April 27, 2011 - Week 6 of Transfer 10
Well it is the last week of the transfer, these six weeks have flown by. Next preparation day will be transfer day and I hope and pray Elder Atwood and I stay together. Last Thursday Elder Atwood and I went out to lunch with the Assistants and they made a comment that we did not like about transfers. I think they were just playing with us and we will stay together, they couldn't separate us. We are like brothers, and so much good has happened! But there will be some big changes made in our zone and we are excited for them. There are 18 new missionaries (one Canadian sister) coming into the mission and we are getting a few of them. We will have two brand new district leaders who we will be able to train which is always fun. So things are looking good for next transfer. New missionaries, new district leaders and just a young zone in general.
We can't wait to pick up a third stake! Guess who the Stake Presidency is of the new Riverton YSA Stake we will be covering coming this Sunday!? President Plumb, President Forsyth and a new brother! Basically the exact same Stake Presidency of the University 7th Stake I covered in my old area! I talked to President Forsyth on the phone the other day for awhile, its so funny that I cover his Stake again. So their old Stake (Uni 7th) was dissolved and all YSA wards/stakes in the valley are being re-organized. President Plumb and Forsyth were switched from up in Taylorsville to here in Riverton. I can't wait, we have Stake Conference with this Riverton YSA Stake this Sunday. Should be good and hopefully lots of work comes from it.
We spoke this past Sunday again which was fun. I do enjoy speaking so often and I see it as a blessing but it is definitely stressful to have on your mind each week. At the beginning of the mission I would usually always stick to the same talk, when I became companions with Elder Lundwall I started to modify them each time. Then I became a Zone Leader and wasn't a big fan of ever giving the same talk twice and now with Elder Atwood we really focus on our talks and pray fervently about the topic, stories and scriptures we use. Last week I was struggling and wasn't receiving anything and started to get a little nervous. Throughout the week I had a hymn in mind and early Sunday morning I realized that was the answer to my prayers! I studied the scriptures the hymn was based off, and immediately a story from my childhood came to my mind that would help emphasize the principle I was trying to get across. I love having these experiences with revelation. We speak so often here yet every time I speak I get so nervous, it never goes away but I enjoy being pushed outside of the comfort zone.
My love for the scriptures (not mine but the scriptures in general, while mine to i guess lol) are growing each day. I love studying, its my favorite part of the day. I wish we had more time but any spare minute I have at night I hit the books. I am going through the New Testament right now for the first time and am in the book of Luke, excited to read John and be done the Gospels. I always feel so inadequate with my scripture knowledge and never feel like I know enough to be a "zone leader". All things happen for a reason and I feel this was meant to be and its really the Lord just keeping me on my toes. I love the doctrine and I try to find doctrine to support all that we do as zone leaders, missionaries or whatever it is! We are realizing a lack of studying in our zone and trying to help people see the importance of those morning hours when we connect to heaven.
I'm sorry no crazy stories or heart pounding stories but hopefully a good update for you. It was a great week, lots of exchanges. At the end of every exchange Elder Atwood and are always excited to be back together, we usually go out for lunch to catch up and talk about the exchange. I'm laughing right now because you probably are thinking we like each other to much but we do! He's a great friend and the perfect companion to have as a zone leader. I hope you enjoy your time in Las Vegas, it is crazy how close you are! But it’s also crazy how little time I have left, its flying!
Love your boy, Elder Pizzey
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
April 20, 2011
At the beginning of my emails I list questions for Blake and he replys to them. Usually I don't include them in the blog, but I thought I would give you an update of the lost scriptures.
Anyone return your scriptures?
-- No I have not... I have searched alot for them. I am almost positive no one stole them, I didn't even go back into the church building and the lot was completely empty, only walked about 50 feet to talk to some other missionaries. I am still pretty devistated, they were the best mission scriptures and marked perfectly for a missionary. I could look at any chapter in the BOM and tell you what it was about, and just tons of cross references. I had a card on in them with all my info about home, like home address. So I wouldn't be surprised if they just showe up in a package at home one day, or who knows. Anyways I've moved on and Sis. Park bought me new ones. Shes so nice. They are my dream RM scriptures and I treat them as that. I mark them completely different and its more of a personal study set and than good for teaching. They are the High Priest style, separate bible and triple comb. and the huge ones! I love them, I thought I would get them incase the other ones show up, then I have my RM ones already. So thats that on scrips.
