I love Mondays. OH zone leaders just got here with mail! Hope I got some. Hold on. ONE letter from Lindsay! Yes, I needed it. Sooo the last week with Elder England, sad. I was wrong, today is the last Pday with him. He leaves Thursday morning and Wednesday I get my new companion. OH man its scary, taking over the area yikes! People are betting I will be training but I really don't think so and hope not, I don't know enough!
The end of my second transfer! Just fifteen more to go, seems like alot but it really its not. I'm already 1/8th done and these two transfers flew by, so two more transfers it will be 1/4 done! I haven't learnt enough, its going by to fast! Well not really its a good pace.
I'm writing at the zone building again and its so hard! I am so bad at focusing with distractions! Elder England doesn't stop talking, he's a little excited. This week was probably one of the harder weeks, so much talk about home and Elder Englands future plans! AGH! But at least it will be easier to focus after this week, although he has been really good up until the last couple days. So this was probably one of our lower weeks with numbers but I have a couple people lined up this week who I will pick up and put on date.
The two highlights this week were Sis. Vigil's baptism and our Mission Temple Day. Sister Vigil's baptism was great. OK I can't focus, Elder England is off the wall pestering everyone. Sorry if this weeks letter is really not that good I promise it will be great next week. But the baptism which was on Saturday was wonderful. I don't think I will ever attend a baptism that was as good as Lindsay's. In this mission we are pretty spoiled. We baptise like crazy here and my goal for my mission is to baptize weekly. Its possible. The problem is you can be the laziest Elder alive, be completely disobedient and still have tons of success here. That's why we set goals our goals so high because with extremely hard and boring work its possible to baptise weekly. Where in other missions you put in the same amount of work and your lucky to come home baptizing one person. My point here is that while I was sitting in Sister Vigil's baptism I was thinking man some Elders this would be the biggest moment of their mission and here we just get so casual with the whole thing. So on Sunday she was confirmed during sacrament, the way its suppose to be. But the Bishop at the baptism invited every Melchizedek Priesthood holder to stand in on the confirmation and there ended up being about 15 people! It was so dumb! We could hardly reach in there, in Preach my Gospel it says you want about 3-4!
I gave to talks yesterday, and based them off the talk Dad sent me. In one of them the Bishop gave us the entire sacrament meeting to speak, so I took about 20 minutes. Slowly getting better and better.
The Temple Mission Day! All 200 young missionaries gathered in the chapel of the Jordan River Temple last Wednesday. I love the temple. I can't believe we have one back home! just as lucky as we are here in this mission to be able to attend the temple each week. President Laney, the Temple President's wife and the Temple President spoke to us inside the temple! It's cool because they get to speak to us about the temple ceremonies because we are inside the temple! Each time I go I learn something knew from personal revelation. The only sad thing everything to do with the temple is about marriage! They even talk to us about the importance of marriage and we are all missionaries! I got trunky and I've only been out 3 months! Later we went to a stake center in the valley and had a huge lunch, it was nice to see my old zone leaders and Elders from the other zone. Ohh and Elder Wright whos blog Lindsay is reading was in my old zone, great guy or Elder.
Planning the summer trip for when I get home already! Sounds good to me. Lets go to Powell Lake house boating for week, then make a week just touring sites in southern Utah and visiting families in the valley. The Roosendaals want me to come back the first summer home with my friend...... and they are going to take us to Lake Powell boating. So many families I've met already that I'm sure I will be close to forever.
Meeting Elder Meads was awesome. He knew everyone! Biggs, Hirsches, Spencer Dorward, Eli Deghani and more! He served in Highlands ward and over in Riverbend Stake and Millwoods Stake. He reminded me of Jason (Low) big time, played BYU ball and went into med school but switched to law. Tall and same look to him.
OK I'm sorry this letter wasn't that great, so many Elders and Sisters talking, Elder England acting all trunky and I am terrible at focusing with distractions. So I guess next week you will know who's my new companion, pretty excited. It will be a good change up. Wish me luck, pray for me. And let me know how Paiges grad goes, hope all goes well and shes safe. Miss all of you, Love Elder Pizzey.
