, already went through the part member family list and unbaptized list. Well it was a full day of people slamming doors on us, telling us all the problems of the world come from religion. It sounds lame but after a full day of talking to no one it gets depressing, Elder England was getting so mad only thing that kept me going lol. You start to think holy cakes two years........
But then next day things pick up and your happy as ever! It's weird you work hard and don't give up things fall in place. We got 5 investigators on date, we picked up two new ones and sadly dropped that awesome Mary girl I told you about last week. Well we are still teaching her and shes totally golden just she can't get baptize her. We big sixed her (six questions to decide who interviews her) and the last question is something to do with probabtion. Well she has one full year of probabtion due to something, I think DUI. It was really sad, she had no clue that would prevent her from baptism.
Later we picked up this lady Angila who we found from on Chadborn in WA9 ward, its the most ghetto street in our area. She just needs a change in life, her ex boyfriend just went to jail for beating her. She was thrown down the stairs and broke her jaw or something and story goes on and on. But he is truely a great ladie (about 30), she adores her three children and they are so well behavied its unreal. She wishes she could spend more time with them and not have to work to raise them with a stay at home mom. It's really weird you learn to have this love for your investiagtors and really anyone you come in contact with.
Second one we picked up is Lourdes Tea, she has only lived here for two years with her RM husband. He grew up here and she grew up Peru, so she has a strong catholic background. Only one lesson with her so far but we brought the spirit into that lesson big time! So if she follows through with the commitments and shows some faith she will feel the love and gain a testimony!
So its great here, I love Utah as far as the mountains and such. The area we are in is beautiful huge trees, deer in our backyard we like to chase feels like banff. But its a little culture shock, things are just a little different here. Weird to see so many members and since there are so many, you see so many less active and part memeber families, you just want to help out but its only up to us to carry the spirit unto the hearts and not into the hearts.
What else..... Well I gave a talk in a retirement home, they old a sacrement service there. It was really funny half the people sleeping and the others just huge smiles nodding!
OH! I met the architect who designed the Rome Italy temple! He showed us all pictures of it and everything! He was the cheif architect! or is! No one else on the universe even knows what its going to look like and we so all these pictures of it and he told us stories of it and the things they went through to get permit to build. It got my hopes up big time and can't wait to go to school.
Well family I hope the cruise is amazing, make it fun, and send me some pictures via letters one day, so real pictures! And don't worry about the first paragraph I'm doing fine! That was one day, every strong LDS family just wants to take us in and make us there son because half there sons are on missions. But we say no no! we got to keep on working!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A kinda letter from an understanding mom...
This letter was sent to us the lady (Saundra S.) who is housing Elder Pizzey and Elder England. What a great letter and she really does know Blake well!
Dear Brother and Sister Pizzey,
It is my pleasure to write to you about your son. I have had sons on missions in the past and I would have loved someone to let me know about my sons while they were on their missions. So I would like to give you my impressions of your son, Elder Pizzey.
I have only had missionaries living in our home since October 31st of last year. We were very excited to have this opportunity; we only wish we would have been asked sooner. It is a privilege to have the Lord's annointed living under our roof. We have an apartment in our basement which we constructed when our married children needed a place to live while going to college. The apartment, being idle for seven years, was just waiting for the next need.
I can tell your son is on his way to being an outstanding missionary. He is a disciplined person already which certainly helps with his new situation. He is a young man of character. Anyone who meets him is able to know that for themselves. He is sincere, humble and trustworthy. And he has a quiet confidence in what he is doing. Elder Pizzey has been fortunate to be placed with an excellent missionary. He could not have asked for a better trainer. Success always follows Elder England, therefore, success will now follow Elder Pizzey. They are busy studying and working. They are always hard at work. And missionary work seems to fit Elder Pizzey well. You can be assured he will be an excellent missionary just as he is being trained to be.
Your son looks good. He's healthy. And he is being fed generously by the members of the two stakes to which he has been assigned. We have asked Elder Pizzey and Elder England to reserve a night we can have dinner with them because we want to get better acquainted with them. So far that has not happened. Now we have asked if we can be a fill-in dinner appointment if someone has to cancel a dinner appointment. It seems everyone wants to have dinner with them so we must be patient.