April 20, 2011 - Week 5 of Transfer 10
This past week has flown by! I remember Sunday rolling around and I was just completely confused. It sounds like you guys had quite the week as well! Isn't it weird to think a year from now I will be home for these family dinners! For Grandma's birthday! Happy Birthday Grandma, I love you and miss you. I have a long list of events I would like to share so hopefully I can hit all of them, I must keep them brief. So here we go!
Elder Atwood and I were walking in our area when we discovered an unknown (at least to me) skate park! As you know I love skate parks so I pleaded to Elder Atwood to go check it out with me. We hadn't had lunch yet and were dying of hunger so jokingly we told each other we weren't going to talk to anyone because we had no energy. Well we got there and only two people are there but we put off our natural lazy man and decided to proselyte like we should. One of the guys was actually preparing for his mission and in the process of filling out his papers. Well we asked the famous question, "who do you know who you could invite to meet with us?" It turns out he is dating a girl who is not a member of the church. Her dad died two years ago and the Lutheran church she attends with her mom just isn't cutting it for her. So he invited her to meet with us and so we did this past week. It was amazing at the beginning of the lesson she said she was "lost and confused" and at the end of the lesson she said she felt "hope and a sense of direction". We invited her to be baptized on May 7th and accepted it but is having a hard time with opposition from her mom. We will see what happens in the near future!
After District meeting last week Elder Atwood and I did a mini exchange for a few hours with a companionship who are struggling. Elder Atwood took one of the missionaries to the post office to send home some things and I went tracting with the other in their area. I can't even begin to tell you of the blessings that the Lord poured out upon us in such a short period of time. The whole time I had a prayer of gratitude in my heart. We set up two new lessons with people who wanted to learn more. One women told us she doesn't know why she recently moved to Utah other than she wants to change her life here... Well we can help her with that! The other lesson had about three people who are not of our faith who have been wanting to learn. We handed out three Book of Mormons to other people who want to read them and were OK with us coming back and talking about their reading! The members we talked to gave us great referrals, and the list just goes on. I love tracting and finally our mission is starting to realize it is successful! It was even talked about in our last ZLC.
Last week I spoke on the Atonement and missionary work but focused on Christ, rather than sharing the Gospel. I don't like to preach missionary work from the pulpit as a missionary, because it is what everyone expects! The main message was, if we can just partake of the Atonement sharing the Gospel becomes natural. I used some stories/experiences in my life where I realized this. Something I could really use for the talks I give are stories of my or your childhood. Or just any story that could be used to teach a principle, I find this most effective. It is so hard to create a new talk each week with no computer! I am constantly searching my long term memory for some epic story that will quickly grab peoples attention.
After speaking we received a phone call from a lady thanking us for our talks. She went on to tell us her husband is not a member of the church and she felt extremely impressed to invite us over for dinner with her husband. I guess he has met with missionaries before and only likes the Canadian ones! So we are sure excited, speaking is a great opportunity for us to gain the trust and confidence of the members here in our stakes. I am grateful for the opportunities even though it causes such a headache throughout the week. We speak again this week and the Bishop has suggested the topic "keeping the commandments" and I am clueless on where to go...
This past Sunday we had a few moments between a ward council we attended and the sacrament meeting we were speaking at, so we dropped by one of the ward buildings. Right as we walked in, the sacrament meeting ended and we walked in to meet people. Right as I walked in my attention was drawn to a guy about our age sitting in the back in a grey shirt. I whispered to Elder Atwood "grey shirt, grey shirt" and we slowly made our way over there. It turns out he isn't a member of the church but has been attending for the past seven weeks with his girlfriend. He has wanted to meet with missionaries but has been to scared to get in contact with any, well we helped him realize were are normal guys who would normally were vans at home just like him. We set up a lesson and taught that lesson last night. He is completely ready and prepared by the Lord. Praying daily, reading the Book of Mormon and loves attending church. We invited him to be baptized on April 30th! I have never given someone a baptismal date for that soon!
