December 29, 2010 - Week 1 of Transfer 8
Dear my Ma and Pa!
Well hello once again, I feel the same way. We caught up on the phone so there is not much to chat about today. I say that now and by the end this will be over 15 paragraphs long of me rambling on. So Christmas is over and its the start of a new transfer! You know what that means for me, a new planner! I have described that wonderful feeling of starting fresh and getting all organized for the next transfer.
Christmas was a little different being a missionary but none the less it was great. Far better than what I expected. After speaking to you guys Christmas night I was able to finish the night off with several games of pool at the family of Elder Dick's that we visited, it made my holiday. But really what made Christmas was the letter I was able to open up Christmas Eve night from you guys. That cracked me up and really brought a strong feeling of gratitude to me. I am grateful for my family, I love you guys. I couldn't ask for it any better. But not only from you guys did I get gifts, there were tons who made my Christmas. Let me say thank you to Grandpa, Grandma, Nana, the Low's, the Hirsche's, the Heavenor's, Paige, Lamberts, Lindsay pie, and last but not least Mr. Anderson! Really though thanks for the gifts and the letters of encouragement, I appreciate all of your support and I will try to get better with writing. But no promises just quite yet but I will get on it!
So as you can probably tell I did not get transferred and I am sure glad I didn't. This area is way to much fun for nonsense like that! There were some small changes for our zone though. Elder Ng is now gone, and we got a new District Leader. The sisters got changed up and there were a few in zone transfers made (basically just switches). The changes look good though and we are excited to see what happens. The worked slowed down slightly this past week but that was expected but I can feel it picking up once again!
I have told you about this young married couple we are teaching right now, the Curley's. He served a mission five years ago and quickly fell away when he got home. He recently had a serious accident that he considers was his wake up call since then life has changed! For the past month he has been attending church and reading scriptures everyday with his wife who is not a member of the LDS faith. He is a teacher in the Elders Quorum and this past Sunday spoke in church. There were two lines I just loved from his talk, he was speaking of his previous lifestyle. "never did I feel so alone in a group full of friends and never felt so heart broken while having fun with those friends" I just loved what he said there. It's so true. 'Wickedness never was happiness" I think for those people who have once felt pure, true happiness or real joy that comes from keeping the commandments will have a time in their life when they want it back, as did my friend here. This temporary pleasure or joy he was speaking of does not LAST, hence the word temporary. Friends are so key. Looking back on the last few years before I left I realize that's what made the difference. I thought of the Lord's words to Joesph Smith as he sat in Liberty jail when Bro. Curley was speaking of his friends.
"Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.Thou art not yet as Job; thy friends do not contend against thee, neither charge thee with transgression, as they did Job. And they who do charge thee with transgression, their hope shall be blasted, and their prospects shall melt away as the hoar frost melteth before the burning rays of the rising sun" (Doctrine and Covenants 121: 9-11)
So moving on and wrapping this up let me share one more story. In my first (with Elder England) we taught a lady by the name of Lourdes Tea, she is from Peru. Well we taught her one lesson nine months ago. It was a spiritual lesson and when we feel the spirit, we know they do to! We invite people to be baptized! Well it scared her a little as it does with most people. We never were able to get back in there and teach her again, she was good at dodging us. Well on Sunday Elder Dick and I were able to go back and do her baptismal interview! She started to read the Book of Mormon we left with her and shortly after started to attend church. The Bishop hooked her up with the missionaries and she was on her way to taking the first step, baptism! It was amazing to see the fruit of some of my earlier labors! You never know when your planting seeds, I just had the biggest smile ever while I was over there. She kept apologizing to me and wishing she would have continued on but I have realized once again it happens in the Lord's time. There is a timing to everything and it all comes together.
I love both of you, I love the Lord and love this work.
Your son, Elder Pizzey
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
December 22, 2010
December 22, 2010 - Week 6, Transfer of 7
There is way to much to say today! I don't think I have ever emailed this late. Today we went with a few of the companionships to the "family fun zone". Its a roller skating rink, laser tag and like a bunch of massive astro jumps in one buillding. It was a lot of fun and a good work out. So I always say "sorry this weeks email is going to be really short due to time" but they end up being really long... Well I believe I'm serious this week. I think this weeks email will be short due to time. Plus we talk in three days! And I will be able to update you then! Can't wait.
So as you know we had a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles come speak to us this past week. ELDER HOLLAND. It was so intense, you don't even know and words can't describe. All I can say I am glad I follow misison rules and do my studies, I don't think I could have looked him in the eyes as he spoke. I will say though there was a lot of pounding the pulpit but in his way, a way full of love, if that makes sense. He talked about the blessing of having Preach My Gospel and compared it to his day while serving a mission. He talked about missionaries going less active after returning home. Touched on disobedience, if you are your doing it your own way, claiming this is your church. ITS NOT! You do it HIS way and this is HIS church. It was funny near the end he talked about people home sick during these holidays. He said, "I am sympathetic for you BUT I HAVE NO PATIENCE FOR YOU! If your keeping the rules, waking up on time and doing your studies then I promise you won't be home sick but excited!" It was something along those lines. I loved how he put things, it all makes sense. He said if you woke up on time I can tell you how your studies were. You tell me if you studied for two hours and I'll tell you how your day went. Tell me how your day went and I'll tell you how your week will go, the next month and you entire mission. Then he said, YOUR LIFE! And it just hit home. He is a motivating speaker.
I was able to go on two exchanges this past week. With E. Ng (my son) and E. Torres two of our District Leaders. Both of them were great and there are spiritual stories I would like to share from the lessons we had. It was nice to catch up with E. Ng, he has improved big time. His teaching skills have increased, we were able to teach in unity just feeding off each other. It was nice to get to know E. Torres and gain some trust there. We are lucky to have him as a District Leader, mainly because he's from Brazil. We have alot of non-Americans in our zone I love it! It's like a going battle in the mission, to overrun the Americans.
So I was in sacrament this week with four of the people we are teaching and I look up and Claudio R. M. Costa is sitting in the stands presiding. I guess he lives in our area. It's nice to have a member of the Presidency of the Seventy living in your ward, keeps you on your toes. We are teaching a young couple Chad and Courtney Curley. Chad served a mission four years ago but stopped attending the minute he got home and Courtney, his wife, is not a member of the church. Chad recently had a big wake up call in his life and has been attending church and reading scriptures with his wife daily for a month now. He is a teacher in Elders Quorum and everything! Well we have taught them (both time E. Dick was gone on exchanges) twice now. First lesson Courtney was way open but didn't really feel if this was her path. We go to church and she shows up by herself, Chad is at home throwing up. She is not the kind of person to come by herself, she even went to relief society! Next lesson she said she had the hardest week in a long time yet it was great? Doesn't make sense but she said she prayed each day and read. She said she felt so good and this extra stength even though it was so hard. She prayed sunday morning and just felt she had to go! It was amazing to see a complete change in her over a week, not even a week. This gosepl is so TRUE!
That is just one of the many stories. Elder Dick and I had a lesson with a new person that was by far the greatest lesson we have ever had together. We were seemless with each other, complete unity, our hearts knit as one! I can't describe how much I love this life. Elder Holland said this is the real life. Capital R! Capital L! I love the scriptures, I love the Book of Mormon. Any spare minute I have, I read it. Lunch time I don't fall asleep I study. I don't ever want to loose this.
This week E. Dick and I were leaving the stake offices as a returned Elder was coming in to be released. He saw us and he looked devistated, a deer in the head lights. He even started to shed some tears. How will I go home! Phhh what am I saying I'll be fine, adapt perfectly! But I will miss this! Good thing I have at least a full year left. Its just gone by so fast. I enjoy this.
Love Elder Pizzey!
There is way to much to say today! I don't think I have ever emailed this late. Today we went with a few of the companionships to the "family fun zone". Its a roller skating rink, laser tag and like a bunch of massive astro jumps in one buillding. It was a lot of fun and a good work out. So I always say "sorry this weeks email is going to be really short due to time" but they end up being really long... Well I believe I'm serious this week. I think this weeks email will be short due to time. Plus we talk in three days! And I will be able to update you then! Can't wait.
So as you know we had a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles come speak to us this past week. ELDER HOLLAND. It was so intense, you don't even know and words can't describe. All I can say I am glad I follow misison rules and do my studies, I don't think I could have looked him in the eyes as he spoke. I will say though there was a lot of pounding the pulpit but in his way, a way full of love, if that makes sense. He talked about the blessing of having Preach My Gospel and compared it to his day while serving a mission. He talked about missionaries going less active after returning home. Touched on disobedience, if you are your doing it your own way, claiming this is your church. ITS NOT! You do it HIS way and this is HIS church. It was funny near the end he talked about people home sick during these holidays. He said, "I am sympathetic for you BUT I HAVE NO PATIENCE FOR YOU! If your keeping the rules, waking up on time and doing your studies then I promise you won't be home sick but excited!" It was something along those lines. I loved how he put things, it all makes sense. He said if you woke up on time I can tell you how your studies were. You tell me if you studied for two hours and I'll tell you how your day went. Tell me how your day went and I'll tell you how your week will go, the next month and you entire mission. Then he said, YOUR LIFE! And it just hit home. He is a motivating speaker.
I was able to go on two exchanges this past week. With E. Ng (my son) and E. Torres two of our District Leaders. Both of them were great and there are spiritual stories I would like to share from the lessons we had. It was nice to catch up with E. Ng, he has improved big time. His teaching skills have increased, we were able to teach in unity just feeding off each other. It was nice to get to know E. Torres and gain some trust there. We are lucky to have him as a District Leader, mainly because he's from Brazil. We have alot of non-Americans in our zone I love it! It's like a going battle in the mission, to overrun the Americans.
So I was in sacrament this week with four of the people we are teaching and I look up and Claudio R. M. Costa is sitting in the stands presiding. I guess he lives in our area. It's nice to have a member of the Presidency of the Seventy living in your ward, keeps you on your toes. We are teaching a young couple Chad and Courtney Curley. Chad served a mission four years ago but stopped attending the minute he got home and Courtney, his wife, is not a member of the church. Chad recently had a big wake up call in his life and has been attending church and reading scriptures with his wife daily for a month now. He is a teacher in Elders Quorum and everything! Well we have taught them (both time E. Dick was gone on exchanges) twice now. First lesson Courtney was way open but didn't really feel if this was her path. We go to church and she shows up by herself, Chad is at home throwing up. She is not the kind of person to come by herself, she even went to relief society! Next lesson she said she had the hardest week in a long time yet it was great? Doesn't make sense but she said she prayed each day and read. She said she felt so good and this extra stength even though it was so hard. She prayed sunday morning and just felt she had to go! It was amazing to see a complete change in her over a week, not even a week. This gosepl is so TRUE!
That is just one of the many stories. Elder Dick and I had a lesson with a new person that was by far the greatest lesson we have ever had together. We were seemless with each other, complete unity, our hearts knit as one! I can't describe how much I love this life. Elder Holland said this is the real life. Capital R! Capital L! I love the scriptures, I love the Book of Mormon. Any spare minute I have, I read it. Lunch time I don't fall asleep I study. I don't ever want to loose this.
This week E. Dick and I were leaving the stake offices as a returned Elder was coming in to be released. He saw us and he looked devistated, a deer in the head lights. He even started to shed some tears. How will I go home! Phhh what am I saying I'll be fine, adapt perfectly! But I will miss this! Good thing I have at least a full year left. Its just gone by so fast. I enjoy this.
Love Elder Pizzey!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
December 15, 2010
December 15, 2010 - Week 5 of Transfer 7
Hello my family in Christ!
Christmas is coming so fast, the weeks fly by! I love serving in this University stake! People my age! People I can relate to! This past week was unreal as far as the work goes! At this moment we have twelve people working towards baptismal dates, in the last four weeks this area has gone crazy, we can hardly keep up to the work. In the University Stake we started teaching three new people and I love them ALL!