Your son impresses me in non-missionary ways too. Out of the five missionaries we have had living with us he is the only one to iron his shirts. Perhaps ironing a shirt is a minor detail but it does show me who has been well trained prior to serving a mission and one who takes every detail seriously. And, I actually heard the vacuum being used downstairs for the first time since October 31st when your son and Elder England moved in. (I have a cleaning lady who does a once-over in the apartment each month since not all young men have the same level of cleanliness. It appears she will be doing less than she has been doing in the past since your son is downstairs.) And for service, he helped rearrange my living room and dining room. My husband and I bought a silk rug when we were in China. The constant movement of the dinning chairs has caused it to shift and bunch up. The rug needed to be moved from under the dining room table. My husband has torn his rotator cuff in his shoulder and is scheduled for surgery next Monday. He can't help me move the furniture. But Elder Pizzey and Elder England did. I was pleasantly surprised with Elder Pizzey. He had a good feel for the placement of the furniture, he was precise and accurate and made our living room and dining room look very nice. Elder England would have done what I suggested but Elder Pizzey was more precise in following my expectations. My beautiful silk rug is now stunningly displayed in my living room. Your son noticed my amazement at his expertise and related he had worked for his sister who is an interior decorator. Thank her for me for her training of her brother.
Elder Pizzey spoke in our ward last Sunday and anyone who didn't know he was a brand-new, fresh-from-home missionary would not have believed it. He wasn't timid and unsure. He was poised and confident. He gave a good message and a powerful testimony of missionary work and the Savior. He is probably the self-composed speaker that he was before he left for Utah. Perhaps this is normal for him. However, the members leaving the chapel remarked about our remarkable missionaries. I am sure Elder Pizzey and Elder England instilled confidence that they could be trusted to respectfully declare and testify of the truth to the members' non-member friends.
These are just a few glimpses I thought I would share with you. I remember being very anxious for any word about my sons. I hope this gladdens your heart.
Sister Saundra Smart=
Dear Brother and Sister Pizzey,
It is my pleasure to write to you about your son. I have had sons on missions in the past and I would have loved someone to let me know about my sons while they were on their missions. So I would like to give you my impressions of your son, Elder Pizzey.
I have only had missionaries living in our home since October 31st of last year. We were very excited to have this opportunity; we only wish we would have been asked sooner. It is a privilege to have the Lord's annointed living under our roof. We have an apartment in our basement which we constructed when our married children needed a place to live while going to college. The apartment, being idle for seven years, was just waiting for the next need.
I can tell your son is on his way to being an outstanding missionary. He is a disciplined person already which certainly helps with his new situation. He is a young man of character. Anyone who meets him is able to know that for themselves. He is sincere, humble and trustworthy. And he has a quiet confidence in what he is doing. Elder Pizzey has been fortunate to be placed with an excellent missionary. He could not have asked for a better trainer. Success always follows Elder England, therefore, success will now follow Elder Pizzey. They are busy studying and working. They are always hard at work. And missionary work seems to fit Elder Pizzey well. You can be assured he will be an excellent missionary just as he is being trained to be.
Your son looks good. He's healthy. And he is being fed generously by the members of the two stakes to which he has been assigned. We have asked Elder Pizzey and Elder England to reserve a night we can have dinner with them because we want to get better acquainted with them. So far that has not happened. Now we have asked if we can be a fill-in dinner appointment if someone has to cancel a dinner appointment. It seems everyone wants to have dinner with them so we must be patient.
Your son impresses me in non-missionary ways too. Out of the five missionaries we have had living with us he is the only one to iron his shirts. Perhaps ironing a shirt is a minor detail but it does show me who has been well trained prior to serving a mission and one who takes every detail seriously. And, I actually heard the vacuum being used downstairs for the first time since October 31st when your son and Elder England moved in. (I have a cleaning lady who does a once-over in the apartment each month since not all young men have the same level of cleanliness. It appears she will be doing less than she has been doing in the past since your son is downstairs.) And for service, he helped rearrange my living room and dining room. My husband and I bought a silk rug when we were in China. The constant movement of the dinning chairs has caused it to shift and bunch up. The rug needed to be moved from under the dining room table. My husband has torn his rotator cuff in his shoulder and is scheduled for surgery next Monday. He can't help me move the furniture. But Elder Pizzey and Elder England did. I was pleasantly surprised with Elder Pizzey. He had a good feel for the placement of the furniture, he was precise and accurate and made our living room and dining room look very nice. Elder England would have done what I suggested but Elder Pizzey was more precise in following my expectations. My beautiful silk rug is now stunningly displayed in my living room. Your son noticed my amazement at his expertise and related he had worked for his sister who is an interior decorator. Thank her for me for her training of her brother.
Elder Pizzey spoke in our ward last Sunday and anyone who didn't know he was a brand-new, fresh-from-home missionary would not have believed it. He wasn't timid and unsure. He was poised and confident. He gave a good message and a powerful testimony of missionary work and the Savior. He is probably the self-composed speaker that he was before he left for Utah. Perhaps this is normal for him. However, the members leaving the chapel remarked about our remarkable missionaries. I am sure Elder Pizzey and Elder England instilled confidence that they could be trusted to respectfully declare and testify of the truth to the members' non-member friends.
These are just a few glimpses I thought I would share with you. I remember being very anxious for any word about my sons. I hope this gladdens your heart.