OK... I just had a pause in writing for a few minutes. Really cool experience. Let me share. I am just sitting here beside Elder Atwood typing away. This girl (20 years old) comes up to us and asks us for the phone number of the Sister missionaries. I was just thinking, she must have just got home and wants to go out with them. After some questions she told us she would like to investigate and that she has been attending church for awhile now.......! She lives right outside of our area and wants to be taught by sisters so she can meet with them one on one and we definitely can't do that! Thank goodness for that rule. So that was really spiritual, I have never been OYM'd (open your mouth) by a non member before, man! We almost extended a baptismal date right here as she sat beside us! That was nuts, I'm excited for her and the sister missionaries. They are great.
So the University 7th Stake that I used to cover is being dissolved on May 1st and all the young single adult wards are being re-organized into YSA stakes. That means they are being taken out of the family stakes and there will be separate overlaying stakes for just young single adults. The stake presidency (Pres. Forysth) in the Uni 7th Stake gave us word about this quite awhile ago but now its happening. It will solve so many problems and help the work move forward. No more separation between University students and young single adults, everyone attending the same ward. There will be 6 new stakes to our mission and President is giving them to the Zone Leader area's (6 of 9 will get them) for a few reasons. He has already called and told us that we will be covering the Riverton Stake (YSA stake that is) and as asked me to give a training at the next ZLC on effective ways proselyting among young single adults. Any suggestions? He asked me to also include how we can best stay focused with the way some girls are dressed lol! That is a funny topic but very important because its true, these stakes would not be good for some missionaries. My advice would be to, one only look at their face, never look below and second get a cute girl at home so the temptation isn't even there! haha, its true though. But I am excited to cover three stakes and be extremely busy. We are almost in over our heads with the people we are teaching in the two family stakes but a YSA stake! That's intense.
I hope that was a good update for the week. We also had someone brake into the barn one night. Someone was on the roof and things were taken from our home, Elder Atwood got on the roof to check it out and some brown guy came flying at him! He punched him twice and the guy ran and JUMPED off the roof! I followed run the field and down the road with a flashlight... we were in shock. Then we came back in and heard someone down stairs so we went to investigate. We were about to head down the stairs but I had this feeling to check a hidden corner at the top before we did, we both crept around with the flashlight and Someone in a wife beater and tattoo's jumped out at us! Our reaction was to just punch and Elder Atwood got him right in the face, he fell back and took off and ran! No one messes with us, we were like detectives that night. Immediately sensed something was off and caught onto it.
Have a great week! Thank you for the wonderful package and great emails! I love all of you hope you enjoy Easter Sunday. We have no clue who we are eating with, probably the Parks but it will all work out! And by the way, the two who tried to rob us turned out to be missionaries pulling a prank and dressed up as hoodlum's. Back fired on them haha!
Love your boy, Elder Pizzey
Anyone return your scriptures?
-- No I have not... I have searched alot for them. I am almost positive no one stole them, I didn't even go back into the church building and the lot was completely empty, only walked about 50 feet to talk to some other missionaries. I am still pretty devistated, they were the best mission scriptures and marked perfectly for a missionary. I could look at any chapter in the BOM and tell you what it was about, and just tons of cross references. I had a card on in them with all my info about home, like home address. So I wouldn't be surprised if they just showe up in a package at home one day, or who knows. Anyways I've moved on and Sis. Park bought me new ones. Shes so nice. They are my dream RM scriptures and I treat them as that. I mark them completely different and its more of a personal study set and than good for teaching. They are the High Priest style, separate bible and triple comb. and the huge ones! I love them, I thought I would get them incase the other ones show up, then I have my RM ones already. So thats that on scrips.
April 20, 2011 - Week 5 of Transfer 10
This past week has flown by! I remember Sunday rolling around and I was just completely confused. It sounds like you guys had quite the week as well! Isn't it weird to think a year from now I will be home for these family dinners! For Grandma's birthday! Happy Birthday Grandma, I love you and miss you. I have a long list of events I would like to share so hopefully I can hit all of them, I must keep them brief. So here we go!