Before I share a few quick stories. We had the longest ZLC of my life! From like 11 to 4 last Saturday. Bro. Hill and Bro. Christenson came to that ZLC to train us, it was fairly interesting. They work with the Brethren and the MTC on the way missions are run. They touched on some good things, my favorite was "mission culture". For the good and the bad. Thing I love about this Church, is that there is doctrine for everything! Well lots learned but not to interesting for you guys. This morning we had a quick meeting (during our PDay!) at the mission office. New rule. You are not alot to delete text messages and your companion has to see everything you send. I think its smart. Enough of the boring things.
So along time ago E. Dick was on a exchange and they were at the College. They met a guy named Francis and set up a lesson with him. It ended up and we weren't able to make the lesson that was scheduled (ZLC that was mandatory) but we had no way to contact him! He is from Ghana Africa and only here for a year and has no cell phone... Well when we were at the institute I saw this guy from far away and just KNEW I had to talk to him. E. Dick was busy talking to someone and this guy was 20 feet way, I went for it! I tracked him down and started to chat. His name was Francis and from Ghana! Elder Dick told me all about him and I found him! It ended up that he actually showed up and we weren't there... how sad?! and terrible. So after a week or two of no contact we found him. Scheduled a lesson and all is good know. He is Methodist yet really interested, he has a mentor family who takes him to church every week and he is really afraid to offend them but he wants to come to church. Everything started to make sense to him when we described the Great Apostasy. It always drove him crazy how he was baptized twice, earlier in a different denomination. He has such a strong belief in Christ and knows exactly what he wants in life. I love him, we have had some unreal lessons with him.
Then on Sunday we attended one of the University ward's Ward council. They are willing to do anything to help us out. Well they told us about this girl who was baptized in Taiwan a few months ago and she is now attending there ward. They (the WML) were teaching her the new member lessons and she started to bring her boyfriend to those lessons and then to church. His name is Dung Le and not a member of the LDS church, never been religious. So we decided to cancel some of the plans we had that day and attend their ward to see if we could meet him. It worked out, we met him. Then went to the Gospel essentials class with them. There was only a few of us in there and the lesson turned out to become tailored to them. Near the end of the lesson we started to talk about baptism and it started to get real spiritual, just five of us gathered in a circle of desks. I then asked Gung (pronounced young mixed with yom) what he thought about baptism. He sat there for awhile in silence then asked, "WHEN CAN I DO IT?" Right then in the lesson I told him we are holding a baptismal service on January 8th and invited him to prepare to be baptized on that date. It was crazy, never invited someone to be baptized with a specific date in a Sunday school lesson! This guy is hilarious to, a big time break dancer with crazy wild hair. It should be fun getting to know him.
We also started to teach Ryan Cook this week, he is my favorite right now! You shouldn't have favorites but he is so REAL! He is a big time skater and just in this past year one of his friends died. It made him really think about life and the purpose of it. Where we go after? What must we do? Well he started to attend a baptist church and got baptized not too long ago. Our first lesson with him was on Monday and just way to spiritual/sad for me! I never cry when I feel the spirit but in this lesson I came the CLOSEST I have in a long time to crying. Not because of the spirit but just emotion, I felt so bad for Ryan. He has gone through alot and right now to top it off his parents are going through a divorce. Well he was amazed when we told him about Joseph Smith, he couldn't handle it. The first vision blew him away! He always wondered why we don't have prophets today, or why God doesn't speak to man anymore. When asked to be baptized though he was devastated, in the thought of being baptized again. You should have seen the look on his face, it almost killed me, so sad. He told us how his baptism was the scariest thing he has ever done. I am having troubles trying to describe this moment in the lesson... Hmmm. Well I loved it. We were able to explain the restored priesthood authority some more and help him understand the importance of what we share.
Well this week I keep learning one thing. God loves ALL of his children. Christ died for all of us and many of us just don't know it. The infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice is extended to all. I am starting to see people and situations through different eyes. Why people do certain things, say certain things. I am starting to have a love for everyone I meet. The time I have with this sacred first name, ELDER is short. Real short, and I am going to make the best of while I can. No regret.
Love your son, Elder Pizzey.
Hello my family in Christ!
Christmas is coming so fast, the weeks fly by! I love serving in this University stake! People my age! People I can relate to! This past week was unreal as far as the work goes! At this moment we have twelve people working towards baptismal dates, in the last four weeks this area has gone crazy, we can hardly keep up to the work. In the University Stake we started teaching three new people and I love them ALL!
Before I share a few quick stories. We had the longest ZLC of my life! From like 11 to 4 last Saturday. Bro. Hill and Bro. Christenson came to that ZLC to train us, it was fairly interesting. They work with the Brethren and the MTC on the way missions are run. They touched on some good things, my favorite was "mission culture". For the good and the bad. Thing I love about this Church, is that there is doctrine for everything! Well lots learned but not to interesting for you guys. This morning we had a quick meeting (during our PDay!) at the mission office. New rule. You are not alot to delete text messages and your companion has to see everything you send. I think its smart. Enough of the boring things.
So along time ago E. Dick was on a exchange and they were at the College. They met a guy named Francis and set up a lesson with him. It ended up and we weren't able to make the lesson that was scheduled (ZLC that was mandatory) but we had no way to contact him! He is from Ghana Africa and only here for a year and has no cell phone... Well when we were at the institute I saw this guy from far away and just KNEW I had to talk to him. E. Dick was busy talking to someone and this guy was 20 feet way, I went for it! I tracked him down and started to chat. His name was Francis and from Ghana! Elder Dick told me all about him and I found him! It ended up that he actually showed up and we weren't there... how sad?! and terrible. So after a week or two of no contact we found him. Scheduled a lesson and all is good know. He is Methodist yet really interested, he has a mentor family who takes him to church every week and he is really afraid to offend them but he wants to come to church. Everything started to make sense to him when we described the Great Apostasy. It always drove him crazy how he was baptized twice, earlier in a different denomination. He has such a strong belief in Christ and knows exactly what he wants in life. I love him, we have had some unreal lessons with him.
Then on Sunday we attended one of the University ward's Ward council. They are willing to do anything to help us out. Well they told us about this girl who was baptized in Taiwan a few months ago and she is now attending there ward. They (the WML) were teaching her the new member lessons and she started to bring her boyfriend to those lessons and then to church. His name is Dung Le and not a member of the LDS church, never been religious. So we decided to cancel some of the plans we had that day and attend their ward to see if we could meet him. It worked out, we met him. Then went to the Gospel essentials class with them. There was only a few of us in there and the lesson turned out to become tailored to them. Near the end of the lesson we started to talk about baptism and it started to get real spiritual, just five of us gathered in a circle of desks. I then asked Gung (pronounced young mixed with yom) what he thought about baptism. He sat there for awhile in silence then asked, "WHEN CAN I DO IT?" Right then in the lesson I told him we are holding a baptismal service on January 8th and invited him to prepare to be baptized on that date. It was crazy, never invited someone to be baptized with a specific date in a Sunday school lesson! This guy is hilarious to, a big time break dancer with crazy wild hair. It should be fun getting to know him.
We also started to teach Ryan Cook this week, he is my favorite right now! You shouldn't have favorites but he is so REAL! He is a big time skater and just in this past year one of his friends died. It made him really think about life and the purpose of it. Where we go after? What must we do? Well he started to attend a baptist church and got baptized not too long ago. Our first lesson with him was on Monday and just way to spiritual/sad for me! I never cry when I feel the spirit but in this lesson I came the CLOSEST I have in a long time to crying. Not because of the spirit but just emotion, I felt so bad for Ryan. He has gone through alot and right now to top it off his parents are going through a divorce. Well he was amazed when we told him about Joseph Smith, he couldn't handle it. The first vision blew him away! He always wondered why we don't have prophets today, or why God doesn't speak to man anymore. When asked to be baptized though he was devastated, in the thought of being baptized again. You should have seen the look on his face, it almost killed me, so sad. He told us how his baptism was the scariest thing he has ever done. I am having troubles trying to describe this moment in the lesson... Hmmm. Well I loved it. We were able to explain the restored priesthood authority some more and help him understand the importance of what we share.
Well this week I keep learning one thing. God loves ALL of his children. Christ died for all of us and many of us just don't know it. The infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice is extended to all. I am starting to see people and situations through different eyes. Why people do certain things, say certain things. I am starting to have a love for everyone I meet. The time I have with this sacred first name, ELDER is short. Real short, and I am going to make the best of while I can. No regret.
Love your son, Elder Pizzey.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
December 8, 2010
December 8, 2010 - Week 4 of Transfer 7
Hello Mother and Father!
This transfer is flying by, I don't get it. Before we know it it will be 2011! Weird. Weird. This week has been a blast and completely hectic! So due to a long letter to President this week this letter might be a little shorter, I apologize! But I want to get everything in so it might be more of just a list and short descriptions, sorry no long detailed spiritual stories but there were alot of them. They happen everyday! I love serving as a representative of Christ!
So last friday I had my first real ZLC (zone leader council) and ohh man was it intense. From 11AM to 4PM. So there are 9 zones so the council consists of all the zoneleaders, the assistants and President and Sister Miller. We discuss any concerns, issues, goals for the mission, future plans and trains etc. etc. It is fun to be involved and to be able to voice your opinion on matters, but man its is lengthy. Near the end I was ready to run out of there! I just want to go work work work. It's really cool, this transfer there is no more thing as "slow hours"! I love all the hours, the days just fly by and I love all that we do. So the biggest change that was just made is one, the criteria for District Meetings. There has always been a standered training given to all the District Leaders a few weeks in advance and they would give it. Now in our DLC's (District Leader Council) within our zone it is up to us (DL + ZL) to make the trainings for the zone based on the needs of the missionaries within the zone. And each District Leader can tailor it to his district of course. It's more work but I think this is what we needed. It will work.
Maybe a tad bit more information that dad would like. One of the Assistants, E. Brand, is huge on spread sheets and stuff, he works it like pretty good during ZLC. Laptop and projector. Well our mission has 450 investigators being taught who do not have a baptismal date set as a goal to work towards. We are called to teach people who are ready for baptism. Know this number is way to high and the mission goal is to reduce that to half, 225. Our zone has only 33 investigators without a baptismal date but that is probably because our zone is hardly teaching ANYONE! Its not good. Our area has picked up like no other in the past couple weeks. Right now we have eight people working towards a baptismal date and one who does not, we aren't activiely teaching him too. So we are busy busy busy and I love it! It is a great area now to bring DL into for an exchange.
Enough about that stuff! So later that night (Friday) Pres. Miller came out with E. Dick and I to teach. He came to two of our lessons then had to leave at eight because of a training he was giving with Elder Bednar the next day he hadn't prepared for at all! But our two lessons with him were unreal! Elder Dick and I had never taught so unified. We were completely on the same page every minute. The investigators were talking more than us, such a blessing. But that night we had a first lesson with Bro. King. When we set up the lesson earlier he said he doesn't want to be pushed and he didn't want to think about baptism for a year. He accepted a date for January 8 it was a spiritual discussion. We will see what happens.
I had an exchange with Elder Gome's in our zone, a really shy Elder but once you get to know him he opens up big time! So funny! He is the one in the banana suit in the pictures I send home at Christmas. He is from Cape Verda (sp?) Africa and has just learned English in the past six months. He is doing great.
We are teaching a 17 boy named Rocco, he is so cool. He will totally serve a mission. The best thing is that he is a sponsored "free runner" He can backflip/frontflip on ground, run up a wall with 5 steps and backfkip. Jump of a 25' building white backfilpping! So intense, I love him. We met him on saturday and he has a date of December 19th!
Ohh this was the biggest downer of the night. We are out in Taylorsville checking up on a referal with the university stake. First our phone dies while we are way out there. We park the car (in an illegal spot, that we didn't know) and go in a house for 15 mins. Come back out and our car is gone! It was in the ghetto so we thought it was stolen but turns out it was towed! In 15 min, no lie! We were so ticked, so I know have to pay a $225 ticket but we got the car back a couple days later. Sorry about the ticket, please love me and realize I didn't mean to. President felt terrible and was ticked at the company, they wouldn't drop it anymore, it was like $275 I think. Some anti-mormon chick called in the second we parked I guess, really not cool...
