YES! I love Mondays! Your emails are the best! Once again there is way to much to write and not near enough time. I guess I can tell you stories forever and ever for the rest of my life.
Dad, I'm in a different zone now (Draper Temple Zone) so I never see the Control 4 guys anymore that's a good idea though. That's awesome about Jeremy too! So glad he's on his way out, its going to be so cool having all of us return around the same time, I love Jeremy.
Glad the yard is looking good, I have some messed up dreams sometimes. I had a dream that you guys were lying and the yard was terrible and you had to redo the whole thing, that's why you didn't send me pictures! That's just one of the several weirdo dreams I've had. But we've had some of the same weather lots of rain, it actually snowed today! Our zone is getting together and playing basketball today can't wait, last week I bought a basketball and a volleyball. So it's my last Pday with Elder England! So sad, we've become good friends and it's just so weird to have him leave me. BUT I'm going to have him give Lindsay a call when he gets home and he also has your address so if he ever comes near Edmonton he will swing by.

We had the Isom's baptism, and it went great. I am pretty sure I've told you have their situation in an earlier email a long time ago. But yes the mom is NM and we will be slowly trying to work in there, I think she wants to wait a year until Justin's 16 so he can baptize her. Their dad is a member and becoming alot more active with this whole process, we have brought the family together! During the confirmation the mother shed a tear and was touched by the spirit which was present, so things will fall in place she just needs a little push push. Emily loves us! I call her M n' M's or Em's and its weird she is just like little Emily Lambert when she was younger. And yes the build a bear! They got both me and Elder England build a bears, but Missionary build a bears! Like only here in Utah do you find this. They have ties on black pants and shoes, white shirt, name tag, and little BOM in the hand haha! It's adorable, mine is blonde and E. Englands has black hair. It's going to be hard to fit in my bag when travelling so I might send it home for Landerson. Also need to send home my volleyball shoes I don't use and I will send home CD cases (Mo Tab and Conference talks) I want to keep for collection, probably not for awhile though. I'll try and save time to send a picture of the bear.
So we had the Wasatch Stake Conference this weekend were Elder England gave a talk on the adult session on Saturday night for 7 minutes. President Hickens asked him to share something he wishes he could leave with everyone before he goes home, like Alma's "Oh that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart...." Alma 29. It was unreal and hilarious. He did a great job!
Stake Conference is so good here! Like real conference. There was a women speaking and the whole time me and E. England were like man she could be the Relief Society President of the church. We went and talked to this woman after and actually used to be in the Presidency of the Relief Society of the church, you would have loved her mom and she lives in one of our wards. The Stake President on that Saturday night gave a unbelievable talk about strengthening our marriage! Man that was unreal! Took notes and learn't alot for the future! But he gave seven steps that are crucial to keep it going and all of them worked perfectly in our companionship's here in the mission, except one the physical relationship that was weird HA! But so many other great things. I had some many things impressed upon me during this conference. One talk I couldn't stop thinking about Grandpa, I was just so happy to know that he knows what I'm doing right now and I'm sure he's proud. I wish I had this interest in the gospel a long time ago, so I could ask him alot of questions I have. But I still do just through prayer. If you guys could maybe send me a good picture of him with me or by himself, man I love him he was the greatest Grandpa. Some girls in the YSA (Young single adult wards) ward gave a musical number during conference and I closed my eyes and pictured my farewell talk all of my sisters, relatives and close friend singing. It wasn't sad though, it was exciting I was literally "filled with joy". Just knowing one day I'll be home and my best friends will be my sisters and brother in laws, we have the strongest family and I can't wait to complete my part in our family. After that musical number I was just ready to go hussel and work my hardest. There was also another great musical number by some youth. Two young women and a young man. The young man played the violin and one young woman on the piano and another singing. It sooooo good! Reminded me of the band Forest City Lovers, they played a different version of the song "Come thou fount of every blessing" (favorite song) with a artsy twist to it. Great great stake conference.
So this was 1/100th of my week, so many other stories I would love to share with you, spiritual to hilarious to outrageous! Love the mission and I'm so glad I got one more week left alone with E.England to learn as much as I can from him! OK have a great week work hard! Love all of you!
PS. Emily looks really scary in that picture, not sure why!
That's the snow today! It's may 24!
The bear has sunglasses because they couldn't find glasses like mine lol!!!
Kamry! Elder Englad DOES look like Cody! Especially in the last picture, from farther away. That is so crazy!