Monday, May 31, 2010
These photos we got from the Salk Lake City South blog taken from their May zone conference
Can you guess what ward Elder Pizzey and his companion's got??
The clean award!!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
May 24, 2010
YES! I love Mondays! Your emails are the best! Once again there is way to much to write and not near enough time. I guess I can tell you stories forever and ever for the rest of my life.
Dad, I'm in a different zone now (Draper Temple Zone) so I never see the Control 4 guys anymore that's a good idea though. That's awesome about Jeremy too! So glad he's on his way out, its going to be so cool having all of us return around the same time, I love Jeremy.
Glad the yard is looking good, I have some messed up dreams sometimes. I had a dream that you guys were lying and the yard was terrible and you had to redo the whole thing, that's why you didn't send me pictures! That's just one of the several weirdo dreams I've had. But we've had some of the same weather lots of rain, it actually snowed today! Our zone is getting together and playing basketball today can't wait, last week I bought a basketball and a volleyball. So it's my last Pday with Elder England! So sad, we've become good friends and it's just so weird to have him leave me. BUT I'm going to have him give Lindsay a call when he gets home and he also has your address so if he ever comes near Edmonton he will swing by.

We had the Isom's baptism, and it went great. I am pretty sure I've told you have their situation in an earlier email a long time ago. But yes the mom is NM and we will be slowly trying to work in there, I think she wants to wait a year until Justin's 16 so he can baptize her. Their dad is a member and becoming alot more active with this whole process, we have brought the family together! During the confirmation the mother shed a tear and was touched by the spirit which was present, so things will fall in place she just needs a little push push. Emily loves us! I call her M n' M's or Em's and its weird she is just like little Emily Lambert when she was younger. And yes the build a bear! They got both me and Elder England build a bears, but Missionary build a bears! Like only here in Utah do you find this. They have ties on black pants and shoes, white shirt, name tag, and little BOM in the hand haha! It's adorable, mine is blonde and E. Englands has black hair. It's going to be hard to fit in my bag when travelling so I might send it home for Landerson. Also need to send home my volleyball shoes I don't use and I will send home CD cases (Mo Tab and Conference talks) I want to keep for collection, probably not for awhile though. I'll try and save time to send a picture of the bear.
So we had the Wasatch Stake Conference this weekend were Elder England gave a talk on the adult session on Saturday night for 7 minutes. President Hickens asked him to share something he wishes he could leave with everyone before he goes home, like Alma's "Oh that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart...." Alma 29. It was unreal and hilarious. He did a great job!
Stake Conference is so good here! Like real conference. There was a women speaking and the whole time me and E. England were like man she could be the Relief Society President of the church. We went and talked to this woman after and actually used to be in the Presidency of the Relief Society of the church, you would have loved her mom and she lives in one of our wards. The Stake President on that Saturday night gave a unbelievable talk about strengthening our marriage! Man that was unreal! Took notes and learn't alot for the future! But he gave seven steps that are crucial to keep it going and all of them worked perfectly in our companionship's here in the mission, except one the physical relationship that was weird HA! But so many other great things. I had some many things impressed upon me during this conference. One talk I couldn't stop thinking about Grandpa, I was just so happy to know that he knows what I'm doing right now and I'm sure he's proud. I wish I had this interest in the gospel a long time ago, so I could ask him alot of questions I have. But I still do just through prayer. If you guys could maybe send me a good picture of him with me or by himself, man I love him he was the greatest Grandpa. Some girls in the YSA (Young single adult wards) ward gave a musical number during conference and I closed my eyes and pictured my farewell talk all of my sisters, relatives and close friend singing. It wasn't sad though, it was exciting I was literally "filled with joy". Just knowing one day I'll be home and my best friends will be my sisters and brother in laws, we have the strongest family and I can't wait to complete my part in our family. After that musical number I was just ready to go hussel and work my hardest. There was also another great musical number by some youth. Two young women and a young man. The young man played the violin and one young woman on the piano and another singing. It sooooo good! Reminded me of the band Forest City Lovers, they played a different version of the song "Come thou fount of every blessing" (favorite song) with a artsy twist to it. Great great stake conference.