Elder Atwood and I were walking in our area when we discovered an unknown (at least to me) skate park! As you know I love skate parks so I pleaded to Elder Atwood to go check it out with me. We hadn't had lunch yet and were dying of hunger so jokingly we told each other we weren't going to talk to anyone because we had no energy. Well we got there and only two people are there but we put off our natural lazy man and decided to proselyte like we should. One of the guys was actually preparing for his mission and in the process of filling out his papers. Well we asked the famous question, "who do you know who you could invite to meet with us?" It turns out he is dating a girl who is not a member of the church. Her dad died two years ago and the Lutheran church she attends with her mom just isn't cutting it for her. So he invited her to meet with us and so we did this past week. It was amazing at the beginning of the lesson she said she was "lost and confused" and at the end of the lesson she said she felt "hope and a sense of direction". We invited her to be baptized on May 7th and accepted it but is having a hard time with opposition from her mom. We will see what happens in the near future!
After District meeting last week Elder Atwood and I did a mini exchange for a few hours with a companionship who are struggling. Elder Atwood took one of the missionaries to the post office to send home some things and I went tracting with the other in their area. I can't even begin to tell you of the blessings that the Lord poured out upon us in such a short period of time. The whole time I had a prayer of gratitude in my heart. We set up two new lessons with people who wanted to learn more. One women told us she doesn't know why she recently moved to Utah other than she wants to change her life here... Well we can help her with that! The other lesson had about three people who are not of our faith who have been wanting to learn. We handed out three Book of Mormons to other people who want to read them and were OK with us coming back and talking about their reading! The members we talked to gave us great referrals, and the list just goes on. I love tracting and finally our mission is starting to realize it is successful! It was even talked about in our last ZLC.
Last week I spoke on the Atonement and missionary work but focused on Christ, rather than sharing the Gospel. I don't like to preach missionary work from the pulpit as a missionary, because it is what everyone expects! The main message was, if we can just partake of the Atonement sharing the Gospel becomes natural. I used some stories/experiences in my life where I realized this. Something I could really use for the talks I give are stories of my or your childhood. Or just any story that could be used to teach a principle, I find this most effective. It is so hard to create a new talk each week with no computer! I am constantly searching my long term memory for some epic story that will quickly grab peoples attention.
After speaking we received a phone call from a lady thanking us for our talks. She went on to tell us her husband is not a member of the church and she felt extremely impressed to invite us over for dinner with her husband. I guess he has met with missionaries before and only likes the Canadian ones! So we are sure excited, speaking is a great opportunity for us to gain the trust and confidence of the members here in our stakes. I am grateful for the opportunities even though it causes such a headache throughout the week. We speak again this week and the Bishop has suggested the topic "keeping the commandments" and I am clueless on where to go...
This past Sunday we had a few moments between a ward council we attended and the sacrament meeting we were speaking at, so we dropped by one of the ward buildings. Right as we walked in, the sacrament meeting ended and we walked in to meet people. Right as I walked in my attention was drawn to a guy about our age sitting in the back in a grey shirt. I whispered to Elder Atwood "grey shirt, grey shirt" and we slowly made our way over there. It turns out he isn't a member of the church but has been attending for the past seven weeks with his girlfriend. He has wanted to meet with missionaries but has been to scared to get in contact with any, well we helped him realize were are normal guys who would normally were vans at home just like him. We set up a lesson and taught that lesson last night. He is completely ready and prepared by the Lord. Praying daily, reading the Book of Mormon and loves attending church. We invited him to be baptized on April 30th! I have never given someone a baptismal date for that soon!
OK... I just had a pause in writing for a few minutes. Really cool experience. Let me share. I am just sitting here beside Elder Atwood typing away. This girl (20 years old) comes up to us and asks us for the phone number of the Sister missionaries. I was just thinking, she must have just got home and wants to go out with them. After some questions she told us she would like to investigate and that she has been attending church for awhile now.......! She lives right outside of our area and wants to be taught by sisters so she can meet with them one on one and we definitely can't do that! Thank goodness for that rule. So that was really spiritual, I have never been OYM'd (open your mouth) by a non member before, man! We almost extended a baptismal date right here as she sat beside us! That was nuts, I'm excited for her and the sister missionaries. They are great.