Sister Saundra Smart=
Sunday, March 21, 2010
March 21, 2010
Where in the World is Elder Pizzey?
Ok what a wild week! Thinks are starting to work out. I'll get this out before I start, I only get an hour on the computer to read all emails, send email home, and write a detailed email to mission president. So I don't have time to read any of the emails I got from Breanne and Kamry but I tried to print them. I really hope it worked. I'll respond with a letter as soon as I can! But I did see the pictures Breanne sent, adorable. But thank you so much for writing me sisters! We will write in letters though.
OK this week things really started to take off, hard work pays off. I believe I told you that we came into a dead area with a "white wash" and last week our numbers were all zeros! SAD, Elder England has never had that yet, but we knew it wasn't our fault and we would work our hardest to turn things around.
Here's brief overview of my week.
I'll just skip to friday, not that nothing good happened earlier just few lessons and what not. Anyways friday! It's so funny that you had an apostle speak to you becuase I did too! Thats right ELDER BEDNAR! Insane! I know! He's a good looking guy too. Can't believe Lindsay shook Elder Nelson's hand though, he didn't shake ours. Well first day here President Laney gave us two talks of Elder Bednar's to study, the whole mission got them. I thought nothing of it. Then last monday we were told not to plan anything from 10-2 on friday because we were having a meeting and they wouldn't tell us anything about it. Me and Elder England were so curious, we thought they were opening a China mission and we were getting called to go there! But we peiced together that maybe he gave us Elder Bednar talks because he's coming but we didn't want to get our hopes up. Then on Wednesday the Assistants called and told us it was Elder Bednar but we coudln't tell anyone (other than mishy's) for security reasons! We were so excited, he came to the meeting with no talk prepared. OK I'm giving way to much detail at this rate I won't even be able to talk about anything else but Elder Bednar. Well we all met in a stake center (our whole mission, 200-300 people) and he just asked us what we learned from his talks, and we would raise our hand and he would call on us. Ohh and he made a big point about how wrong the "guess what is in my head?" game everyone in the church plays and how bad it is! Well if he called on you, I never did but Elder England got called on. He would comment on what you said and follow up with a question or just add to what you said. Then he opened it up to questions! It was insane, we were learning so much, he taught so many different princibles. Main point was about trying to get conversation happening in your lessons, just as he was in his talk. There are so many different things I learned as to all the questions asked but I just don't have time to tell! His testimony was unreal, he was testifing of himself! But in like a humble way, it was great. He gave us is apostolic witness and gave all of us a blessing! Ohh mom and Elain S. Dalton, the relief society general president also attended the meeting! It was a reveletory exerpience!
Sunday morning after we attended the Wasatch Stake Leadership Meeting to meet everyone we both gave 10 minute talks in sacrement in the Wasatch 7th ward (our home ward). I gave a talk on finding a testimony, or helping someone find a testimony. Went really good I think, first talk I prepared in one hour. Only had some scriptures and few bullet points going up there, really scary at first. We give another one next week at this old folks ward lol and after conference in another ward. That talk was a big step for me.
We then attended sacrement meeting of the Willow Creek YSA. It was outrageous. About 300 single adults packed back to the gym. It was basically a fasion show, so many inmodest girls there holy cakes! Like cover up. And down here for YSA they don't care if your over 30 so you got people who look like moms trying to be 21 and caked up 20 year old girls. So many guys look like they work out 24/7 and half them are going to church for the wrong reasons! A little bizare.
Then that night we were packed with lessons about four or three. Elder England taught this girl Mary whos 21 about 9 months ago in a different area. Then yesterday we got a call from a ward mission leader saying Mary so and so is here at the Wasatch YSA ward (not the fasioin show one) and wants to be taught! It's crazy because Elder England arleady taught her but she stopped having lessons because she felt it was just for her boyfriend and they broke up. Now she's back and she has such a strong testimony and I gave my first baptisam date question thing to her during our lesson and she accepted! I also recited the Joseph Smith vison by memory for the first time to her and I asked a follow up question and she said I feel the spirit so much right now, I know what you told me is true! Best lesson yet!
OK I have to wrap this up I don't have enought time. So we had zero investigators and now we have five! Four of them have a baptismal date, all around April 10th! I really like this Luke guy we are teaching, he's turning 14 and plays lacrosse. He's a sweet little guy. Well we are working our butt off, tracting during free time, running through the unbaptized list, going throught the part member family list and keeping up with refferrals from bishops and ward mission leaders.
And the way we got time for our talks was the Stake President gave up his talking time so we could speak (gains trust with the members for us) and after he bore amazing testimony of us and our roles as missionaries. He said during it now when my son was on mission I prayed everyday that the members would help out my son and provide him with non members to teach. He said I bet there parents are doing the same now please follow through and help them.