So this was 1/100th of my week, so many other stories I would love to share with you, spiritual to hilarious to outrageous! Love the mission and I'm so glad I got one more week left alone with E.England to learn as much as I can from him! OK have a great week work hard! Love all of you!
PS. Emily looks really scary in that picture, not sure why!
That's the snow today! It's may 24!
The bear has sunglasses because they couldn't find glasses like mine lol!!!
Letter from a Member
Just thought you'd enjoy this picture taken today after a baptism! Justin and Emily Isom were baptized today. (Justin isn't in this picture) These three missionaries did a wonderful job speaking at the baptism and in preparing this family. Justin and Emily's mom isn't a member, but has come a long way in letting her children be baptized today. She loved how your sons taught. They were a big part in softening her towards letting her children be baptized. What a great day!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
May 17, 2010
OK! Wow I'm going nuts, this is the first time we have wrote emails at our zone building in the family history center! It sucks, I can not focus whatsoever when people are talking and Elder England can't stop talking to the Sisters! Well I hope I can get my point across and share with you what I wanted to share without sounding all scatter brained.
Sounds like you guys had a good week, I always think about our yard its weird miss it big time. That's awesome that Barry and Marsha are staying the week, hopefully they enjoy the house. So here are a couple cool stories.
Sister Roosendaal was down in Lehi (thats inside the Provo mission) last Monday at the grocery store and ran into some Elders. She of course ran up to them and started to chat and asked where they are from. One of them answered Edmonton, Sis. Roosendaal went nuts! And said no no no no WAY, do you know Elder Pizzey! And guess who it was Elder Boyd! She flipped out and told him how her mother just got baptized and I was the Elder to teach her all the lessons! It was weird feeling, felt like personally saw Tyler.
Second cool story. We were tracting and saw a Alberta license plate on the other side of the road, so we jumped across and knocked on the door. Long story short the man was raised in Lethbridge and same with his wife. I asked if he knew any Pizzey's (he hadn't seen my tag yet) and he quickly said you bet! I asked who and I guess he used to play ball with Larry Pizzey! I flipped out and so did he and I told him about Grandpa and we chatted for quite a few minutes. BUT he him and his wife has gone less active in the last few years and we tried to get him to come back out this week but he just shrugged it off. I didn't dislike the church or didn't even have a reason he wasn't going, I think he just got lazy. It was another really weird feeling, felt like I was connected to him in a way. I got his contact info so Larry can reconnect with him sometime or maybe Nana knows who he is?
OK for some stories from my week. This week was unreal, each day have had a number of experiences I wish I could share with you. I guess you will just have to wait until I get home and you can read my very detailed journal/scrapbook!! I'll just share with you my day yesterday which was Sunday, as it was the best of the week. First of all we got to speak in the Bright Branch! This was unreal, the drive up there was so epic and totally reminded me of the summers in Alberta and BC. So after the lovely 30 minute drive which I enjoyed pulled up to the church building! It is literally on the ski hill of Brighton! In the foyer of the church building there is a fireplace! The chapel has huge windows behind the pulpit that overlook the whole ski hill, I mean you can see the chairlift! If it was ski season you could see all the DISO's braking the sabbath! So we gave our short little talk, more like a five minute testimony and we even sang in the choir of the Branch! It's so isolated up there and has this little village feel. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about taking my future family up there one day and attending the Branch, telling my little boys I spoke up there one day! So that was the start to a great day, got some wonderful pictures that you will have to wait till next time I send pictures home to get.
