Your son just left my home a little while ago! What a great missionary he is! I've attached a picture of him and Elder England standing in my front yard in the midst of our Salt Lake spring snow storm! They are trying to teach a woman in our ward boundaries. They have had one lesson with her and she has cancelled two. My husband and I are going to go with them. The Relief Society President and I will visit her tomorrow and see if we can get them back in there!
I have heard that your son and his companion are great teachers of the Gospel, and that they explain things very well. Your son is in good hands with Elder England. When he was assigned to our ward, we heard that he was one of the best missionaries in the mission. What a great missionary to have as your son's trainer!
We have been very impressed with both of these Elders. They were out tracting our streets today in the snow (wet, spring snow!) They work very hard and present themselves very well.
You can be very proud of your son!!
We also have a son who is serving. He is in the Guatemala City North mission. He has been out for 4 months. What an incredible experience for these boys!
I just wanted you to see a picture of your son that was taken today! He seems happy!
Bonnie Mays
Wasatch 9th Ward
Cottonwood Heights, UT
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