Ok address of house I'm at is 7961 Mountain Oaks Drive, its in the Wasatch 7th ward. Don't write letters to that address. Write them to the mission home and I get them once a week. The address is
Elder Pizzey
8060 S. 615 E.
Sandy Utah 84070
And dad we have so many addresses and the maps are terrible they gave us here so its so hard to navigate sometimes. What do you think about sending the GPS with the charger and stand in a box? Please it would help the Lords work ;) seriously, I'll send iPod home in the box. Up to you though.
Mom I bought you mothers day present already, you will love it, you wanted it before and we never got it or found it. (its from dessert books)
I haven't got a bike yet, I might get a old free one from missionairy and after Elder England leaves he's gonna leave me his nice one. We use the truck all the time there are way to many hills and its huge area comepared to others! OK I hope I addressed everything! Things are picking up here, more and more lessons everyday. Only about 7 last week but thats alot better than zero before. OK LOVE EVERYONE
I pray for everyone by name at night! Love all love you.
Monday, March 15, 2010
March 15, 2010
Mom! Dad! Family! Friends! Lindsay! I miss you!
Out of the MTC! and in the real world! It's great. So can't believe you already know who my companion is! Thats a little weird. Anyways it was nuts. I want to share every minute with you but its way to hard.
I'll tell you about the first day, March 10, 2010. We left the MTC at 6:00 AM, and took the bus to mission home. All eight from my district and four spanish speakers we didn't know about and like another four visa waiters. Anyways we got to the Mission offices and had a lunch while mission president talked to us, then his wife, and councellors and so on. Then testimony meeting in the same room, just go around the tables introduced yourself share stuff about your family, why you came on mission and your testimony. I stomped the yard. Then we had interviews with President Laney, that took awhile, then we all went into the chapel and had intense song. All the new Elders on the left side of the chapel, no one in the middle and all the trainers on the right side. Then it started one by one. He called companions and they go meet in the middle and take a seat. Hold up let me rewind. First I get off the bus and this sweet Elder, Elder England, says whats up Elder Pizzey where yeah from? He was the assistant to the Mission President before so he had already scouted me and knew I was from Canada. Anyways first connection there, I was like ohhh no don't get my hopes up. Then later during the lunch I Elder England came in for a little and talked to us at our table. We put it together that he dated Jenny Petersen's older sister! Didn't even know she had older sister. Well he knows Jenny and I do too so weird! Alright back to the companion calls. It got down to me and three other Elders and Elder England was still avaiable. I was getting so nervous yet excited. But they called us to be companion! We like ran into the middle and gave each other a huge hug, both so excited!

Its unbelieveable, the Lord really does answer your prayers. Last week of the MTC I prayed everynight about my first companion. Not so much that he would be a rad guy, but more so that he would be a good example. In the MTC Bro. Bott (my teacher) told us so many times its all about obiendence. Well I could have got a better companion. He knows the Book of Mormon inside and out. Better personal skills then me, so good at carrying conversations and not shy whatsoever. He is so bold, and straight forward. He can word things amazing and direct any conversation in the right way. AND you should see how intense we are with obiendence. I don't know if you have heard about the little white handbook, its a book we must have on us 24/7 and has the all rules for missionaries around the world. So many missionaries break little rules but us no way. For example we are given one hour for dinners at night, if we stay at a members house for an extra 15 minutes late we repent that night. Like there is not a single rule we break. Bedtime we are in bed when that clock turns 10:30.
We both a agree to wake up at 6:00 instead 6:30 because we want two hour personal study instead of one hour personal study! Its way good, ohh and everyone here in Utah says way every two words.

Well time is running I should answer some questions and share a little more about my mission. Me and Elder England get along great, hes neat and clean, so am I. Very similiar. We are incharge of two stakes Sandy Willowcreek and Salt Lake Wasatch. Each with about 3000 people so we take care of like 6000 people, way to intense! We are BOTH brand new to this area! That means a white wash, both old Elders out and both new Elders in (usually only do that if Elders before weren't doing good). Our Area Book (recorders of investigators prior too us) is outdated. Last investigator was early 2009, so we have nothing to work with. We were left with nothing, its so crazy. Our area is so wealthy, thats mainly why its hard. But thats why they sent us here to flip this place around and clean it up. We are never wasting a minute. For example Sunday. We had 7:00 meeting with Stake President. At 8 we atteneded wards PEC meeting, then a ward council and after that another ward council. Then we went to three sacrement meetings. I gave the opening prayer in one, Elder England said closing. Thats right I'm legit lol. Later we did a few swing byes to some potenial investigators, then we had supper with a Bishop and his family, shared a message. Then we met up with a different Bishop and did some visists in his ward. I shared a message with this one LA family (less active). Our days our like this everday, go from place to place.