So much to say! NO TIME! This weekend Daniel Bay got married on saturday then he was baptized on Sunday! He is the coolest guy. He used to sell every drug you can think of and within the past 10 years made some big big changes. I learn something new from him everyday we go to his house. Such a humble man, he recongizes his weaknesses and where he can improve. Love him. I only have pictures of the wedding because my camera was in the car that night, but I am working on getting some from people.
I love this area. I love teaching. Things just keep getting better and better for us. With the University 7th stake they trust us, referral after referral. Yesterday Elder Dick and I set up a table/booth at the SLCC in Taylorsville! This was what I always dreamed of doing on a mission, well kind of. Just a busy place, lots of people and having the opportunity to talk to everyone! Not a single person got past me. Within the two hours we were there, three new lessons set up and seven referals! We are going to do this once every week or two.
This week I have been doing alot of pondering and recognizing where I am weak. I was reading in Helaman, reading alot about pride. It's a hard thing to really think about where you lack and once you do it hurts. I am a perfectionist in all that I do as I know you know. Sometimes its good and sometimes it bad. I can get into a mode where its got to be done my way or the highway and this turns me into a control freak! I know it's funny but in a companionship it doesn't always work. Although I may think I'm right, I'm not. Now me and E. Dick are getting along just fine but I could always do better. Be unified is key and not always so easy. The difference between what you think is obedience and the other does or doesn't. When do you compromise and when do you lay down the law. Sorry I went on a rant but thanks listening! I am really focusing on goals, I've never really had a testimony of this or been to good at it. Since we are having a GA to speak to us about goals I thought it might be a good idea to get going. It feels good accomplishing goals though. Ok I must go! This was long. Hmm... I must be getting faster at typing!
Love you tons, Elder Pizzey!
Hello Mother and Father!
This transfer is flying by, I don't get it. Before we know it it will be 2011! Weird. Weird. This week has been a blast and completely hectic! So due to a long letter to President this week this letter might be a little shorter, I apologize! But I want to get everything in so it might be more of just a list and short descriptions, sorry no long detailed spiritual stories but there were alot of them. They happen everyday! I love serving as a representative of Christ!
So last friday I had my first real ZLC (zone leader council) and ohh man was it intense. From 11AM to 4PM. So there are 9 zones so the council consists of all the zoneleaders, the assistants and President and Sister Miller. We discuss any concerns, issues, goals for the mission, future plans and trains etc. etc. It is fun to be involved and to be able to voice your opinion on matters, but man its is lengthy. Near the end I was ready to run out of there! I just want to go work work work. It's really cool, this transfer there is no more thing as "slow hours"! I love all the hours, the days just fly by and I love all that we do. So the biggest change that was just made is one, the criteria for District Meetings. There has always been a standered training given to all the District Leaders a few weeks in advance and they would give it. Now in our DLC's (District Leader Council) within our zone it is up to us (DL + ZL) to make the trainings for the zone based on the needs of the missionaries within the zone. And each District Leader can tailor it to his district of course. It's more work but I think this is what we needed. It will work.
Maybe a tad bit more information that dad would like. One of the Assistants, E. Brand, is huge on spread sheets and stuff, he works it like pretty good during ZLC. Laptop and projector. Well our mission has 450 investigators being taught who do not have a baptismal date set as a goal to work towards. We are called to teach people who are ready for baptism. Know this number is way to high and the mission goal is to reduce that to half, 225. Our zone has only 33 investigators without a baptismal date but that is probably because our zone is hardly teaching ANYONE! Its not good. Our area has picked up like no other in the past couple weeks. Right now we have eight people working towards a baptismal date and one who does not, we aren't activiely teaching him too. So we are busy busy busy and I love it! It is a great area now to bring DL into for an exchange.
Enough about that stuff! So later that night (Friday) Pres. Miller came out with E. Dick and I to teach. He came to two of our lessons then had to leave at eight because of a training he was giving with Elder Bednar the next day he hadn't prepared for at all! But our two lessons with him were unreal! Elder Dick and I had never taught so unified. We were completely on the same page every minute. The investigators were talking more than us, such a blessing. But that night we had a first lesson with Bro. King. When we set up the lesson earlier he said he doesn't want to be pushed and he didn't want to think about baptism for a year. He accepted a date for January 8 it was a spiritual discussion. We will see what happens.
I had an exchange with Elder Gome's in our zone, a really shy Elder but once you get to know him he opens up big time! So funny! He is the one in the banana suit in the pictures I send home at Christmas. He is from Cape Verda (sp?) Africa and has just learned English in the past six months. He is doing great.
We are teaching a 17 boy named Rocco, he is so cool. He will totally serve a mission. The best thing is that he is a sponsored "free runner" He can backflip/frontflip on ground, run up a wall with 5 steps and backfkip. Jump of a 25' building white backfilpping! So intense, I love him. We met him on saturday and he has a date of December 19th!
Ohh this was the biggest downer of the night. We are out in Taylorsville checking up on a referal with the university stake. First our phone dies while we are way out there. We park the car (in an illegal spot, that we didn't know) and go in a house for 15 mins. Come back out and our car is gone! It was in the ghetto so we thought it was stolen but turns out it was towed! In 15 min, no lie! We were so ticked, so I know have to pay a $225 ticket but we got the car back a couple days later. Sorry about the ticket, please love me and realize I didn't mean to. President felt terrible and was ticked at the company, they wouldn't drop it anymore, it was like $275 I think. Some anti-mormon chick called in the second we parked I guess, really not cool...
So much to say! NO TIME! This weekend Daniel Bay got married on saturday then he was baptized on Sunday! He is the coolest guy. He used to sell every drug you can think of and within the past 10 years made some big big changes. I learn something new from him everyday we go to his house. Such a humble man, he recongizes his weaknesses and where he can improve. Love him. I only have pictures of the wedding because my camera was in the car that night, but I am working on getting some from people.
I love this area. I love teaching. Things just keep getting better and better for us. With the University 7th stake they trust us, referral after referral. Yesterday Elder Dick and I set up a table/booth at the SLCC in Taylorsville! This was what I always dreamed of doing on a mission, well kind of. Just a busy place, lots of people and having the opportunity to talk to everyone! Not a single person got past me. Within the two hours we were there, three new lessons set up and seven referals! We are going to do this once every week or two.
This week I have been doing alot of pondering and recognizing where I am weak. I was reading in Helaman, reading alot about pride. It's a hard thing to really think about where you lack and once you do it hurts. I am a perfectionist in all that I do as I know you know. Sometimes its good and sometimes it bad. I can get into a mode where its got to be done my way or the highway and this turns me into a control freak! I know it's funny but in a companionship it doesn't always work. Although I may think I'm right, I'm not. Now me and E. Dick are getting along just fine but I could always do better. Be unified is key and not always so easy. The difference between what you think is obedience and the other does or doesn't. When do you compromise and when do you lay down the law. Sorry I went on a rant but thanks listening! I am really focusing on goals, I've never really had a testimony of this or been to good at it. Since we are having a GA to speak to us about goals I thought it might be a good idea to get going. It feels good accomplishing goals though. Ok I must go! This was long. Hmm... I must be getting faster at typing!
Love you tons, Elder Pizzey!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December 1, 2010
December 1, 2010 - Week 3 of Transfer 7
Hi Ma and Pa!
Sounds like you guys had a good trip, I completely forgot you were in Florida this past week. I met quite a few people this past week with ties to Florida, weird. Mom! You killed it golfing, an 83! How? That is nuts, I'm proud... How intense is Thanksgiving here!? Ohh man people wouldn't let us go unless we ate! We had a huge stake breakfast then four dinners throughout the rest of the day. It hurt. I gained 10 lbs that day and lost in the next day. Its grouse I know but people get so offended you don't eat. Please don't force missionaries to eat. I was able to go visit the Roosendaals and the Ulrich's. Felt like going home. I will probably go to Roosendaals on Christmas for a little bit.
So my exchange last Wednesday night with Elder Brand (assistant) was unreal. He is a missionary I respect and look up to in the mission. We taught a couple lessons that night and man do I love teaching with someone who has the same style as I. I hate when Elders say OK you teach this principle, I teach this one. NO! Every minute there should be a transition between missionaries, a question asked, a scriptures shared or a testimony born! When you yield to your companion and both add in you don't hinder the spirit and allow the inspired thoughts/scriptures/questions to be shared. Elder Brand and I had a good conversation about teaching. The only reason I teach people is to get them to feel something. That feeling awakens a desire and that desire builds to action! This past week I studied David M. McConkie's talk from this past General Conference. This paragraph spoke to me and I wrote it down in the front of my Book of Mormon.
"The role of the teacher is “to help individuals take responsibility for learning the gospel—to awaken in them the desire to study, understand, and live the gospel.” This means that as teachers we should not focus so much on our performance as on how we help others learn and live the gospel."
When teaching I think what do THEY need right now to feel the spirit. Not how am I going to transition into our lesson plan. The key is to LISTEN and to truly listen. Its hard and something always to work on. Not thinking of whats next, what question, what scripture. But just listening then allowing the spirit to tell you what to do, once they are done. My thought for the week!
So we cover the University 7th Stake and man is it unreal! We spoke in one of the wards this past week, it's so nice being able to be with/teach people you can relate too. We go to the Taylorsville Institute building alot to find. Play some pool/ping pong with some guys not of our faith then set up a lesson! lol it works though. There are some many people attending Institute classes who aren't LDS its prime. Exams are this upcoming week for all of them so it's a little hard but we just need some time and we will be doing unreal. We are setting up a table near the food courts of the SLCC in Taylorsville this coming Tuesday, we will see what happens. Ohh! Also! So I'm at the Institute on Friday and I see a picture of Bro. and Sis. Forysth, totally forgot about them! Well it turns out he is the in the Stake Presidency of our stake! So cool, Sunday was the first time seeing him and that was at the Stake High council meeting. I have seen him quite a few times since, we are going to set up a dinner soon. So he is one of the main teachers over there and I guess we have permission to attend some of the institute classes if we can find the ones with the people attending who aren't of our faith. So Sisters had this stake prior and they just weren't doing anything with it because they were to shy but we are ready to go. It's such a blessing to cover this Stake. (young single adult stake)
So on Sunday we got a referral for this guy named Sid. He has been here for three months and came here for school from South Korea. Well during Sacrament meetings we left the Institute to go follow up on this referral. Sid comes to the door and peeks through the glass, waves and walks away with look on his face, "I'm not interested, go away." We sat there for a few seconds just thinking... this sucks. We were about to walk away then I decided to give it my last shot and knocked with some attitude. The knock said, "you come back here". Well he did and starred through the glass again then cracked open the door and asked us what we wanted. We were able to explain who we were and eventually get inside! We shared a short message and asked him to say a prayer before he left. His prayer was unreal and so sincere. He was speaking directly to God. I love the prayer of a child or a investigator. So simple and brief, the way it should be. He told us the reason he came to school in Utah is because of the LDS standards and view on family. He's 19 years old! I love being a missionary, you really learn alot about people and learn to understand how they feel and where they are. We are all raised differently and are in completely different places in life.
That is the main part of my week. We have some fun things coming up in December for the mission. A couple general authorities coming. One on December 17th and another on January 1st. I know who they are too! But can't say sorry. This week Dan Bay one of our investigators is getting married on Saturday and baptized on Sunday. Also Donavin Thompson from my old area is getting baptized on Saturday, way excited. He is the 6'8" Jamaican. On friday we have a 6 hour Zone Council! Aghhh! Basically like a ward council but for the affairs of the mission. Should be fun. Later that night President Miller is coming out for the night with Elder Dick and I to basically see how we teach. A little scary but should be a good experience.
Love you guys,
Your son Elder Pizzey!
Hi Ma and Pa!
Sounds like you guys had a good trip, I completely forgot you were in Florida this past week. I met quite a few people this past week with ties to Florida, weird. Mom! You killed it golfing, an 83! How? That is nuts, I'm proud... How intense is Thanksgiving here!? Ohh man people wouldn't let us go unless we ate! We had a huge stake breakfast then four dinners throughout the rest of the day. It hurt. I gained 10 lbs that day and lost in the next day. Its grouse I know but people get so offended you don't eat. Please don't force missionaries to eat. I was able to go visit the Roosendaals and the Ulrich's. Felt like going home. I will probably go to Roosendaals on Christmas for a little bit.