So the University 7th Stake that I used to cover is being dissolved on May 1st and all the young single adult wards are being re-organized into YSA stakes. That means they are being taken out of the family stakes and there will be separate overlaying stakes for just young single adults. The stake presidency (Pres. Forysth) in the Uni 7th Stake gave us word about this quite awhile ago but now its happening. It will solve so many problems and help the work move forward. No more separation between University students and young single adults, everyone attending the same ward. There will be 6 new stakes to our mission and President is giving them to the Zone Leader area's (6 of 9 will get them) for a few reasons. He has already called and told us that we will be covering the Riverton Stake (YSA stake that is) and as asked me to give a training at the next ZLC on effective ways proselyting among young single adults. Any suggestions? He asked me to also include how we can best stay focused with the way some girls are dressed lol! That is a funny topic but very important because its true, these stakes would not be good for some missionaries. My advice would be to, one only look at their face, never look below and second get a cute girl at home so the temptation isn't even there! haha, its true though. But I am excited to cover three stakes and be extremely busy. We are almost in over our heads with the people we are teaching in the two family stakes but a YSA stake! That's intense.
I hope that was a good update for the week. We also had someone brake into the barn one night. Someone was on the roof and things were taken from our home, Elder Atwood got on the roof to check it out and some brown guy came flying at him! He punched him twice and the guy ran and JUMPED off the roof! I followed run the field and down the road with a flashlight... we were in shock. Then we came back in and heard someone down stairs so we went to investigate. We were about to head down the stairs but I had this feeling to check a hidden corner at the top before we did, we both crept around with the flashlight and Someone in a wife beater and tattoo's jumped out at us! Our reaction was to just punch and Elder Atwood got him right in the face, he fell back and took off and ran! No one messes with us, we were like detectives that night. Immediately sensed something was off and caught onto it.
Have a great week! Thank you for the wonderful package and great emails! I love all of you hope you enjoy Easter Sunday. We have no clue who we are eating with, probably the Parks but it will all work out! And by the way, the two who tried to rob us turned out to be missionaries pulling a prank and dressed up as hoodlum's. Back fired on them haha!
Love your boy, Elder Pizzey
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
April 13, 2011
April 13, 2011 - Week 4 of Transfer 10
I think I begin my emails the same each week. "This week has been hectic and each week gets more busy and more busy" But its true! Don't know how else to say it. We started to teach two new guys this past week, had several intense meetings and alot to deal with in the zone. We also got two new Elders who are waiting for a visa for Argentina, they were an answer to our prayers. So two threesomes in our zone. Actually it's funny now that I think of it both of my MTC companions are in our zone and received a visa waiter, that's weird.
Moving on... We had ZLC (zone leader council) on Friday and some intense matters were discussed. They are always 6 hours long (standard for missions worldwide) but this was the first one that felt like 10 hours for me! Some of the topics were left without a decision, which killed me, and a few we decided on. They allowed us to bring topics to the table we would like to discuss, Elder Atwood and I had some good ones that were talked about for awhile. One of them was the way we do interviews and they changed it, basically allow the zone leaders to use their creativity and do what they would like. Before district leaders did their weekly training but everyone was in and out and to hard carry.
While on the subject of interviews our zone's were yesterday. President met us yesterday at 9:00am for ours (which was amazing and revelational), the zones started at 10am and ended at 4pm... it was a long day. We cycled the three districts in and out throughout the day and everything worked out perfectly. We had everyone bring in their area books for the training, well more the activity. We reviewed some basics, got rid of false traditions with area books, trained on parts that no one uses then went to town on area books. Just doing our area book a few weeks back was a huge headache but doing it for six hours straight on 20 different area books, with no food, was deadly. There were some disgusting area books, some completely outdated others who created their own system of k-os! It went great, some big time improvement made.