We have a truck and get 1000 miles a month but I'm going to buy a bike today, hope it all works out. Our PDay is form 10-6 on mondays but we have dinner with Stake President and his family at five. So much to do today, I still have to write a letter to our mission President. Ohh and right after this we are going to get our mail from Mission Office, I don't want to get my hopes up though, who knows. You don't understand how happy I am that you got my mail, I was so afraid it got lost. Ohh and I'm going to send the iPod home soon, that was pointless, you guys are always right. It sucks.
Ohh and our appartment, or basment suite I should say. The house is 20 years old, and about 3 times the size of ours and must say nicer finishings and trim or whatever. Must have cost $$$$$ to build back in the day, and inside it doesn't seem outdated at all. We have a huge kitchen! Bathroom with two sinks! Couch area! and dinner/study table! Like so spoiled but I guess it comes with the hardest area in the mission. We are working so hard to flip this place around. We got about 20 potential investiagtors. Ohh and our house is as high has it can get on the mountain, we over look the valley including the city from our window. Its a walk out basement into a beautiful back yard, like I'm so blessed. Best companion, and everything is perfect. Sharing gospel is way harder in real life though, must work on it but can't be pro first week.

So anyone can email me, and pictures can be sent. Try to maybe send real ones more so I can keep them and not only look at them for an hour on here . But either way is cool, I'm going to send jump drive with pictures home soon, once I get a few more. What else I haven't been cold, its snowed 5 inches yesterday night almost all melted, used my sweet jacket. Hmm well I think thats it, I love you guys and I gotta run! We only get an hour! Please write me! And send me things! I still get lonely sometimes.
Out of the MTC! and in the real world! It's great. So can't believe you already know who my companion is! Thats a little weird. Anyways it was nuts. I want to share every minute with you but its way to hard.
I'll tell you about the first day, March 10, 2010. We left the MTC at 6:00 AM, and took the bus to mission home. All eight from my district and four spanish speakers we didn't know about and like another four visa waiters. Anyways we got to the Mission offices and had a lunch while mission president talked to us, then his wife, and councellors and so on. Then testimony meeting in the same room, just go around the tables introduced yourself share stuff about your family, why you came on mission and your testimony. I stomped the yard. Then we had interviews with President Laney, that took awhile, then we all went into the chapel and had intense song. All the new Elders on the left side of the chapel, no one in the middle and all the trainers on the right side. Then it started one by one. He called companions and they go meet in the middle and take a seat. Hold up let me rewind. First I get off the bus and this sweet Elder, Elder England, says whats up Elder Pizzey where yeah from? He was the assistant to the Mission President before so he had already scouted me and knew I was from Canada. Anyways first connection there, I was like ohhh no don't get my hopes up. Then later during the lunch I Elder England came in for a little and talked to us at our table. We put it together that he dated Jenny Petersen's older sister! Didn't even know she had older sister. Well he knows Jenny and I do too so weird! Alright back to the companion calls. It got down to me and three other Elders and Elder England was still avaiable. I was getting so nervous yet excited. But they called us to be companion! We like ran into the middle and gave each other a huge hug, both so excited!

Its unbelieveable, the Lord really does answer your prayers. Last week of the MTC I prayed everynight about my first companion. Not so much that he would be a rad guy, but more so that he would be a good example. In the MTC Bro. Bott (my teacher) told us so many times its all about obiendence. Well I could have got a better companion. He knows the Book of Mormon inside and out. Better personal skills then me, so good at carrying conversations and not shy whatsoever. He is so bold, and straight forward. He can word things amazing and direct any conversation in the right way. AND you should see how intense we are with obiendence. I don't know if you have heard about the little white handbook, its a book we must have on us 24/7 and has the all rules for missionaries around the world. So many missionaries break little rules but us no way. For example we are given one hour for dinners at night, if we stay at a members house for an extra 15 minutes late we repent that night. Like there is not a single rule we break. Bedtime we are in bed when that clock turns 10:30.
We both a agree to wake up at 6:00 instead 6:30 because we want two hour personal study instead of one hour personal study! Its way good, ohh and everyone here in Utah says way every two words.

Well time is running I should answer some questions and share a little more about my mission. Me and Elder England get along great, hes neat and clean, so am I. Very similiar. We are incharge of two stakes Sandy Willowcreek and Salt Lake Wasatch. Each with about 3000 people so we take care of like 6000 people, way to intense! We are BOTH brand new to this area! That means a white wash, both old Elders out and both new Elders in (usually only do that if Elders before weren't doing good). Our Area Book (recorders of investigators prior too us) is outdated. Last investigator was early 2009, so we have nothing to work with. We were left with nothing, its so crazy. Our area is so wealthy, thats mainly why its hard. But thats why they sent us here to flip this place around and clean it up. We are never wasting a minute. For example Sunday. We had 7:00 meeting with Stake President. At 8 we atteneded wards PEC meeting, then a ward council and after that another ward council. Then we went to three sacrement meetings. I gave the opening prayer in one, Elder England said closing. Thats right I'm legit lol. Later we did a few swing byes to some potenial investigators, then we had supper with a Bishop and his family, shared a message. Then we met up with a different Bishop and did some visists in his ward. I shared a message with this one LA family (less active). Our days our like this everday, go from place to place.