So my exchange last Wednesday night with Elder Brand (assistant) was unreal. He is a missionary I respect and look up to in the mission. We taught a couple lessons that night and man do I love teaching with someone who has the same style as I. I hate when Elders say OK you teach this principle, I teach this one. NO! Every minute there should be a transition between missionaries, a question asked, a scriptures shared or a testimony born! When you yield to your companion and both add in you don't hinder the spirit and allow the inspired thoughts/scriptures/questions to be shared. Elder Brand and I had a good conversation about teaching. The only reason I teach people is to get them to feel something. That feeling awakens a desire and that desire builds to action! This past week I studied David M. McConkie's talk from this past General Conference. This paragraph spoke to me and I wrote it down in the front of my Book of Mormon.
"The role of the teacher is “to help individuals take responsibility for learning the gospel—to awaken in them the desire to study, understand, and live the gospel.” This means that as teachers we should not focus so much on our performance as on how we help others learn and live the gospel."
When teaching I think what do THEY need right now to feel the spirit. Not how am I going to transition into our lesson plan. The key is to LISTEN and to truly listen. Its hard and something always to work on. Not thinking of whats next, what question, what scripture. But just listening then allowing the spirit to tell you what to do, once they are done. My thought for the week!
So we cover the University 7th Stake and man is it unreal! We spoke in one of the wards this past week, it's so nice being able to be with/teach people you can relate too. We go to the Taylorsville Institute building alot to find. Play some pool/ping pong with some guys not of our faith then set up a lesson! lol it works though. There are some many people attending Institute classes who aren't LDS its prime. Exams are this upcoming week for all of them so it's a little hard but we just need some time and we will be doing unreal. We are setting up a table near the food courts of the SLCC in Taylorsville this coming Tuesday, we will see what happens. Ohh! Also! So I'm at the Institute on Friday and I see a picture of Bro. and Sis. Forysth, totally forgot about them! Well it turns out he is the in the Stake Presidency of our stake! So cool, Sunday was the first time seeing him and that was at the Stake High council meeting. I have seen him quite a few times since, we are going to set up a dinner soon. So he is one of the main teachers over there and I guess we have permission to attend some of the institute classes if we can find the ones with the people attending who aren't of our faith. So Sisters had this stake prior and they just weren't doing anything with it because they were to shy but we are ready to go. It's such a blessing to cover this Stake. (young single adult stake)
So on Sunday we got a referral for this guy named Sid. He has been here for three months and came here for school from South Korea. Well during Sacrament meetings we left the Institute to go follow up on this referral. Sid comes to the door and peeks through the glass, waves and walks away with look on his face, "I'm not interested, go away." We sat there for a few seconds just thinking... this sucks. We were about to walk away then I decided to give it my last shot and knocked with some attitude. The knock said, "you come back here". Well he did and starred through the glass again then cracked open the door and asked us what we wanted. We were able to explain who we were and eventually get inside! We shared a short message and asked him to say a prayer before he left. His prayer was unreal and so sincere. He was speaking directly to God. I love the prayer of a child or a investigator. So simple and brief, the way it should be. He told us the reason he came to school in Utah is because of the LDS standards and view on family. He's 19 years old! I love being a missionary, you really learn alot about people and learn to understand how they feel and where they are. We are all raised differently and are in completely different places in life.
That is the main part of my week. We have some fun things coming up in December for the mission. A couple general authorities coming. One on December 17th and another on January 1st. I know who they are too! But can't say sorry. This week Dan Bay one of our investigators is getting married on Saturday and baptized on Sunday. Also Donavin Thompson from my old area is getting baptized on Saturday, way excited. He is the 6'8" Jamaican. On friday we have a 6 hour Zone Council! Aghhh! Basically like a ward council but for the affairs of the mission. Should be fun. Later that night President Miller is coming out for the night with Elder Dick and I to basically see how we teach. A little scary but should be a good experience.
Love you guys,
Your son Elder Pizzey!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
November 24, 2010
November 24, 2010 - Week 2 - Transfer 7
Hello Hello Hello from Draper Utah! It's cold here too! Well not that cold. It was funny everyone was freaking out all day yesterday because of a storm that hit. Universities closed down early, stores shutting down, we had to ground all the vehicles in our zone and tell everyone to cancel there lessons for the night. The storm ended up coming but it was just an average storm compared to some of the ones we get at home. People were devastated here. I was still able to make it back to West Jordan for a baptism in my old area though, just got a ride from a member over here. Quinn (11) and (10) Landin Nguyen, Michelle Nhothibouth is their mom. These boys have alot of energy but we were able to focus and channel it while teaching them. I will be keeping in touch with this family for sure I love them. It was fun to see all the people in my old area as well, plus Elder Lundwall and his companion Elder Spencer, they are going to kill it over there. The Larsen family from my old area is related to all the Ackryods, well they love Elder Dick and I and will be taking us out to dinner soon here. Fun fun fun.
So Elder Dick and I have had alot of organizing to do this week. His last companion was pretty stuck in his ways and not open to new ideas, says Elder Dick. Well we are working together on make some necessary changes to our area and zone. Some ordering was in need. We have 12 exchanges to go on this transfer within our zone, its intense. Seems like we will hardly be together this transfer, weird. Tonight we are going on exchange from 6-10 with the assistants to the President tonight. Way to intense. I'm staying here and E. Taylor (the intense tall baller) is coming with me. I am excited to learn.
I'm starting to learn the area. I can't handle not knowing every detail about the area! Not knowing the map also drives me nuts, I hope Elder Dick doesn't get upset with all the questions I ask. Its the only way you learn though. It's coming though, going into the area by myself with E. Taylor tonight well help me learn it for sure. Its weird because this is a zone leader area but the missionaries don't know alot of the leadership or Bishops. It's the only way to work in this mission, I feel alot of the work here has been done with just the missionaries. Some WML's not even aware of people in their ward being taught. But that is changing and we are going to make the work explode! We haven't had any opportunity to work with the UNI 7th Stake yet (8 singles wards). But this week we sure are, there is a devotional once a week we attend and other than that its strictly referrals.
So tomorrow is the big Thanks Giving day here, they really make a big deal of it. We have 4 dinners scheduled so far I think and a breakfast! I don't know what I'm going to do... I'm not a big eater. BTW I've dropped from 190 to 180 (were I should be) recently. Its the working out every morning! Well anyways I will probably just end up puking in between meals or something. But proselyting is basically shut down tomorrow because no one wants to talk about the work, they just want to feed feed feed! I am going back to visit the Fairmen's (first baptism) tomorrow and the Roosendaals (family I called from on mothers day) too, excited!
Well we had zone conference this week, actually on Monday. Alot learned there, we didn't have to give any trainings, that was nice. Being a zone leader was fun for zone conference though. They call you up alot to ask you advice, what you observed during role plays and put you on the spot alot. I like it though lots of fun. We have a few leadership trainings coming up and Zone leader councils. We have a couple GA's(general authorities) coming to the mission around Christmas time. I am stoked. I will definitely get the opportunity to meet them being ZL. Elder Bednar I think is coming for sure, but that is secret only ZL's know yet.
Alright so here is a good story I hope you all get a laugh from this. So... This is how I was welcomed into the Zone Leader calling. A couple days go by... The entire time Elder Dick is telling me about this golden referral from the sisters. His name is "Francis". He told me the sisters just OYM'd (open your mouth) him and he lived in our area, so they called us up. Eventually we decided to go check out the referral. Well he opened up the door and thought we were "one of his people". Jehovah's witness that is. Well he let us and eventually let us sit down, it was on from then! We started to chat, he told us he was a less active Jehovah's Witness. Told us how things didn't make sense and he was looking for truth. It was unreal! I was confused though, Elder Dick wasn't really talking that much. Well I shared testimony, we shared a few scriptures and set up a return appointment for the next day. By the way Francis is a hip black guy in his late 20's. So after 15-20 minutes we left and I flipped out. Elder Dick and I throwing high fives back and forth, talking about how we felt the spirit! It was a miracle! I couldn't get over it the entire day, really just wanted to go home and write it in my journal. Night time roles around and I want to call the WML to give him an update but Elder Dick wouldn't let me. I tackled him and we wrestled and I didn't know why he was being so weird about. Then he said, "well you already met him.." what..? No I haven't. Yes you did. Today. I was way confused. I asked for his name, and Elder Dick said, "Bro. Abraham... Bro. Francis Abraham!" I hope you've put it together like I did. Francis is and was the WML. I flipped out running around the house, aghhhhh!!! So embarrassing, then Elder Dick said, "welcome to being a zone leader" Way to funny, Bro. Abraham is way to good of an actor and the owned me. I can't wait to continue the tradition, it will even be better.
Here from you in a week! Love you guys.
Elder Pizzey.
Hello Hello Hello from Draper Utah! It's cold here too! Well not that cold. It was funny everyone was freaking out all day yesterday because of a storm that hit. Universities closed down early, stores shutting down, we had to ground all the vehicles in our zone and tell everyone to cancel there lessons for the night. The storm ended up coming but it was just an average storm compared to some of the ones we get at home. People were devastated here. I was still able to make it back to West Jordan for a baptism in my old area though, just got a ride from a member over here. Quinn (11) and (10) Landin Nguyen, Michelle Nhothibouth is their mom. These boys have alot of energy but we were able to focus and channel it while teaching them. I will be keeping in touch with this family for sure I love them. It was fun to see all the people in my old area as well, plus Elder Lundwall and his companion Elder Spencer, they are going to kill it over there. The Larsen family from my old area is related to all the Ackryods, well they love Elder Dick and I and will be taking us out to dinner soon here. Fun fun fun.
So Elder Dick and I have had alot of organizing to do this week. His last companion was pretty stuck in his ways and not open to new ideas, says Elder Dick. Well we are working together on make some necessary changes to our area and zone. Some ordering was in need. We have 12 exchanges to go on this transfer within our zone, its intense. Seems like we will hardly be together this transfer, weird. Tonight we are going on exchange from 6-10 with the assistants to the President tonight. Way to intense. I'm staying here and E. Taylor (the intense tall baller) is coming with me. I am excited to learn.
I'm starting to learn the area. I can't handle not knowing every detail about the area! Not knowing the map also drives me nuts, I hope Elder Dick doesn't get upset with all the questions I ask. Its the only way you learn though. It's coming though, going into the area by myself with E. Taylor tonight well help me learn it for sure. Its weird because this is a zone leader area but the missionaries don't know alot of the leadership or Bishops. It's the only way to work in this mission, I feel alot of the work here has been done with just the missionaries. Some WML's not even aware of people in their ward being taught. But that is changing and we are going to make the work explode! We haven't had any opportunity to work with the UNI 7th Stake yet (8 singles wards). But this week we sure are, there is a devotional once a week we attend and other than that its strictly referrals.
So tomorrow is the big Thanks Giving day here, they really make a big deal of it. We have 4 dinners scheduled so far I think and a breakfast! I don't know what I'm going to do... I'm not a big eater. BTW I've dropped from 190 to 180 (were I should be) recently. Its the working out every morning! Well anyways I will probably just end up puking in between meals or something. But proselyting is basically shut down tomorrow because no one wants to talk about the work, they just want to feed feed feed! I am going back to visit the Fairmen's (first baptism) tomorrow and the Roosendaals (family I called from on mothers day) too, excited!
Well we had zone conference this week, actually on Monday. Alot learned there, we didn't have to give any trainings, that was nice. Being a zone leader was fun for zone conference though. They call you up alot to ask you advice, what you observed during role plays and put you on the spot alot. I like it though lots of fun. We have a few leadership trainings coming up and Zone leader councils. We have a couple GA's(general authorities) coming to the mission around Christmas time. I am stoked. I will definitely get the opportunity to meet them being ZL. Elder Bednar I think is coming for sure, but that is secret only ZL's know yet.