And here is the greatest moment of my mission to this point. I forget if I told you about the Vigil's last email, I'll give you a quick update. We got there name (a PMF) the first week me and Elder England were here. We tried to contact them for weeks and weeks but we could never find Ruthan Vigil there and man, we were so close to giving up. We debated throwing them off our potential list so many times but we both just had a feeling we shouldn't get rid of them. Finally we got in their and had dinner them and shared a spiritual thought. It turns out Bro. Vigil is totally active but he just wasn't at church for awhile because he had serious surgery and his 19 year old daughter was killed in a car accident in December. He's part Indian and she's part Mexican. He's super smart and well off AND he has a deep knowledge in the doctrine. OK ENOUGH BACKGROUND. So we had a few lessons with her and she accepted a date the first lesson for June 6 (of course on the condition the Lord answers her prayers). So this was about the third lesson and it was the best lesson we (as a threesome) have ever taught. We all taught feeding off each other and working together. I remember three different times in the lesson bearing testimony and man the questions we were asking were so deep and helped them open them up. Bro. Vigil's son was there (a RM) and we had him involved, some missionary's just have the member present sit there and say nothing, NOT GOOD. Anyways we asked how her prayers were going. She shared with us that the as she was praying she felt a strong answer. She described perfectly the Holy Ghost touching her. It was unreal. This is at the end of the lesson and the spirit was so strong, I personally was prompted so many times to ask certain questions that just had the lesson flowing! At the end I bore my testimony about how this is all because of her and her faith, how her heart is open and God loves her and he wants her to know the truth. Bro. Vigil started tearing up and he put his hand on her lap. It was intense, I was so close to cracking up but I held it together! I told her the spirit is present at this moment and the Holy Ghost is what she feels right now. OK this will be so long if I keep going this way, but really quickly. The date of June 6 was moved up to the 29Th so Elder England could be here, because she wanted him to be here. She also said she's getting baptized for sure and we can make it public. Bro. Vigil went nuts! He yelled like Tommy Dehod used to, more like a yelp and I threw him a high five! It was the greatest moment of yet! Tears all around.
OK not enough time to share everything else. But right after that we flew over to the stake center of Willow Creek to catch the last session new missionary training (about 20-30 young men preparing, some with calls). At the very end they had us three share a experience and our testimony. Elder Wehrli, me then England. I shared the very experienced I described, but of course better. I told them there is no other place I would rather be than here on my mission, I told them I left the cutest girl in the world the perfect convert but told them the Lord has a plan for everything, and if we are obedient it will all be taken care off. It was great I talked about the joy you find in the work and how they MUST prepare hahaha. OK I must run this has taken me forever but I hope I was able to describe how great this moment was. This day was a four pager in my journal so look forward to it in two years!
I got two letters from Nana, and two from Lindsay I can't wait to read them! Love all of you. This week was unreal, and flew by big time. I have a talk next week I got to prepare. Must go think I took more than an hour, love you family. Take care.
Sounds like you guys had a good week, I always think about our yard its weird miss it big time. That's awesome that Barry and Marsha are staying the week, hopefully they enjoy the house. So here are a couple cool stories.
Sister Roosendaal was down in Lehi (thats inside the Provo mission) last Monday at the grocery store and ran into some Elders. She of course ran up to them and started to chat and asked where they are from. One of them answered Edmonton, Sis. Roosendaal went nuts! And said no no no no WAY, do you know Elder Pizzey! And guess who it was Elder Boyd! She flipped out and told him how her mother just got baptized and I was the Elder to teach her all the lessons! It was weird feeling, felt like personally saw Tyler.
Second cool story. We were tracting and saw a Alberta license plate on the other side of the road, so we jumped across and knocked on the door. Long story short the man was raised in Lethbridge and same with his wife. I asked if he knew any Pizzey's (he hadn't seen my tag yet) and he quickly said you bet! I asked who and I guess he used to play ball with Larry Pizzey! I flipped out and so did he and I told him about Grandpa and we chatted for quite a few minutes. BUT he him and his wife has gone less active in the last few years and we tried to get him to come back out this week but he just shrugged it off. I didn't dislike the church or didn't even have a reason he wasn't going, I think he just got lazy. It was another really weird feeling, felt like I was connected to him in a way. I got his contact info so Larry can reconnect with him sometime or maybe Nana knows who he is?