We have a truck and get 1000 miles a month but I'm going to buy a bike today, hope it all works out. Our PDay is form 10-6 on mondays but we have dinner with Stake President and his family at five. So much to do today, I still have to write a letter to our mission President. Ohh and right after this we are going to get our mail from Mission Office, I don't want to get my hopes up though, who knows. You don't understand how happy I am that you got my mail, I was so afraid it got lost. Ohh and I'm going to send the iPod home soon, that was pointless, you guys are always right. It sucks.
Ohh and our appartment, or basment suite I should say. The house is 20 years old, and about 3 times the size of ours and must say nicer finishings and trim or whatever. Must have cost $$$$$ to build back in the day, and inside it doesn't seem outdated at all. We have a huge kitchen! Bathroom with two sinks! Couch area! and dinner/study table! Like so spoiled but I guess it comes with the hardest area in the mission. We are working so hard to flip this place around. We got about 20 potential investiagtors. Ohh and our house is as high has it can get on the mountain, we over look the valley including the city from our window. Its a walk out basement into a beautiful back yard, like I'm so blessed. Best companion, and everything is perfect. Sharing gospel is way harder in real life though, must work on it but can't be pro first week.

So anyone can email me, and pictures can be sent. Try to maybe send real ones more so I can keep them and not only look at them for an hour on here . But either way is cool, I'm going to send jump drive with pictures home soon, once I get a few more. What else I haven't been cold, its snowed 5 inches yesterday night almost all melted, used my sweet jacket. Hmm well I think thats it, I love you guys and I gotta run! We only get an hour! Please write me! And send me things! I still get lonely sometimes.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Out in the Real World!
Coming off the bus and meeting the Mission President and other Elders!

The following e-mail was received the day after Blake left the MTC and entered his mission!
March 11, 2010
Dear Brother and Sister Pizzey;
What a pleasure it was for Sister Laney and me to welcome your son, Elder Blake Pizzey, into the Utah Salt Lake City South Mission. His first day with us included breakfast and orientation at the mission office, testimony meeting, a brief interview with me, a training session, lunch, and of course, meeting his first companion.
I am impressed by his desire to serve. He is well and in high spirits as he anticipates the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Please be assured that Sister Laney and I will be watching over him while he is here. I'm enclosing a photograph of the three of us taken as we welcomed him at the mission office.

After prayerful consideration, Elder Daniel England has been assigned to be your son’s trainer and first missionary companion.
Thank you for raising such an outstanding son, worthy and willing to serve the Lord full time in our mission. I know you will be blessed for the sacrifices that make his service possible. May the Lord's choicest blessings be yours.
G. Steven Laney
Mission President
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
March 9, 2010
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the Dear Elders, man that little service is amazing. Right now I'm just sitting in the laundry mat typing away while my junk is in the dryer. ONE MORE SLEEP! My bags are basically packed, so excited. These last three weeks have gone by so fast, its insane! I remember last week just thinking one more week yet that feels like yesterday. I'm not to sure if I got a amazing spirtitual experience to share this week, not that none happened. Just because I left my journal in the dorm and its hard to remember the details and what not but they do happen every day. I guess I'll just give a little summary of the MTC. Ok well I guess I'll let you all know I've gained 7lbs! Doesn't look like it though, or atleast I think so. The food is just to good here! I eat 2-3 plates a meal, except for breakfast, usally just down some oatmeal or ceral and some fruit. So we said goodbye to our teachers last night that was sad. They were perfect examples, Bro. Bott and Sis. Pratt. Bro. Bott is 21 and been off his mission for 2 months!! He hadn't even read the BOM before he left but he knows the Bilble and BOM inside and out now. He is a book of knowledge and has amazing teaching and personal skills, learn't so much from him. He served in San Deigo and they called him to have his job. Normally its a 6-8 month waiting list and you have to go through lots and lots of teaching evaulations. But he was scouted, all the other teachers are like 24-26. Could brag abou thim forever. Mom if you remember those three 30 minute videos I watched before I left, well they were cameras following around real missionaries during real lessons. Well they basically find the best set of companions in the world to follow then they film them. Anyways they filmed a new set of videos and Bro. Bott was that missionairy they scouted! He was so mad we found out but some other teacher told us, they followed him around for 3 months on his mission with 2 huge camera crews! So cool. Ok and Sis. Pratt so nice. So many spiritual lessons with her, some of the activities she has made us do was intense. Shes 24 and 6 weeks pregnant and cute as a doll lol. So we would spend about 3 hours a day with both of them at seperate times. They felt like our parents, we all grew really close. I got there addresses though and I'm sure