Alright so here is a good story I hope you all get a laugh from this. So... This is how I was welcomed into the Zone Leader calling. A couple days go by... The entire time Elder Dick is telling me about this golden referral from the sisters. His name is "Francis". He told me the sisters just OYM'd (open your mouth) him and he lived in our area, so they called us up. Eventually we decided to go check out the referral. Well he opened up the door and thought we were "one of his people". Jehovah's witness that is. Well he let us and eventually let us sit down, it was on from then! We started to chat, he told us he was a less active Jehovah's Witness. Told us how things didn't make sense and he was looking for truth. It was unreal! I was confused though, Elder Dick wasn't really talking that much. Well I shared testimony, we shared a few scriptures and set up a return appointment for the next day. By the way Francis is a hip black guy in his late 20's. So after 15-20 minutes we left and I flipped out. Elder Dick and I throwing high fives back and forth, talking about how we felt the spirit! It was a miracle! I couldn't get over it the entire day, really just wanted to go home and write it in my journal. Night time roles around and I want to call the WML to give him an update but Elder Dick wouldn't let me. I tackled him and we wrestled and I didn't know why he was being so weird about. Then he said, "well you already met him.." what..? No I haven't. Yes you did. Today. I was way confused. I asked for his name, and Elder Dick said, "Bro. Abraham... Bro. Francis Abraham!" I hope you've put it together like I did. Francis is and was the WML. I flipped out running around the house, aghhhhh!!! So embarrassing, then Elder Dick said, "welcome to being a zone leader" Way to funny, Bro. Abraham is way to good of an actor and the owned me. I can't wait to continue the tradition, it will even be better.
Here from you in a week! Love you guys.
Elder Pizzey.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Blake and Austin (one of Blake's good friends)
Blake's new companion Elder Dick
He's from Wetaskiwin, Edmonton, Alberta
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
November 17, 2010
Hello Ma and Pa!
Where to start! I have no clue, actually I do. OK are you ready for the worst thing about serving a mission? You can't play with little kids! Well you can play with them but not hold or let them sit on your lap. You know what I mean, just one of the rules in the white handbook. Keeps missionaries out of bad situations or false accusations. The reason I mention that is because I love kids, I've been thinking about my little Avery and Talia. I love them, I love family. They are adorable and anytime I see a three or four year old it's crazy to think when I come home they will be all grown up!
So this week I had lunch with Austin Fairbanks! That was fun, so weird to hear about home. Not going to lie, I like life in the mission! I'm sure Austin will to, he's going to be an unreal missionary. I was so glad I could visit with him before he headed off for two years, he's truly one of my greatest friends. He is going lead with love in his mission, he's a Christ like guy. I love you Austin!
So Mom and Dad, did you love that leadership training or what! We weren't really suppose to go to it but everyone kept inviting us so we did. And I am sure glad we did, it was amazing! I learnt sooooo much, everything applies to the mission. District leaders equal Bishops, Zone Leaders equal Stake Presidents. I'm trying to remember some of things I liked, I loved the role play ward council! Corney at times but it really was how it should be! It felt like a zone conference for missionaries because all we do is role play and practice. The panel discussion was so cool, Elder Bednar and his "revelatory experience" I love it. Here is something that I really took home from the training on these new handbooks. Take care of business before you report to the council. In a couple trainings ago with all the District Leaders Pres. Miller taught this principle and shared a story about him reporting to a 70 awhile ago. Basically instead of reporting to the Zone Leaders, Assistants or Pres. Miller about a problem, if you can solve it, solve it first then report. I felt they are really trying to take weight off the Bishops shoulders and in a way Mom you can apply this to yourself, within your presidency. Delegate! OK I could go on for hours about things I learned from that broadcast but NO TIME! Real fast thought. To be a good council leader you must be able to listen, don't do all the talking. LISTEN, then inspired questions come!
Alright so I went on an exchange with an Elder is my (old) district this week who's having troubles keeping the rules. He's a great missionary. Knows his stuff, great teaching skills and an all around smart guy but he doesn't care to much for the hours of 10-3 and thinks there pointless. He also hates exchanges because thinks they are pointless and do nothing but ruin the area and investigators. Really he's just a little stubborn but I still love him and we get along great. Anyways President has called me a couple times about him and we discussed how we can help him. Well I went on a exchange with him from 8 to 3, basically during the slow hours and tried to show him how there are actually things you can do. But it was hard to give him advice. Reason I tell you about this exchange is because it was sad! I was almost depressed about the day with him. I've never met a missionary so negative and so full of doubt! There is no faith with doubt. I'm just glad I've had the trainer and companions I've had, these nine months have truly been perfect. Each day you learn something new, there are so many unique situations which you find yourself in and you really learn who you are, where you struggle and what your weaknesses are. So many things to work on and improve. I just tried to deal with that exchange with love and give him any advice I could. Idefinitely learned some things from that exchange.
Alright so the highlight of my week! It was last night, Tuesday night. We have been teaching Jennafer Toone for three months, ever since I got here! She is the one that has been attending church for her whole life. Her mom died a year ago and she was a completely faithful and active member. Her father is not a member of the church but for the last couple of months he has been attending church with Jennafer. PS Jennafer is 15 years old. Well she has been a brain teaser for us! Gives us headaches because it has been difficult to figure out whats holding her back. She doesn't even know whats holding her back. Well we met Monday and Tuesday. Monday we had a intense lesson on PROCRASTINATING! It was a scary lesson, I even got a little scared from the words that were coming out of our mouth. It was bold. She teared up a little. She gave us a letter to read as we left that basically said thanks for everything but she doesn't feel ready to be baptized. She always thought at age 18 (was parents deal) and never at 15 would she get baptized. But now with her dads permission its game time and it scares her almost. Anyways last night we met. Taught about the importance of the commandments and it came to the end of the lesson. There was a moment of just silence, for quite some time. I didnt know what to say. But I just sat and so did Elder Lundwall (this is at the church building, amazing [ward mission leader] Bro. Bentley present). Finally something came to us, Bro. Bentley was invited to share his testimony of how we are never prepared for the next step. I forget how I worded it. Well a few minutes later I pulled out a Baptism Program and said I have a note for you. I handed her the program and asked her to fill it out and be baptized on December 11. Jennafer Toone will be baptized on December 11, 2010! Right after our lesson she had YW's (young womens) and went and told all of them!
I witnessed a miracle last night. She was the first person Elder Lundwall and myself found and the last person we extended a date to, together that is. There were times we almost gave up and moved on even though we cared for her so much. Times where she didn't keep her commitments for awhile, didn't read. But we never gave up because we both new she was ready. She was prepared by Heavenly Father and it has been in His time. Not hers and not ours, that's for sure. But His.
OK so yes there was and has been a transfer today! The thing you have all been waiting for! So I was transferred. I am no longer with Elder Lundwall. I am with Elder Dick, my new companion. We are serving in the Draper Stake and University 7th Stake. We are Zone Leaders of the Draper Temple Zone, my old zone! It's insane, I was a little shocked. President are you sure? But I am excited, a good opportunity to grow and to serve. Also my son, Elder Ng is a one of our District Leaders, so exciting! That means I get to do exchanges in my old area!
So Elder Dick. He was Elder Lundwall's companion before me, I kicked him out of the Park and Prairie Stakes! So funny and now we are together. Whats even better is that Elder Dick is from Wetaskiwin Alberta Canada! My fourth Canadian companion! Really only my second but I include Visa Waiters and Elder Ng is technically still Canadian citizen. We are excited to serve together! We know alot of the same people! TONS! The Paynes for example. BTW did everyone see Jackson in the New Era? I flipped out when I saw that, I miss him too.
Well I'm excited to serve as a Zone Leader, a little intimidating but I can do it. It will be intense giving trainings at zone conferences and going on exchanges with Pres. Miller and the Assistants. It's a privilege though, I think time will fly bye even faster now. Less free time. So this you might find interesting. This area (the DTZ area) picked up the University 7th Stake this transfer, we stole it from the sisters! They weren't to happy. But it covers the entire mission! That means we have unlimited miles and teach throughout the entire mission! INSANE! It's a Stake with eight singles wards, all university students mainly for the University of Utah. It's gonig to be way cool, we already have two investigators in the Stake. But as far as missionary work goes, this is the hardest zone in the mission. It's going to be hard. It's just really wealthy and the numbers aren't as good here, compared to the north end of the mission. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it though! Alright well I best be going now! I am just mumbling now. Thanks for the wonderful emails and I hope all is well at home. I love both of you and the entire family and everyone who reads this! God Bless!
Love, Elder Pizzey.
Where to start! I have no clue, actually I do. OK are you ready for the worst thing about serving a mission? You can't play with little kids! Well you can play with them but not hold or let them sit on your lap. You know what I mean, just one of the rules in the white handbook. Keeps missionaries out of bad situations or false accusations. The reason I mention that is because I love kids, I've been thinking about my little Avery and Talia. I love them, I love family. They are adorable and anytime I see a three or four year old it's crazy to think when I come home they will be all grown up!
So this week I had lunch with Austin Fairbanks! That was fun, so weird to hear about home. Not going to lie, I like life in the mission! I'm sure Austin will to, he's going to be an unreal missionary. I was so glad I could visit with him before he headed off for two years, he's truly one of my greatest friends. He is going lead with love in his mission, he's a Christ like guy. I love you Austin!
So Mom and Dad, did you love that leadership training or what! We weren't really suppose to go to it but everyone kept inviting us so we did. And I am sure glad we did, it was amazing! I learnt sooooo much, everything applies to the mission. District leaders equal Bishops, Zone Leaders equal Stake Presidents. I'm trying to remember some of things I liked, I loved the role play ward council! Corney at times but it really was how it should be! It felt like a zone conference for missionaries because all we do is role play and practice. The panel discussion was so cool, Elder Bednar and his "revelatory experience" I love it. Here is something that I really took home from the training on these new handbooks. Take care of business before you report to the council. In a couple trainings ago with all the District Leaders Pres. Miller taught this principle and shared a story about him reporting to a 70 awhile ago. Basically instead of reporting to the Zone Leaders, Assistants or Pres. Miller about a problem, if you can solve it, solve it first then report. I felt they are really trying to take weight off the Bishops shoulders and in a way Mom you can apply this to yourself, within your presidency. Delegate! OK I could go on for hours about things I learned from that broadcast but NO TIME! Real fast thought. To be a good council leader you must be able to listen, don't do all the talking. LISTEN, then inspired questions come!
Alright so I went on an exchange with an Elder is my (old) district this week who's having troubles keeping the rules. He's a great missionary. Knows his stuff, great teaching skills and an all around smart guy but he doesn't care to much for the hours of 10-3 and thinks there pointless. He also hates exchanges because thinks they are pointless and do nothing but ruin the area and investigators. Really he's just a little stubborn but I still love him and we get along great. Anyways President has called me a couple times about him and we discussed how we can help him. Well I went on a exchange with him from 8 to 3, basically during the slow hours and tried to show him how there are actually things you can do. But it was hard to give him advice. Reason I tell you about this exchange is because it was sad! I was almost depressed about the day with him. I've never met a missionary so negative and so full of doubt! There is no faith with doubt. I'm just glad I've had the trainer and companions I've had, these nine months have truly been perfect. Each day you learn something new, there are so many unique situations which you find yourself in and you really learn who you are, where you struggle and what your weaknesses are. So many things to work on and improve. I just tried to deal with that exchange with love and give him any advice I could. Idefinitely learned some things from that exchange.
Alright so the highlight of my week! It was last night, Tuesday night. We have been teaching Jennafer Toone for three months, ever since I got here! She is the one that has been attending church for her whole life. Her mom died a year ago and she was a completely faithful and active member. Her father is not a member of the church but for the last couple of months he has been attending church with Jennafer. PS Jennafer is 15 years old. Well she has been a brain teaser for us! Gives us headaches because it has been difficult to figure out whats holding her back. She doesn't even know whats holding her back. Well we met Monday and Tuesday. Monday we had a intense lesson on PROCRASTINATING! It was a scary lesson, I even got a little scared from the words that were coming out of our mouth. It was bold. She teared up a little. She gave us a letter to read as we left that basically said thanks for everything but she doesn't feel ready to be baptized. She always thought at age 18 (was parents deal) and never at 15 would she get baptized. But now with her dads permission its game time and it scares her almost. Anyways last night we met. Taught about the importance of the commandments and it came to the end of the lesson. There was a moment of just silence, for quite some time. I didnt know what to say. But I just sat and so did Elder Lundwall (this is at the church building, amazing [ward mission leader] Bro. Bentley present). Finally something came to us, Bro. Bentley was invited to share his testimony of how we are never prepared for the next step. I forget how I worded it. Well a few minutes later I pulled out a Baptism Program and said I have a note for you. I handed her the program and asked her to fill it out and be baptized on December 11. Jennafer Toone will be baptized on December 11, 2010! Right after our lesson she had YW's (young womens) and went and told all of them!