We gave two talks this past week and we speak again this coming Sunday. I am have clue on what I will be speaking about, running out of ideas and need some good stories. I don't like using the same story more than once in a talk. I better start praying, its so hard to find time to prepare. Like I said earlier two new investigators and both of them accepted baptismal dates. Both lessons were super "spiritual" and motivating. I love teaching with Elder Atwood, its so easy!
Here is the extremely sad news from this past week. I have lost my scriptures... and it is killing me. After a year of marking them for two hours everyday they meant alot to me. I've learned so many things and they are all written in them! We drove away from our zone building (a stake center) and I placed them and the zone binder on the hood of the van. Well we went back in the building for a few, came out and just peaced. Don't even ask me how I didn't see them, the hood is way below the seat (its a 12 seater van). So we drove for 10 minutes then realized, drove back and not there. We have searched everywhere but nothing. I am just praying a member got them and is trying to get them back to me, my name is everywhere on it and zone binder has numbers. I will wait two weeks until I buy new ones but my studies will suck until then.
Ok times up! I love you guys and miss you, phone call pretty soon eh? I am excited, you like the eh? I'm getting it back and slowly getting rid of this Utahan accent.
Love Elder Pizzey!
I think I begin my emails the same each week. "This week has been hectic and each week gets more busy and more busy" But its true! Don't know how else to say it. We started to teach two new guys this past week, had several intense meetings and alot to deal with in the zone. We also got two new Elders who are waiting for a visa for Argentina, they were an answer to our prayers. So two threesomes in our zone. Actually it's funny now that I think of it both of my MTC companions are in our zone and received a visa waiter, that's weird.
Moving on... We had ZLC (zone leader council) on Friday and some intense matters were discussed. They are always 6 hours long (standard for missions worldwide) but this was the first one that felt like 10 hours for me! Some of the topics were left without a decision, which killed me, and a few we decided on. They allowed us to bring topics to the table we would like to discuss, Elder Atwood and I had some good ones that were talked about for awhile. One of them was the way we do interviews and they changed it, basically allow the zone leaders to use their creativity and do what they would like. Before district leaders did their weekly training but everyone was in and out and to hard carry.
While on the subject of interviews our zone's were yesterday. President met us yesterday at 9:00am for ours (which was amazing and revelational), the zones started at 10am and ended at 4pm... it was a long day. We cycled the three districts in and out throughout the day and everything worked out perfectly. We had everyone bring in their area books for the training, well more the activity. We reviewed some basics, got rid of false traditions with area books, trained on parts that no one uses then went to town on area books. Just doing our area book a few weeks back was a huge headache but doing it for six hours straight on 20 different area books, with no food, was deadly. There were some disgusting area books, some completely outdated others who created their own system of k-os! It went great, some big time improvement made.
We gave two talks this past week and we speak again this coming Sunday. I am have clue on what I will be speaking about, running out of ideas and need some good stories. I don't like using the same story more than once in a talk. I better start praying, its so hard to find time to prepare. Like I said earlier two new investigators and both of them accepted baptismal dates. Both lessons were super "spiritual" and motivating. I love teaching with Elder Atwood, its so easy!
Here is the extremely sad news from this past week. I have lost my scriptures... and it is killing me. After a year of marking them for two hours everyday they meant alot to me. I've learned so many things and they are all written in them! We drove away from our zone building (a stake center) and I placed them and the zone binder on the hood of the van. Well we went back in the building for a few, came out and just peaced. Don't even ask me how I didn't see them, the hood is way below the seat (its a 12 seater van). So we drove for 10 minutes then realized, drove back and not there. We have searched everywhere but nothing. I am just praying a member got them and is trying to get them back to me, my name is everywhere on it and zone binder has numbers. I will wait two weeks until I buy new ones but my studies will suck until then.
Ok times up! I love you guys and miss you, phone call pretty soon eh? I am excited, you like the eh? I'm getting it back and slowly getting rid of this Utahan accent.
Love Elder Pizzey!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Picture Update!!!