OK for some stories from my week. This week was unreal, each day have had a number of experiences I wish I could share with you. I guess you will just have to wait until I get home and you can read my very detailed journal/scrapbook!! I'll just share with you my day yesterday which was Sunday, as it was the best of the week. First of all we got to speak in the Bright Branch! This was unreal, the drive up there was so epic and totally reminded me of the summers in Alberta and BC. So after the lovely 30 minute drive which I enjoyed pulled up to the church building! It is literally on the ski hill of Brighton! In the foyer of the church building there is a fireplace! The chapel has huge windows behind the pulpit that overlook the whole ski hill, I mean you can see the chairlift! If it was ski season you could see all the DISO's braking the sabbath! So we gave our short little talk, more like a five minute testimony and we even sang in the choir of the Branch! It's so isolated up there and has this little village feel. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about taking my future family up there one day and attending the Branch, telling my little boys I spoke up there one day! So that was the start to a great day, got some wonderful pictures that you will have to wait till next time I send pictures home to get.
And here is the greatest moment of my mission to this point. I forget if I told you about the Vigil's last email, I'll give you a quick update. We got there name (a PMF) the first week me and Elder England were here. We tried to contact them for weeks and weeks but we could never find Ruthan Vigil there and man, we were so close to giving up. We debated throwing them off our potential list so many times but we both just had a feeling we shouldn't get rid of them. Finally we got in their and had dinner them and shared a spiritual thought. It turns out Bro. Vigil is totally active but he just wasn't at church for awhile because he had serious surgery and his 19 year old daughter was killed in a car accident in December. He's part Indian and she's part Mexican. He's super smart and well off AND he has a deep knowledge in the doctrine. OK ENOUGH BACKGROUND. So we had a few lessons with her and she accepted a date the first lesson for June 6 (of course on the condition the Lord answers her prayers). So this was about the third lesson and it was the best lesson we (as a threesome) have ever taught. We all taught feeding off each other and working together. I remember three different times in the lesson bearing testimony and man the questions we were asking were so deep and helped them open them up. Bro. Vigil's son was there (a RM) and we had him involved, some missionary's just have the member present sit there and say nothing, NOT GOOD. Anyways we asked how her prayers were going. She shared with us that the as she was praying she felt a strong answer. She described perfectly the Holy Ghost touching her. It was unreal. This is at the end of the lesson and the spirit was so strong, I personally was prompted so many times to ask certain questions that just had the lesson flowing! At the end I bore my testimony about how this is all because of her and her faith, how her heart is open and God loves her and he wants her to know the truth. Bro. Vigil started tearing up and he put his hand on her lap. It was intense, I was so close to cracking up but I held it together! I told her the spirit is present at this moment and the Holy Ghost is what she feels right now. OK this will be so long if I keep going this way, but really quickly. The date of June 6 was moved up to the 29Th so Elder England could be here, because she wanted him to be here. She also said she's getting baptized for sure and we can make it public. Bro. Vigil went nuts! He yelled like Tommy Dehod used to, more like a yelp and I threw him a high five! It was the greatest moment of yet! Tears all around.
OK not enough time to share everything else. But right after that we flew over to the stake center of Willow Creek to catch the last session new missionary training (about 20-30 young men preparing, some with calls). At the very end they had us three share a experience and our testimony. Elder Wehrli, me then England. I shared the very experienced I described, but of course better. I told them there is no other place I would rather be than here on my mission, I told them I left the cutest girl in the world the perfect convert but told them the Lord has a plan for everything, and if we are obedient it will all be taken care off. It was great I talked about the joy you find in the work and how they MUST prepare hahaha. OK I must run this has taken me forever but I hope I was able to describe how great this moment was. This day was a four pager in my journal so look forward to it in two years!
I got two letters from Nana, and two from Lindsay I can't wait to read them! Love all of you. This week was unreal, and flew by big time. I have a talk next week I got to prepare. Must go think I took more than an hour, love you family. Take care.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
May 10, 2010- Short and Sweet
Yesterday was the best day yet. It was so weird to talk to everyone, it felt like I was right there with all of you. I felt like I was a little scattered or all over the place on the phone but that's OK, I was pretty emotional. I don't feel like I have a whole lot to say... This morning we had brunch with the Smarts upstairs that was really nice. They have so many stories with meaningful lessons behind them, and some hilarious ones as well. Thanks Dad for the talks, I'm going to try and print those off right after this since I'll have some extra time. Hopefully use some things from them when I head up to the Brighton Branch this Sunday, that's going to be great.