I witnessed a miracle last night. She was the first person Elder Lundwall and myself found and the last person we extended a date to, together that is. There were times we almost gave up and moved on even though we cared for her so much. Times where she didn't keep her commitments for awhile, didn't read. But we never gave up because we both new she was ready. She was prepared by Heavenly Father and it has been in His time. Not hers and not ours, that's for sure. But His.
OK so yes there was and has been a transfer today! The thing you have all been waiting for! So I was transferred. I am no longer with Elder Lundwall. I am with Elder Dick, my new companion. We are serving in the Draper Stake and University 7th Stake. We are Zone Leaders of the Draper Temple Zone, my old zone! It's insane, I was a little shocked. President are you sure? But I am excited, a good opportunity to grow and to serve. Also my son, Elder Ng is a one of our District Leaders, so exciting! That means I get to do exchanges in my old area!
So Elder Dick. He was Elder Lundwall's companion before me, I kicked him out of the Park and Prairie Stakes! So funny and now we are together. Whats even better is that Elder Dick is from Wetaskiwin Alberta Canada! My fourth Canadian companion! Really only my second but I include Visa Waiters and Elder Ng is technically still Canadian citizen. We are excited to serve together! We know alot of the same people! TONS! The Paynes for example. BTW did everyone see Jackson in the New Era? I flipped out when I saw that, I miss him too.
Well I'm excited to serve as a Zone Leader, a little intimidating but I can do it. It will be intense giving trainings at zone conferences and going on exchanges with Pres. Miller and the Assistants. It's a privilege though, I think time will fly bye even faster now. Less free time. So this you might find interesting. This area (the DTZ area) picked up the University 7th Stake this transfer, we stole it from the sisters! They weren't to happy. But it covers the entire mission! That means we have unlimited miles and teach throughout the entire mission! INSANE! It's a Stake with eight singles wards, all university students mainly for the University of Utah. It's gonig to be way cool, we already have two investigators in the Stake. But as far as missionary work goes, this is the hardest zone in the mission. It's going to be hard. It's just really wealthy and the numbers aren't as good here, compared to the north end of the mission. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it though! Alright well I best be going now! I am just mumbling now. Thanks for the wonderful emails and I hope all is well at home. I love both of you and the entire family and everyone who reads this! God Bless!
Love, Elder Pizzey.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November 10, 2010
So today is one of those weeks were I have way to much to say! So many stories to share, all of them amazing but NO time! To be honest it took awhile to read both the letters, although I loved them! I want to take the next thirty minutes (all I have left) to just respond to them. What a good week we had, busy busy busy. We had 16 lessons and this week hopefully we hit 20, never hit it on my mission yet! But it's do able.
So quick update on Michelle and her two boys. If you remember the story. We were about to go home. We were trying to find the Bishop but couldn't, we decided to check the church building, a Saturday night. He was there and Michelle (LA-less active) and her two boys (ages 10 and 11). She has started reading the BOM and what a change it has made in her, a different person. They come to church each week and the boys are looking at November 23 for baptism. A crazy wild, goofy family from Louse (sp? in Asia?). I love them.
This week has been filled with spiritual experiences one after another. My testimony of the BOM continues to grow, line upon line. I've had this thought a few different times this week and it is strange. A completely different feeling, and this week isn't the first time on my mission. It has happened at zone conferences and in previous areas but its a strong impression. "I know you" Weird? Maybe so but its real. Meeting knew Elders, new companions and new investigators. I know them, we know each other. I know their personality before I even meet them, the Pre-Earth life is so real! I'm in this area at this time for a certain reason.
This week I had a exchange with Elder Conrad in my district. He has been out as long as Elder Lundwall and right now he is training a new missionary. Well I love Elder Conrad. We can teach in complete unity and it is UNREAL! What a spiritual day we had, the entire day. We were being placed in the path of everyone who was reading to listen, we had two people that day say its no coincidence you showed up today. Last night..... long story! We taught a few of our investigators and we came out of those lessons in shock. Words were shared that weren't Elder Conrad or Elder Pizzey's. We gave a blessing to Jennafer Toone, an investigator of ours who's having troubles deciding about baptism. We taught a LA family with a 9 year old son, with "inspired questions" we helped the parents share their testimony with their children. And we all know when one shares it, it grows. We got in a door and had great discussion with this man, John. He wanted us to answer some questions and so we did. Great man. Well he started to bring up a few scriptures from the Bible that he believed didn't go in line with our Church. We answered them and he was satisfied. Another question, answered. We asked him some questions? Shared a few scriptures. He started to put up that wall and I could see it. You can tell when your doing good and doing bad. We were doing good but it was time to leave! We shared our testimonies and gave him chapters to study from the BOM and got out of there. It was a great experience.
We had a family invite a neighbour over for dessert and a message this week. A family of four from Mexico. Carla (17 yrs) and Nitalia (9 yrs) speak perfect English but the parents not so well. So I took the first lesson and squished it into five minutes and shared 2 Nephi 25:26, something simple. This was moment that I will always remember. I would say a few sentences and stop. Carla would translate and I would continue. I don't know why but it was powerful. Maybe it was the pausing that allowed me to not just mutter off what came to mind but to truly seek the proper words. Or the fact that Carla was basically teaching her parents and sharing a testimony to them but we felt the spirit. I loved it. I can't describe my feelings or emotions in words that well, but it touched me.
We have been teaching this lady for almost a month. We teach her basically every second day, and she has gone through alot in life. A single mom at 26 years old and when I say alot I mean alot. More than anyone I know. Well she has brought up this fear of reading the BOM because she knows she will receive an answer and have to act on it.. funny I know. Well her one year old boy has been getting abused by her ex-husband who use to beat her. This week he had to go into the hospital. So she has been trying to get full custody, but it hasn't been looking good for her. Yesterday she went to court. The judge denied it because she was missing a few things, and she was upset. She went outside the court room and decided to read the BOM for the first time by herself as she waited for an hour. She was completely taken in by it. She started to pray and she kept getting this answer that said "trust in me no matter the outcome." She was not liking the answer but continued to read, read a total of three chapters. Then an hour later the family services person came out and told her that something happened that never does. The judge stopped her hearing and decided to re-look at her case. She did and granted it. She has full custody! I can't believe the Lord answers such a prayer, but it was exactly what she needed. After a month of exhorting her to read she finally did and the very hour she did, God kept his promise! The voicemails she left said, "God works in mysterious ways and he has proved Elder Pizzey right." I called her back in complete confusion/excitement and she answers, "Elder Pizzey its true." I never thought I would here those words from her.
This week was great, this work is unreal. We always have something to learn and so much to improve on. Last week of the transfer and I'm on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen. Can't wait to see whats in store for the future!
Love your son, Elder Pizzey.
So today is one of those weeks were I have way to much to say! So many stories to share, all of them amazing but NO time! To be honest it took awhile to read both the letters, although I loved them! I want to take the next thirty minutes (all I have left) to just respond to them. What a good week we had, busy busy busy. We had 16 lessons and this week hopefully we hit 20, never hit it on my mission yet! But it's do able.
So quick update on Michelle and her two boys. If you remember the story. We were about to go home. We were trying to find the Bishop but couldn't, we decided to check the church building, a Saturday night. He was there and Michelle (LA-less active) and her two boys (ages 10 and 11). She has started reading the BOM and what a change it has made in her, a different person. They come to church each week and the boys are looking at November 23 for baptism. A crazy wild, goofy family from Louse (sp? in Asia?). I love them.
This week has been filled with spiritual experiences one after another. My testimony of the BOM continues to grow, line upon line. I've had this thought a few different times this week and it is strange. A completely different feeling, and this week isn't the first time on my mission. It has happened at zone conferences and in previous areas but its a strong impression. "I know you" Weird? Maybe so but its real. Meeting knew Elders, new companions and new investigators. I know them, we know each other. I know their personality before I even meet them, the Pre-Earth life is so real! I'm in this area at this time for a certain reason.
This week I had a exchange with Elder Conrad in my district. He has been out as long as Elder Lundwall and right now he is training a new missionary. Well I love Elder Conrad. We can teach in complete unity and it is UNREAL! What a spiritual day we had, the entire day. We were being placed in the path of everyone who was reading to listen, we had two people that day say its no coincidence you showed up today. Last night..... long story! We taught a few of our investigators and we came out of those lessons in shock. Words were shared that weren't Elder Conrad or Elder Pizzey's. We gave a blessing to Jennafer Toone, an investigator of ours who's having troubles deciding about baptism. We taught a LA family with a 9 year old son, with "inspired questions" we helped the parents share their testimony with their children. And we all know when one shares it, it grows. We got in a door and had great discussion with this man, John. He wanted us to answer some questions and so we did. Great man. Well he started to bring up a few scriptures from the Bible that he believed didn't go in line with our Church. We answered them and he was satisfied. Another question, answered. We asked him some questions? Shared a few scriptures. He started to put up that wall and I could see it. You can tell when your doing good and doing bad. We were doing good but it was time to leave! We shared our testimonies and gave him chapters to study from the BOM and got out of there. It was a great experience.
We had a family invite a neighbour over for dessert and a message this week. A family of four from Mexico. Carla (17 yrs) and Nitalia (9 yrs) speak perfect English but the parents not so well. So I took the first lesson and squished it into five minutes and shared 2 Nephi 25:26, something simple. This was moment that I will always remember. I would say a few sentences and stop. Carla would translate and I would continue. I don't know why but it was powerful. Maybe it was the pausing that allowed me to not just mutter off what came to mind but to truly seek the proper words. Or the fact that Carla was basically teaching her parents and sharing a testimony to them but we felt the spirit. I loved it. I can't describe my feelings or emotions in words that well, but it touched me.
We have been teaching this lady for almost a month. We teach her basically every second day, and she has gone through alot in life. A single mom at 26 years old and when I say alot I mean alot. More than anyone I know. Well she has brought up this fear of reading the BOM because she knows she will receive an answer and have to act on it.. funny I know. Well her one year old boy has been getting abused by her ex-husband who use to beat her. This week he had to go into the hospital. So she has been trying to get full custody, but it hasn't been looking good for her. Yesterday she went to court. The judge denied it because she was missing a few things, and she was upset. She went outside the court room and decided to read the BOM for the first time by herself as she waited for an hour. She was completely taken in by it. She started to pray and she kept getting this answer that said "trust in me no matter the outcome." She was not liking the answer but continued to read, read a total of three chapters. Then an hour later the family services person came out and told her that something happened that never does. The judge stopped her hearing and decided to re-look at her case. She did and granted it. She has full custody! I can't believe the Lord answers such a prayer, but it was exactly what she needed. After a month of exhorting her to read she finally did and the very hour she did, God kept his promise! The voicemails she left said, "God works in mysterious ways and he has proved Elder Pizzey right." I called her back in complete confusion/excitement and she answers, "Elder Pizzey its true." I never thought I would here those words from her.
This week was great, this work is unreal. We always have something to learn and so much to improve on. Last week of the transfer and I'm on the edge of my seat wondering what will happen. Can't wait to see whats in store for the future!
Love your son, Elder Pizzey.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
November 3, 2010
Hello from the valley of the Prophets!
Alright before I forget, the shout outs! Grandma Berns! Jalene! and Dianne! For the letters! And also happy birthday to Jason and Jordan, you guys are good brothers. I'm going to say the same thing about my week. I'm not keeping you out of the loop but it was just a little quite, so it might be short. Actually... the more I think about it alot happened! Just no intense stories to share.