Blake talking to us at Christmas Time! He appeared to be quite comfortable. He was at the Forsyth's house, friends that use to live in Sherwood Park.
Having a wonderful brunch with the Forsyth's on Christmas Day!

All the missionaries in the Salt Lake City South Mission - Christmas Time! Guess where Blake is, almost the only one not looking forward. (hint-top right corner area)
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At church with the Forsyth's and Kensey, who got to have a little visit with Blake. |
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Elder Dick and Elder Pizzey at a baptism. |
Blake and his new companion, a fellow canadian Elder Atwood. Not long after they were together they had a little accident, not there fault they were rear ended.
The new homestead! They live upstairs of this so called barn. They love it!
The new barn! Anyone who knows Blake, knows he likes a neat and tidy place. He said it took a little while to get it all cleaned up, 5 garbage bags later, but its looking great now.
The Elders watching afternoon session conference at a members house, Terri Park. Looks like a good time. She was so kind to send me these pictures. From left to right Elder Atwood, Pizzey, Hill, Falkner and Forkey
Blake in a serious discussion with his mission president, maybe he's in trouble. At Feb. zone conference.
Friday, April 8, 2011
April 6, 2011
April 6, 2011 - Week 3 of Transfer 10
"When the Saints meet the Heaven's weep!" So it was with this past weekend and so it is with me right now. Just the weeping part. Let me explain why. I just took fourty five minutes to right a extra long and detailed email. Well I save often and on accident I pressed Discard! And now its gone and I have about fifteen minutes left and I still need to write President. You don't know how frustrated I am right now. I leaned over (in the public library) and told Elder Atwood and he started to laugh. So I took my anger out by biting his arm. Sadly I am going to have to summorize this in five minutes.
This week was great and I have never enjoyed my mission like I am now. I love Elder Atwood and we always have quite the experiences togther. I'll give you an overview of our week. Worked super hard, got a new 12 passenger van (2010 Ford 350, its sick), rock out to music in the van, beat each other up, scare each other non-stop, enjoy companion study for the first time in my mission, sing songs together, make each other meals, got kicked out of a WML's home, always make sweet dances, throw tennis balls at each other while landscaping, and the best of all, feel the spirit super strong when we teach together! I've never had a companion who can teach so well. We have a good time.
Conference was basically what my entire first letter was focused on. Not preaching it again to you but sharing my experiences and favorite parts. Kensey caught me outside the doors with Lindsays friends. That was awkward because President and the Assistants were right there and they/we emphasized to the missionaries not to have family/friends meet you downtown. There I was looking like a hypocrite, but they were cool with it. Then I saw Mitch James and his dad, that was really nice and relieving to see Mitch alive. It took him a minute to recongize me, not sure if I've changed or I just needed to register again. He seems 100%. I was able to shake Neil A. Andersons hand right before he spoke in Priesthood session. I wanted to text Dad and tell him that man who is speaking shook your sons hand a few minutes ago! After C. Scott Grow came and shook a few of our hands, mine being one of them. He said to me, "nice to see you again Elder". I think he remembered the glasses. If you remember he did a mission tour with our mission in the fall and worked alot with the leadership.
Conference was unreal. They threw down hard this past weekend. I love how you can feel that a couple of the talks were directed right at you! They are so inspired. When I typed earlier I shared some stories of investigators attending and how it was the perfect session for them and why. I definetly had some favorites but can't list them all, just to many. I did in my last email! Ughh.. Still so mad. I loved the ones about marriage! I better be obedient when I get home and heed that council quickly! Haha, but really I can't wait. Don't worry I'm still focused. Just quickly some of my favorites were. D. Todd Christofferson's about accpeting correction and seeing chastisement as love. Lynn G. Robbins (who I met personally a few weeks ago) about christ like attributes, to do and to be. C. Scott Grow's (who shook my hand) about the miracle of the Atonement. Jeffrey R. Holland's was insane as always. David A. Bednar's about revelation, I felt that was perfect for many memebers (including myself). Ahh the list goes on of course President Monson's and I didn't even get to the ones from Preisthood!