It's going to be hard to jump back into the work tomorrow well tonight I guess. I miss all of you, truly love our family. It's perfect and the best thing is it's growing! I can't believe little Avery and Talia will be so big when I get home, it's not fair! And I am really excited to see the triplets Taren will have haha! Man I can't wait to add to this family as well! I still got two years though. Ok I think I said most of it yesterday so I'll end this one a little shorter. But I'll keep working hard and learning how to work with this threesome. It doesn't seem to make sense to have three Elders together but hmmm I'll have to cope with it. I feel as if I am getting cheated off some crutial training in these last three weeks but everything will work out. I'll take both your advice mom and dad and just work hard. Love all of you, couldn't ask for better family.
Love Elder Pizzey
It's going to be hard to jump back into the work tomorrow well tonight I guess. I miss all of you, truly love our family. It's perfect and the best thing is it's growing! I can't believe little Avery and Talia will be so big when I get home, it's not fair! And I am really excited to see the triplets Taren will have haha! Man I can't wait to add to this family as well! I still got two years though. Ok I think I said most of it yesterday so I'll end this one a little shorter. But I'll keep working hard and learning how to work with this threesome. It doesn't seem to make sense to have three Elders together but hmmm I'll have to cope with it. I feel as if I am getting cheated off some crutial training in these last three weeks but everything will work out. I'll take both your advice mom and dad and just work hard. Love all of you, couldn't ask for better family.
Love Elder Pizzey
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May 3, 2010
Just read both your letters and for some reason I'm so stoked! Feel like I just took a trip home and caught up on things I'm missing! Some really good news from both of you (mom and dad). Mom I got so scared! I quickly scrolled through your email and saw the pictures of you looking dead! I almost panicked but I did a quick skim and found out it was from the little guinea pigs, that's pretty funny wish I could have been there to see it. And thanks for the other picture, I don't know why she has to get 10x as cute when I leave but that's OK. I'm glad you liked the book I sent you, I saw it in one of our Bishops home's and I had to get it. The photography is nuts. So happy Lindsay had a good birthday, that's great Paige went over there too, first time I wasn't able to surprise her for her birthday, but I made a note to work extra hard that day and I did. I love the news you gave me! Sounds like Taren and Dave are loving it, especially Dave. If I was home I would be sleeping over there and helping Dave, totally wish I could be there to set up his theater system I'm sure the place looks good. ALSO finally my headache can go away, every person in our area has a sprinkler system because it's like a desert here and all I thought about this week was chore I left you guys of fixing it. But it sounds like Dad was able to figure it out and everything is working just fine. I love both your emails and they really are the perfect length, man I just love hearing from you guys. I really do have the greatest parents in the world and I am just so thankful for the way I was raised, couldn't ask for anything more. My favorite thing to tell people about is my family, if they ask, telling them about my FOUR sisters! It's great. Love all of you. The perfect team.
So this week was great, and of course went by so fast! I figured out some days may go by really slow but from week to week it seems like a blink. I'll share a few cool facts about this week before I jump into some of the great moments I had the opportunity to enjoy! So yesterday I met the first soft coated wheaton terrier I have met yet AND it was a runt!! So basically it was Macy, now no joke I almost cried. It was a boy, the family loved him but they couldn't hardly handle him because he was not trained whatsoever! They have to keep him outside because he ruins the house so bad but he was still adorable. They don't like the beared as well and keep his hair short as well, he had the same look on his face as Macy does when she's super excited! I got on my knees and this thing just took me out, great but sad moment lol. OH also we got moved into a different zone, the Draper Temple Zone. So we are of course in the same area just we are part of the Draper Temple Zone not the Cottonwood Zone (it makes no sense). But the cool fact here is I have seen and been 100 feet away from Mike Weir's house. He lives right by this really nice chapel, I guess his wife and kids are members just LA and the missionaries told us he doesn't accept home teachers or visits, but thought dad would like that. OH also yes we do get paid for a lot! It's about a 50/50 chance when you go out to eat, although we try not to eat out a lot. Other day someone paid for us and then another person came up and gave us a 20 and we said NO but they just forced it into our hand. It's something your defiantly thankful for because it's hard sometimes with 120 a month to afford all the groceries and what not. OHH one more, is Jason related to the Begglays? He's in the stake presidency and he said he is related to Lows from southern Alberta, he thought from Lethbridge though??? Let me know.