So my history I guess, you guys were asking. I spent four transfers (24 weeks) in my last area which was WA and WC stakes. Two of those transfers with E. England and two with E. Ng. I am close to finishing up my second transfer in my second area, PK and PR stakes and of course both with E. Lundwall. So you guys are correct a transfer is coming up November 17 (first week of my seventh transfer). I predict, not prophecy, that I will be leaving and going somewhere else. President has spoken to me a few times about having Elder Lundwall train. There is a very good chance he will train this next transfer but who knows right! Anything could happen.
When I put some more thought into it way too much happened this week to even write about it! Last Wednesday Justin and Trevor Jones were baptized, an unreal baptism. It was the first baptism on my mission that we had to move it to the chapel, like Lindsay's baptism. Then on Sunday we had their confirmation. I love confirmations! We actually got to speak that sacrament meeting as well. Since they are both young men I spoke to the young men, it was great. I basically spoke on preparing for a mission but not the typical go on a mission talk. I touched on four basic things that they need to keep their mind on throughout highschool. I told some hilarious/intense/scary stories from my mission and things that I have learned. I love speaking and it's getting better and better. In the past two weeks we have spoken four times, a couple of them being 20 minute talks.
I forgot to mention that this past week we had our quarterly interviews with President Miller. So we had our district meeting and during our district meeting President would pull the an Elder out and interview him. The Assistants to the President, Zone Leaders and Sis. Miller were there part of my district meeting. So they told me to plan for an hour and half but when I got there E. Bourelson told me it's going to take two and half hours! And that I have to keep the district meeting going the entire time. I was like FREAK. But I said a little prayer and all was good. That was the greatest district meeting I've ever had. It was on revelation through prayer. I don't really know how to describe the meeting other than it was very interactive, alot of practice, then evaluate and re-practice. A spiritual meeting for all of us. My district is excellent this transfer, I love each and everyone of them. I will have to get a picture of all of us before the transfer is over and send it home.
I had to exchanges within my district this past week. One I stayed and the other I left. I always learn something new from other missionaries. Being district leader there are benefits like being able to go on so many exchanges (7 a transfer) and work with so many different missionaries. Prepare the district meeting each week and of course you grow when sharing with others what you learn. BUT MAN! I'm already sick of the calling. Sounds bad but hopefully you know what I mean. Leadership in the mission is a difficult thing. There are so many things President and the Zone Leaders want you to do and I try to do them as best as I can. But when you do what they want it is usually not what the Elders in your district want. So my point in saying this it's hard to keep the relationships strong with all the Elders especially if they are being disobedient. But I always just think it's better to be trusted than to be a friend in the mission field. Second thing I try to keep in mind is acting with no hypocrisy (Nephi 31:13). Being a leadership position is difficult at times but its great at the same time. It keeps you in line, you can only lift someone up if your on higher ground right! So you better be on that higher ground. In life you are either a leader or a follower and if you know me I don't like to follow! Alma 38:10-12 speak to me right now and I felt that was the message Pres. Miller shared with me in my interview.
Well as far as that... the Gospel is true. It's amazing to see the change it brings to peoples lives. Peoples views and morals often completely change over the time they meet with us. As people pray their original concerns go away because their will is brought in line with the will of the Father. They see through different eyes and accept the standards of the restored Gospell! I love it! Keep the faith everyone and talk to you soon on Christmas!
Love Elder Pizzey!
Alright before I forget, the shout outs! Grandma Berns! Jalene! and Dianne! For the letters! And also happy birthday to Jason and Jordan, you guys are good brothers. I'm going to say the same thing about my week. I'm not keeping you out of the loop but it was just a little quite, so it might be short. Actually... the more I think about it alot happened! Just no intense stories to share.
So my history I guess, you guys were asking. I spent four transfers (24 weeks) in my last area which was WA and WC stakes. Two of those transfers with E. England and two with E. Ng. I am close to finishing up my second transfer in my second area, PK and PR stakes and of course both with E. Lundwall. So you guys are correct a transfer is coming up November 17 (first week of my seventh transfer). I predict, not prophecy, that I will be leaving and going somewhere else. President has spoken to me a few times about having Elder Lundwall train. There is a very good chance he will train this next transfer but who knows right! Anything could happen.
When I put some more thought into it way too much happened this week to even write about it! Last Wednesday Justin and Trevor Jones were baptized, an unreal baptism. It was the first baptism on my mission that we had to move it to the chapel, like Lindsay's baptism. Then on Sunday we had their confirmation. I love confirmations! We actually got to speak that sacrament meeting as well. Since they are both young men I spoke to the young men, it was great. I basically spoke on preparing for a mission but not the typical go on a mission talk. I touched on four basic things that they need to keep their mind on throughout highschool. I told some hilarious/intense/scary stories from my mission and things that I have learned. I love speaking and it's getting better and better. In the past two weeks we have spoken four times, a couple of them being 20 minute talks.
I forgot to mention that this past week we had our quarterly interviews with President Miller. So we had our district meeting and during our district meeting President would pull the an Elder out and interview him. The Assistants to the President, Zone Leaders and Sis. Miller were there part of my district meeting. So they told me to plan for an hour and half but when I got there E. Bourelson told me it's going to take two and half hours! And that I have to keep the district meeting going the entire time. I was like FREAK. But I said a little prayer and all was good. That was the greatest district meeting I've ever had. It was on revelation through prayer. I don't really know how to describe the meeting other than it was very interactive, alot of practice, then evaluate and re-practice. A spiritual meeting for all of us. My district is excellent this transfer, I love each and everyone of them. I will have to get a picture of all of us before the transfer is over and send it home.
I had to exchanges within my district this past week. One I stayed and the other I left. I always learn something new from other missionaries. Being district leader there are benefits like being able to go on so many exchanges (7 a transfer) and work with so many different missionaries. Prepare the district meeting each week and of course you grow when sharing with others what you learn. BUT MAN! I'm already sick of the calling. Sounds bad but hopefully you know what I mean. Leadership in the mission is a difficult thing. There are so many things President and the Zone Leaders want you to do and I try to do them as best as I can. But when you do what they want it is usually not what the Elders in your district want. So my point in saying this it's hard to keep the relationships strong with all the Elders especially if they are being disobedient. But I always just think it's better to be trusted than to be a friend in the mission field. Second thing I try to keep in mind is acting with no hypocrisy (Nephi 31:13). Being a leadership position is difficult at times but its great at the same time. It keeps you in line, you can only lift someone up if your on higher ground right! So you better be on that higher ground. In life you are either a leader or a follower and if you know me I don't like to follow! Alma 38:10-12 speak to me right now and I felt that was the message Pres. Miller shared with me in my interview.
Well as far as that... the Gospel is true. It's amazing to see the change it brings to peoples lives. Peoples views and morals often completely change over the time they meet with us. As people pray their original concerns go away because their will is brought in line with the will of the Father. They see through different eyes and accept the standards of the restored Gospell! I love it! Keep the faith everyone and talk to you soon on Christmas!
Love Elder Pizzey!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
October 27, 2010
Hello Alberta!
How are you guys? I am good and it's nice to hear from you. I love being a missionary. It sounds so korny but I really do. I am starting to realize how short two years really is! This time is precious and there is so much to do! So much to change! To improve on! To become! It's a little scary sometimes, I can't let my game down. So thank you to the Low's, Grandma and Nana! All of your cards/presents have been perfect. I have a great family. As far as the winner goes for birthday presents... I feel bad picking one because they were all so different and so great. But I would have to say one of the most simple presents I got and that would have to be the Heavenors! The steak sauce!? Genious. I love them all though.
So mom you have been stressing out because I haven't got a jacket or new glasses yet. Well it shouldn't be that hard anymore since I have a CAR! No more stressful Pday's that are full of organizing rides and feeling guilty for having someone drive us around all day. This morning we were in the grocery store and the phone rang. The mission office! I love the senior couples in the mission office! Well it was Elder Hamilton the mission vehicle coordinator and he let me know the assistants and President Miller want me to have a vehicle! So we buzzed down to Hariman to take it away from the Elders who had it. Felt bad acutally, 2008 Toyota Corola! It's a beauty.
So it's not that cold here, just really slushy. No more riding in the snow though, it was pretty fun. Being all bundled up. Mitties. Scarf. Just riding through the darkness with our lights on, ice/snow peppering our faces. We will most likely park the car for the main part of the day and just use it at night to get from appointment to appointment, for those key hours.
So in this past week we picked up four new investigators, right now we have seven people working towards a baptismal date. Actually we have two baptisms tonight! (BTW Happy Birthday Dave! Love you man) Justin (15) and Trevor (11) Jones. We have been teaching them and their mother for the past six weeks, I love them. Truly do. Within the past six months their parents went through a divorce. Their parents were married in the temple almost 20 years ago but after going through their father told their mom we are never going to church again. He obviously didn't understand the gospel and have a testimony. But Sis. Jones is the coolest. She has been going to church ever since the divorce and same with the boys. We went over Sunday for one of our last appointments and guess what we had to finish it off?? Scones! And they tasted just like yours mom! We got some good pictures of the blissful moment. It will be fun to visit the many families I get close to while I'm here. So yes! Their baptism is today, first baptism ever on a Pday!
I am so curious whats going to happen this next transfer. If I leave, which I think I will, it's going to be a little sad. We have so many people we are teaching and I just love it here. Landlords are way cool aswell. But I know that whatever happens will be for a reason. Elder Lundwall is hilarious, really a funny guy. Very sarcastic. Once again, I'm excited to introduce him to you guys. We are becoming best friends. It just keeps getting better, I've been blessed.
Well I don't have to many stories this week, or I do but they are all in my journal. This week's email is a little more general than normal but I'm sure thats fine with all of you. I would like to share a story that happened last night at our corelation meeting (High Councilmen over missionary work and all WML's of Stake) with the Prairie Stake. But I will have to save that story until I get home. I would rather not share it over the interent and it will be 10x better in person. Remind me when I get home.
We started to teach a 6'8" Jamican! Donavin, he's so cool, so spiritual. He is getting baptised November 27th and he's solid. An amazing chef, like one of the top around here in the valley. So those lessons are are always so spiritual and exciting. We have one investigator struggling, Jennafer. And another going through a really hard time in her life, Nicolle. I hope things work out for them, I pray hard for them. That lesson with John Chacon was kind of funny, really laid back (PS that wasn't Elder Lundwall, exchange with Elder Conrad). (Blake sent a jump drive home of a discussion his companion recorded with John Chacon) But John is doing OK. He knows the gospel is true and wants to act on it but things aren't working out for him right now. It's hard but we are trying to meet with him once a week, I love him though. I will get a picture and send it home for all of you.
Great week. OK Love all of you! and I must run! Actually drive now! Haha.
Elder Pizzey!
How are you guys? I am good and it's nice to hear from you. I love being a missionary. It sounds so korny but I really do. I am starting to realize how short two years really is! This time is precious and there is so much to do! So much to change! To improve on! To become! It's a little scary sometimes, I can't let my game down. So thank you to the Low's, Grandma and Nana! All of your cards/presents have been perfect. I have a great family. As far as the winner goes for birthday presents... I feel bad picking one because they were all so different and so great. But I would have to say one of the most simple presents I got and that would have to be the Heavenors! The steak sauce!? Genious. I love them all though.
So mom you have been stressing out because I haven't got a jacket or new glasses yet. Well it shouldn't be that hard anymore since I have a CAR! No more stressful Pday's that are full of organizing rides and feeling guilty for having someone drive us around all day. This morning we were in the grocery store and the phone rang. The mission office! I love the senior couples in the mission office! Well it was Elder Hamilton the mission vehicle coordinator and he let me know the assistants and President Miller want me to have a vehicle! So we buzzed down to Hariman to take it away from the Elders who had it. Felt bad acutally, 2008 Toyota Corola! It's a beauty.
So it's not that cold here, just really slushy. No more riding in the snow though, it was pretty fun. Being all bundled up. Mitties. Scarf. Just riding through the darkness with our lights on, ice/snow peppering our faces. We will most likely park the car for the main part of the day and just use it at night to get from appointment to appointment, for those key hours.