we will keep it touch lots. 12 mins left! I'll describe the RC now. It stands for the refferal center. You sit in a room full of computers and booths. Anytime see's a church commerical, a pass along card or finds the telephone number on the mormon.org they call in to Salt Lake. There are people answering calls but there are always to many calls so they send them to here, the RC at the MTC. So we sit on computers answer phone calls, follow up on offers and chat live with people on from mormon.org. Its so extreme! We are talking about real people here, some of the conversations you have are deep! I got referrals (sent missionairies over to there house) to about 4 people and gave out about 12 Book of Mormons and like 15 free DVDS. Well everythings free. Ok not much time now for the TRC, teaching resource center. A building of about 30 fake living rooms. Couches, coffee tables, the whole works. Every week you and your companion have appointments arranged on Saturday and Wednesday nights. There's a video camera in the corner of each room which is fed to the control room. In the control room the teacher, or any missionairy who wants, can watch any of the 30 rooms. So volunteers from Provo come in and act as investigators and well you teach! Even though they are "fake lessons" they are real. You still are finding what they need at that time. The classes here are basically all teaching skills. I could go on forever but I've only got 4 min. Its all about gaining trust with you investigators and determing there needs. So many teaching skills I have been taught, feel like 10x the people person. Alright thats a wrap. I really hope you guys start getting my letters, sent package home with a tape to listen to and that other thing I had. Sent Lindsay like three letters, and here dad. Once I'm in the field, tomorrow, I will send lots of letters to everyone! I'm flipping out thinking my letters are lost out there! Thank you so much everyone who wrote me, means to much and usually read them when I need something to lift me up. Love You all and be good everyone!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Photos from the MTC!
These photo's were taken at the MTC (Missionary Training Center). Blake sent these to Lindsay and we scanned them so the pictures aren't the greatest quality but at least we get to see what Blake's been up to!

Elder Pizzey and the Sister Missionarys!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March 2, 2010
Hey guys! I've got 22 minutes left after reading all of those! I think we should stick to one email going back and forth between each other a week. If you got anything super long to right we should send some letters. But things are great, it feels so good to think that I have basically seven days left! ONE WEEK! Like the MTC isn't terrible but I am so excited to get out of here. I was so sad Darren got delayed, I was so excited to give him a huge hug mid cafiteria. Ok well you guys have like a million questions every letter and email so I'll try to knock them off quickly here, then I'll blab about what I want to share. Ohh. PS this enter button doesn't work, driving me nuts.
Here's some of moms questions I think, or answers I guess. We stay at the MTC 24/7, we are aloud to leave the campus of the MTC twice a week. On sunday after sacrement to go on a temple walk with our district and Pday (tuesday for me) mornings to attend the temple. All eight Elders in my district are going to SLCS mission, there are three tongain Elders and one Sis. Missionairy going in a different zone going to SLCS as well. I have everything I need so far, we packed amazing and feel like I'm set. Today is the first day I'll have to iron some shirts. Got a huge load of laundry to do right after this. The food is great here and I'm playing bball lots, there are some good players here. I'm reading in the B of M still its going good and you should see how marked up it is. But totally organized marked up. Like neet tabs and color coordinated in realtion to all the lessons, its rad. And yes mom I am keeping an intense full time journal, every night. Even has things taped inside of it. We heard about Olympics and the hockey game from this guy who gave a devotional to everyone in the MTC, sounds great, woooo whooo hockey lol. OK thanks for all the addresses I appreciate that and if I could get all my sisters addresses too. THANKS! I appreciate all the letters from dear Elder means so much, and I have sent a few pictures back home, a letter to Breanne, and letter to Lindsay with a few pictures. Just sit tight they will come, I hope. Alright!!!!! 12 minutes left and I'll try to share a little about my week. Stupid enter button still isn't working. Well Utah is beautiful, just surrounded by mountains and I couldn't ask for more. I can't wait to go on some hikes up the mountains on PDay's. I love temples man they are just interesting, like in regares to the style of them I guess. I'm gonna start a collection of pictures of Temples, I think 5x7. My all time favorite is San Deigo, it looks like a space ship. Already bought that picture. As for my district things are going alot better, everyone is getting closer. There was a few struggles between some kids last week but it seems like we are working things out. I like Elder Way more and more every day. He may be a little hard in lessons because I have to do all the talking and keep is on track but man he's a funny kid. Every week you right a letter to the Branch President just discussing your goals and whats up. We have to pick a Christ like attribute to work towards for the week so I picked to be more humble because I see how lucky I really am compared to