Alrighty time for news on my week. This mission defiantly has some advantages, although some disadvantages too. Sometimes you feel like you are stuck in this little box for the whole week but on the other had we have the blessing of being so close to downtown Salt Lake. So this week there was a "celebration of family history" at the conference center, we were given the opportunity to go there if we had investigators who where willing to go. Well of course that wouldn't be to hard, we went with our lovely family the Rosendolls and there mother Pat Christenson. At the event President Eyring and David McCullough (NM) spoke and they had about 6 videos and the Mo Tab (my fav, Mormon Tabernacle) playing during the night. This could literally be one of the highlights of my mission. First of all it wasn't totally "church organized", for instance the opening prayer was given by some sweet black baptist minister and there was no closing prayer. President Eyring didn't end with Amen but thank you and there was a lot of clapping going on, so that was a little weird to hear a Prophet of the Lord being clapped for during his talk/speech, but there was a lot of non members there. The church has some unbelievable videographers and editors or whatever they are called. These videos are filmed and edited so artsy, I was just squirming in my seat with each flick they put on. But the by far greatest thing of the night was the Mo Tab and the orchestra! They present the spirit like no other. They sang "Amazing Grace" with the pipers and then later on in the song the snare drums come in! The bag pipes and the drummers were way to powerful, the snare drums just filled the center. This song literally brought tears to my eyes as I thought about the savior and enjoyed the beautiful lyrics. It was perfect violins and everything, I am so lucky.
So there is the big bang of the week, but the rest was great as well. So I think I told you last week but maybe not Sis. Christenson's (76 year old Gramdmas) baptism is this saturday, May the 8th. We are doing it then so on the next day when she talks to her grandson who is serving in Chile she can tell surprise him on the phone and say she was confirmed a member of the church today! So exciting it really is a miracle, she has never had a lesson with the missionaries ever and always just turned them down. But I believe having a grandson on a mission softened her heart and she was to give in to us and just listen to a portion of our words! We got her hooked on that first lesson!
So we have four baptisms coming up Sis. Christenson, Justin and Emily Isom, and Jim Kerr. They all have dates and are looking really solid, there are a few others but some are going to be a lot of work. One of them David Evans is a recovered meth addict and we are helping him quit smoking right now, he's 28. It's a little more difficult with him but it will happen.
Sometimes the days go real slow because everyone is working, no one to share the gospel with but the nights make up it big time! It is the greatest feeling to see someone make progress, going from no belief in God to knowing there are prophets on the earth today! Me and Elder England continue to focus on bettering our teaching skills and as we do our lessons become more spiritual. During the day you get people who will shake your faith with crazy comments and questions that hit your soul but it is at night in those lessons where you feel the saviors love for you.
OK I think this was a long one, I can't wait to talk to you guys on SUNDAY! It's going to be so weird and exciting! So I will be calling from the Rosendoll's house (my new parents) between 7 and 9 at night! That's this Sunday! Please be home and make sure that certain someones there as well hehe. I can not wait though it will be so fun! Only an hour though, wish we could just have a whole day. So maybe be ready a little earlier just in case the plan changes but I DEF won't call from 1-4.
Ok enjoy your week everyone, I'll work hard and tell you all about it on Sunday. Take care and love you all.