The area is slowly picking up! We picked up two new investigators and should be picking up two new ones this week. I love the tender mercies of the Lord and am grateful for the many miracles we witness daily. Last night after a diligent day of working we got home at 9:10. We then planed, updated area books, and made phone calls until 9:45. After we closed with a prayer the phone rang and it was someone who wants to meet with us! Doesn't get any better. When we are exactly obedient (what we've been working on) and working smart/hard the Lord just seems to bless us. I'm grateful for it. I hope this was still a good updated. My earlier email was alot longer and had more stories/detail.
I love you guys, have a great week and I'm going to be extremely careful to click the send button not the discard one!
Elder Pizzey!
"When the Saints meet the Heaven's weep!" So it was with this past weekend and so it is with me right now. Just the weeping part. Let me explain why. I just took fourty five minutes to right a extra long and detailed email. Well I save often and on accident I pressed Discard! And now its gone and I have about fifteen minutes left and I still need to write President. You don't know how frustrated I am right now. I leaned over (in the public library) and told Elder Atwood and he started to laugh. So I took my anger out by biting his arm. Sadly I am going to have to summorize this in five minutes.
This week was great and I have never enjoyed my mission like I am now. I love Elder Atwood and we always have quite the experiences togther. I'll give you an overview of our week. Worked super hard, got a new 12 passenger van (2010 Ford 350, its sick), rock out to music in the van, beat each other up, scare each other non-stop, enjoy companion study for the first time in my mission, sing songs together, make each other meals, got kicked out of a WML's home, always make sweet dances, throw tennis balls at each other while landscaping, and the best of all, feel the spirit super strong when we teach together! I've never had a companion who can teach so well. We have a good time.
Conference was basically what my entire first letter was focused on. Not preaching it again to you but sharing my experiences and favorite parts. Kensey caught me outside the doors with Lindsays friends. That was awkward because President and the Assistants were right there and they/we emphasized to the missionaries not to have family/friends meet you downtown. There I was looking like a hypocrite, but they were cool with it. Then I saw Mitch James and his dad, that was really nice and relieving to see Mitch alive. It took him a minute to recongize me, not sure if I've changed or I just needed to register again. He seems 100%. I was able to shake Neil A. Andersons hand right before he spoke in Priesthood session. I wanted to text Dad and tell him that man who is speaking shook your sons hand a few minutes ago! After C. Scott Grow came and shook a few of our hands, mine being one of them. He said to me, "nice to see you again Elder". I think he remembered the glasses. If you remember he did a mission tour with our mission in the fall and worked alot with the leadership.
Conference was unreal. They threw down hard this past weekend. I love how you can feel that a couple of the talks were directed right at you! They are so inspired. When I typed earlier I shared some stories of investigators attending and how it was the perfect session for them and why. I definetly had some favorites but can't list them all, just to many. I did in my last email! Ughh.. Still so mad. I loved the ones about marriage! I better be obedient when I get home and heed that council quickly! Haha, but really I can't wait. Don't worry I'm still focused. Just quickly some of my favorites were. D. Todd Christofferson's about accpeting correction and seeing chastisement as love. Lynn G. Robbins (who I met personally a few weeks ago) about christ like attributes, to do and to be. C. Scott Grow's (who shook my hand) about the miracle of the Atonement. Jeffrey R. Holland's was insane as always. David A. Bednar's about revelation, I felt that was perfect for many memebers (including myself). Ahh the list goes on of course President Monson's and I didn't even get to the ones from Preisthood!
The area is slowly picking up! We picked up two new investigators and should be picking up two new ones this week. I love the tender mercies of the Lord and am grateful for the many miracles we witness daily. Last night after a diligent day of working we got home at 9:10. We then planed, updated area books, and made phone calls until 9:45. After we closed with a prayer the phone rang and it was someone who wants to meet with us! Doesn't get any better. When we are exactly obedient (what we've been working on) and working smart/hard the Lord just seems to bless us. I'm grateful for it. I hope this was still a good updated. My earlier email was alot longer and had more stories/detail.
I love you guys, have a great week and I'm going to be extremely careful to click the send button not the discard one!
Elder Pizzey!
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