some of these kids. So I talked about that forever in my letter to him. Well this Sunday during sacrement the talks were on humility. Well I thought ohh crap I know I'm gonna be asked to give the talk. Every week they pick two people to talk for 5 minutes. So he got up there and said Elder Pizzey and some Sis. Missionairy will be giving our two talks this week on humilty, Elder Pizzey your up first. FREAK! Well I went up there and talked for a solid five minutes about humility, and I think it went pretty good. I was a little nervous so I'm sure you could tell through my voice but as for what I had to say and my testimony it was pretty good. 4 MIN LEFT! I'll try to sum up what I said quickly here. Our whole life we try to be the best at what we are, wether its school, basketball, or whatever. The problem with humility is when you strive to become more humbble you just focus on yourself. Think about it. Like what can I do to become more humble. I'll be nicer, I'll be more thankful. It goes on and on. But all you think about is I, I, I, I and yourself. So to become more humble we must have the Charity of Christ in us, and look at everyone as a Child of God. Look interally not externally. Ok 2 MIN! Went on to say you cant change anyone but yourself. Not wife, companion, parents, daughter or sister. And it all starts with giving your heart to God and he will give you a new one. I refered to Alma 5 and how it talks about that I believe OK I MUST GO I WISH I HAD MORE TIME TO SHARE WHAT I EXACTAlY SAID!!!!!! love yoU ALLLLL TAKE CARE
Here's some of moms questions I think, or answers I guess. We stay at the MTC 24/7, we are aloud to leave the campus of the MTC twice a week. On sunday after sacrement to go on a temple walk with our district and Pday (tuesday for me) mornings to attend the temple. All eight Elders in my district are going to SLCS mission, there are three tongain Elders and one Sis. Missionairy going in a different zone going to SLCS as well. I have everything I need so far, we packed amazing and feel like I'm set. Today is the first day I'll have to iron some shirts. Got a huge load of laundry to do right after this. The food is great here and I'm playing bball lots, there are some good players here. I'm reading in the B of M still its going good and you should see how marked up it is. But totally organized marked up. Like neet tabs and color coordinated in realtion to all the lessons, its rad. And yes mom I am keeping an intense full time journal, every night. Even has things taped inside of it. We heard about Olympics and the hockey game from this guy who gave a devotional to everyone in the MTC, sounds great, woooo whooo hockey lol. OK thanks for all the addresses I appreciate that and if I could get all my sisters addresses too. THANKS! I appreciate all the letters from dear Elder means so much, and I have sent a few pictures back home, a letter to Breanne, and letter to Lindsay with a few pictures. Just sit tight they will come, I hope. Alright!!!!! 12 minutes left and I'll try to share a little about my week. Stupid enter button still isn't working. Well Utah is beautiful, just surrounded by mountains and I couldn't ask for more. I can't wait to go on some hikes up the mountains on PDay's. I love temples man they are just interesting, like in regares to the style of them I guess. I'm gonna start a collection of pictures of Temples, I think 5x7. My all time favorite is San Deigo, it looks like a space ship. Already bought that picture. As for my district things are going alot better, everyone is getting closer. There was a few struggles between some kids last week but it seems like we are working things out. I like Elder Way more and more every day. He may be a little hard in lessons because I have to do all the talking and keep is on track but man he's a funny kid. Every week you right a letter to the Branch President just discussing your goals and whats up. We have to pick a Christ like attribute to work towards for the week so I picked to be more humble because I see how lucky I really am compared to some of these kids. So I talked about that forever in my letter to him. Well this Sunday during sacrement the talks were on humility. Well I thought ohh crap I know I'm gonna be asked to give the talk. Every week they pick two people to talk for 5 minutes. So he got up there and said Elder Pizzey and some Sis. Missionairy will be giving our two talks this week on humilty, Elder Pizzey your up first. FREAK! Well I went up there and talked for a solid five minutes about humility, and I think it went pretty good. I was a little nervous so I'm sure you could tell through my voice but as for what I had to say and my testimony it was pretty good. 4 MIN LEFT! I'll try to sum up what I said quickly here. Our whole life we try to be the best at what we are, wether its school, basketball, or whatever. The problem with humility is when you strive to become more humbble you just focus on yourself. Think about it. Like what can I do to become more humble. I'll be nicer, I'll be more thankful. It goes on and on. But all you think about is I, I, I, I and yourself. So to become more humble we must have the Charity of Christ in us, and look at everyone as a Child of God. Look interally not externally. Ok 2 MIN! Went on to say you cant change anyone but yourself. Not wife, companion, parents, daughter or sister. And it all starts with giving your heart to God and he will give you a new one. I refered to Alma 5 and how it talks about that I believe OK I MUST GO I WISH I HAD MORE TIME TO SHARE WHAT I EXACTAlY SAID!!!!!! love yoU ALLLLL TAKE CARE
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