So this week was great, and of course went by so fast! I figured out some days may go by really slow but from week to week it seems like a blink. I'll share a few cool facts about this week before I jump into some of the great moments I had the opportunity to enjoy! So yesterday I met the first soft coated wheaton terrier I have met yet AND it was a runt!! So basically it was Macy, now no joke I almost cried. It was a boy, the family loved him but they couldn't hardly handle him because he was not trained whatsoever! They have to keep him outside because he ruins the house so bad but he was still adorable. They don't like the beared as well and keep his hair short as well, he had the same look on his face as Macy does when she's super excited! I got on my knees and this thing just took me out, great but sad moment lol. OH also we got moved into a different zone, the Draper Temple Zone. So we are of course in the same area just we are part of the Draper Temple Zone not the Cottonwood Zone (it makes no sense). But the cool fact here is I have seen and been 100 feet away from Mike Weir's house. He lives right by this really nice chapel, I guess his wife and kids are members just LA and the missionaries told us he doesn't accept home teachers or visits, but thought dad would like that. OH also yes we do get paid for a lot! It's about a 50/50 chance when you go out to eat, although we try not to eat out a lot. Other day someone paid for us and then another person came up and gave us a 20 and we said NO but they just forced it into our hand. It's something your defiantly thankful for because it's hard sometimes with 120 a month to afford all the groceries and what not. OHH one more, is Jason related to the Begglays? He's in the stake presidency and he said he is related to Lows from southern Alberta, he thought from Lethbridge though??? Let me know.
Alrighty time for news on my week. This mission defiantly has some advantages, although some disadvantages too. Sometimes you feel like you are stuck in this little box for the whole week but on the other had we have the blessing of being so close to downtown Salt Lake. So this week there was a "celebration of family history" at the conference center, we were given the opportunity to go there if we had investigators who where willing to go. Well of course that wouldn't be to hard, we went with our lovely family the Rosendolls and there mother Pat Christenson. At the event President Eyring and David McCullough (NM) spoke and they had about 6 videos and the Mo Tab (my fav, Mormon Tabernacle) playing during the night. This could literally be one of the highlights of my mission. First of all it wasn't totally "church organized", for instance the opening prayer was given by some sweet black baptist minister and there was no closing prayer. President Eyring didn't end with Amen but thank you and there was a lot of clapping going on, so that was a little weird to hear a Prophet of the Lord being clapped for during his talk/speech, but there was a lot of non members there. The church has some unbelievable videographers and editors or whatever they are called. These videos are filmed and edited so artsy, I was just squirming in my seat with each flick they put on. But the by far greatest thing of the night was the Mo Tab and the orchestra! They present the spirit like no other. They sang "Amazing Grace" with the pipers and then later on in the song the snare drums come in! The bag pipes and the drummers were way to powerful, the snare drums just filled the center. This song literally brought tears to my eyes as I thought about the savior and enjoyed the beautiful lyrics. It was perfect violins and everything, I am so lucky.
So there is the big bang of the week, but the rest was great as well. So I think I told you last week but maybe not Sis. Christenson's (76 year old Gramdmas) baptism is this saturday, May the 8th. We are doing it then so on the next day when she talks to her grandson who is serving in Chile she can tell surprise him on the phone and say she was confirmed a member of the church today! So exciting it really is a miracle, she has never had a lesson with the missionaries ever and always just turned them down. But I believe having a grandson on a mission softened her heart and she was to give in to us and just listen to a portion of our words! We got her hooked on that first lesson!
So we have four baptisms coming up Sis. Christenson, Justin and Emily Isom, and Jim Kerr. They all have dates and are looking really solid, there are a few others but some are going to be a lot of work. One of them David Evans is a recovered meth addict and we are helping him quit smoking right now, he's 28. It's a little more difficult with him but it will happen.
Sometimes the days go real slow because everyone is working, no one to share the gospel with but the nights make up it big time! It is the greatest feeling to see someone make progress, going from no belief in God to knowing there are prophets on the earth today! Me and Elder England continue to focus on bettering our teaching skills and as we do our lessons become more spiritual. During the day you get people who will shake your faith with crazy comments and questions that hit your soul but it is at night in those lessons where you feel the saviors love for you.
OK I think this was a long one, I can't wait to talk to you guys on SUNDAY! It's going to be so weird and exciting! So I will be calling from the Rosendoll's house (my new parents) between 7 and 9 at night! That's this Sunday! Please be home and make sure that certain someones there as well hehe. I can not wait though it will be so fun! Only an hour though, wish we could just have a whole day. So maybe be ready a little earlier just in case the plan changes but I DEF won't call from 1-4.
Ok enjoy your week everyone, I'll work hard and tell you all about it on Sunday. Take care and love you all.
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