So in this past week we picked up four new investigators, right now we have seven people working towards a baptismal date. Actually we have two baptisms tonight! (BTW Happy Birthday Dave! Love you man) Justin (15) and Trevor (11) Jones. We have been teaching them and their mother for the past six weeks, I love them. Truly do. Within the past six months their parents went through a divorce. Their parents were married in the temple almost 20 years ago but after going through their father told their mom we are never going to church again. He obviously didn't understand the gospel and have a testimony. But Sis. Jones is the coolest. She has been going to church ever since the divorce and same with the boys. We went over Sunday for one of our last appointments and guess what we had to finish it off?? Scones! And they tasted just like yours mom! We got some good pictures of the blissful moment. It will be fun to visit the many families I get close to while I'm here. So yes! Their baptism is today, first baptism ever on a Pday!
I am so curious whats going to happen this next transfer. If I leave, which I think I will, it's going to be a little sad. We have so many people we are teaching and I just love it here. Landlords are way cool aswell. But I know that whatever happens will be for a reason. Elder Lundwall is hilarious, really a funny guy. Very sarcastic. Once again, I'm excited to introduce him to you guys. We are becoming best friends. It just keeps getting better, I've been blessed.
Well I don't have to many stories this week, or I do but they are all in my journal. This week's email is a little more general than normal but I'm sure thats fine with all of you. I would like to share a story that happened last night at our corelation meeting (High Councilmen over missionary work and all WML's of Stake) with the Prairie Stake. But I will have to save that story until I get home. I would rather not share it over the interent and it will be 10x better in person. Remind me when I get home.
We started to teach a 6'8" Jamican! Donavin, he's so cool, so spiritual. He is getting baptised November 27th and he's solid. An amazing chef, like one of the top around here in the valley. So those lessons are are always so spiritual and exciting. We have one investigator struggling, Jennafer. And another going through a really hard time in her life, Nicolle. I hope things work out for them, I pray hard for them. That lesson with John Chacon was kind of funny, really laid back (PS that wasn't Elder Lundwall, exchange with Elder Conrad). (Blake sent a jump drive home of a discussion his companion recorded with John Chacon) But John is doing OK. He knows the gospel is true and wants to act on it but things aren't working out for him right now. It's hard but we are trying to meet with him once a week, I love him though. I will get a picture and send it home for all of you.
Great week. OK Love all of you! and I must run! Actually drive now! Haha.
Elder Pizzey!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
October 20, 2010
Just a reminder Blake's Pday is Wednesday now!
Hello from Utah!
Hello from Utah!
Alrighty... before I even get started. I'm going to give some shout outs! Thank you Hirsche's, Beck Prince, LINDSAY, Parents, Grandpa, Austin, Heavenor's, Gibb's, Elder Gibb and a few others! Man I felt like a spoiled little ratty brat! I had like six packages. It felt good though, I felt loved. I appreciate all of them, all thoughtful. Maybe one little suggestion for Breanne. Don't right on the customs sticker that there is MONEY inside the box! Not the brightest, but what we can expect its Breanne! JUST KIDDING. OK well I love my family and friends that's a given, or else I would just right a one paragraph email like every other Elder here. When everyone is yelling at and calling me to get my butt over to the gym I keep writing. Because I love you guys, I'm going to use the full time we are given.
So yup yesterday was my birthday! Weird. It sure didn't feel like it. I was on exchange with Elder Bourleson (Zone leader) in his area on Monday and on Tuesday I was on an exchange with Elder Santiago (new missionary) in his area. I completely forgot it was my birthday yesterday until dinner really. The family asked how old I was and I thought for a minute and just answered 20 with a grin. Although my buddies in the zone, our zone leaders took me out for lunch on Monday that was cool. We are going to Draper with them today to play ball with some other Elders. I can't wait. So unreal week though. With this new Wednesday Pday thing I feel like the week is longer, not in a bad way. Just that I have 10x the amount of stories I want to share! Alot with have to wait until I'm home with the journals.
So I think the coolest thing about being a missionary, hope this doesn't sound prideful or like I'm boasting of myself. But I love when members or Bishops or Stake Presidents say, "I feel the spirit when I am with these Elders." We have had a few Bishops pull us into there office and let us know they are proud of us. They let us know that they KNOW we are being obedient. That we are working in unity. That we are out here for the right reasons and they know all these things because when we come into their home and share a scripture and leave with a prayer they feel it! People have told us there is a light around you guys! I don't think literally but I just think really? I just get so used to it I take the countless number of spiritual experiences we have for granted! I can't do that, and I don't anymore. Miracles happen everyday but we just need to recognize them! And when we recognize them we have to thank God for them. I love this service I am in!
I also love being prepared. We were sitting in one of our wards this Sunday, actually we were sitting with the Fowlks. The high councilmen who was suppose to speak didn't show up. So the Bishop got up and ask if we could stand. He said now these fine Elders, Elder Pizzey and Elder Lundwall don't know this but they are going to be our speakers this week! I was stoked. So up we went and sat there during the sacrament. Enjoyed the sacrament and finished the meeting by speaking for 10-12 minutes on whatever the spirit told me to share. Just another ward down! The best thing was we had two potential investigators at that meeting. Sometimes you get scared bringing people to church as a missionary. Just don't always know if the members will actually do their part. Be mindful of what they say or if they will shake the hand of every person they don't know. Well since we were the ones speaking we could completely tailor the lesson to THEM! And now we are teaching them, I love it. No such thing as coincidences.
I haven't even hit the things I've wanted to talk about today! Shoot! Dang! Freak! (missionary swears). Well last Friday Elder Lundwall and myself were weekly planning. We were still a little down and focusing on some of the negative things that were happening in the area. We were still doing the work but with very little faith and a poor attitude. Well at the end of that week planning session (PMG P.147) there is step 13. The last step. We made some appropriate goals and took them to heart. We snapped out of our wimpy moment and just got to work. It's hard to describe the change but there was one, a big one.
I love baptismal interviews. I interviewed a man in his 40's with cancer this past week. He doesn't have much longer to live, less than a year. Family and everything. But you could imagine how humbling that was. Baptismal interviews can be so spiritual, what a opportunity for me. I love my district. We have got some good Elders right now and they are all working hard. I don't have time to look up the scripture right now. But it's Alma talking about the joy he has of his brethren success. I feel that, I get so proud of them. It's somewhere in Alma 17 or 26.
So the exchanges this week! (sorry rushed, no time left) I loved them. To be honest I learnt more from a new missionary than my zone leaders! I am probably just to close with our zone leaders so it was more fun than intense and spiritual! Elder Santiago, he is from Taiwan Mexico and only been out a couple weeks. He has a great trainer E. Conrad (been out 1 year). Elder Santiago is the a funny little guy, I think of him as cute. He is still working on getting the English down but doing unreal. I love missionaries with no fear and will to challenge and testify to anyone! Well he's one of us, I find it's the only way to truely feel satisfied in this work. The original plan was for him to come to my area because he has only been in his for a couple weeks. But I thought it would be good for Elder Lundwall to take over our area for a couple days and I knew Elder Santiago was ready to show me how its done. So I changed it up. He was way excited. We worked so hard yesterday. Walked 11 miles, I never walk though I'm all about the bike. We had some unbelievable experiences tracting. We did it so prayerfully. No some of you are going to think this is weird but it's so REAL! First we circle the huge apartment place. Then we pray and ask for guidance, then we walk and just listen to the spirit. BAM! Change direction and we went 200 feet the opposite direction. Knocked on two doors, then we heard footsteps behind us. Turn around and open our mouth. We ran into a recent convert of one year, turns out her 14 year old brother is interested. We schedule a time. Same thing we walk and pointed to a certain group of the apartments. Lets go. We go to the second level and the third door we knock (fifth of the day) we find a family. They met with missionaries before, had some problems but now they are ready...... What! Same thing. Thank God, and continue on. We knocked some other doors we were led to and ran into a member. She had a referral for us on the other side of the building. We go check it out and no ones home. We knock a few more (2 hours in and only 25 knocks) but nothing, so we decide to head to a different ward. As we are leaving there is this lady with her little boy WAY on the other side of the parking lot. We change our direction TOGETHER (same time, no words said) and walk in a straight line towards her. Guess who it is? The referral of that member earlier and even better she is has been wanting to meet with missionaries! UNREAL. Man did we give thanks.
I'm sorry that was quite the story and hard to explain, hopefully it made sense. I loved that day though. I couldn't ask for a better birthday present. I love serving with an Elder who has the same feelings for this work as I do. Who is excited to hussel, to get outside! Sometimes I wonder why can't my companion be dragging me around! But in the pass 9 weeks I've learned something. We aren't just here to invite others to come unto Christ, we are also her to invite our companions unto Christ. We are here for each other. When we do what we should be doing any contention goes away and the relationship works out. I can trust that he will be there for me as well and he as. I love serving and I'm going to do the best I can. I'll come home a new man, not a teenager! I'm 20 now! hehe! Love you all, especially you guys. Mom and Dad that is.
Love your Elder Pizzey.
Friday, October 15, 2010
October 15, 2010 A few pics from end of September
Elder Lundwell (his current companion)

Elder Dick (from Wetaskiwin) was previously in the this area and had taught the Fowlks.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October 13, 2010
Hello Family and Friends!
It's been way to long since we chatted! So many things have happened! Where do I start? I mean there has been like five highs and five lows since, its really a roller coaster. I got in an car accident this week! We also got a new phone! Way better than our old brick. Well before I get going let me say a couple things. Thank you to everyone who sent things for my birthday, I feel loved. I just saw alot of packages before I came over here, excited to check them out. Another thing, this email might be way short. Sorry I just don't have alot of time today. We have an intense basketball game, basically invite only. Some of the best ballers in the mission, including one guy who red shirted for BYU. There are like eight of us who seriously play. So I apologize if it's short but you guys know me every week they are crazy long.
Well on Saturday I had a baptism in my old area. He is a wonderful young man, I love him. Elder England and myself taught him since our first week in the area. We helped him work towards baptism and a week before the baptism we found out he was on probation and had six months left. He's not what your picturing in your head right now. Sweet little guy, shy and just completely humble. Twelve years old too. Well that time flew by and Saturday was the day. I got a phone call last week from him, he asked if I could baptize him. Of course I was up for it and was super excited for him. Another spiritual experience. I could go into details of the baptism but no time. When he came up out of the water we hugged each other and I have never seen such a smile on him. I remember when we first found out he couldn't get baptized it was so hard. I just kept telling myself he's ready, he's ready. Its not fair. But now looking back on it I realize it was meant to be. We continued teaching him once a week and so did Elder Ng and his new missionary Elder Ellege from Hawaii. But now he was truly prepared and was anxious to enter the waters. I love him and will keep in touch with him.
Ohh man I have to wrap this up! So many other experiences, shoot! Well we started to teach a new lady this week, Jordan Poulsen. Her maiden name is Roy, I believe. She is a single mom. Raised in Winnipeg and lived in Lethbridge for a year. She went to Fleetwood Boden Elementary in Lethbridge, you heard of it dad? Well she is in her late 20's and she had been completely prepared by the Lord. She has gone through alot in her life. I mean at a young age, like 16 years old, she was selling hard drugs. Became addicted to meth for a few years but now she is completely clean and has been for several years. She has her life together and it's amazing to think of all that she has done by herself. From the first time we met with her we challenged her to stop smoking, its been a week and a couple days since she last smoked. A couple Preisthood blessings and lots of prayer we give thanks to. I told her to flip open the Book of Mormon if she ever has a tempation. Well she did it and opened to Alma 34. DON'T procrastinate your repentence! It hit her hard and the temptation left. Well we have at three or four lessons with her and everyone is spiritual. Something I've learned is to just bare down in pure testimony, it's more powerful than trying to convert with fancy teaching skills or anything. She has a million questions and our biggest struggle is just keeping things on topic. But it's good, she has such a desire to learn. Jordan has a Catholic background and she has a great understanding of the Bible. It's amazing to see how true this Gospel is. Take all the good from other relgions and bring it to ours! Your questions will be answered.
We had a mission fireside this week, on monday morning. That was nice, gave us something to look forward to so we didn't die with a week and two days of no PDAY! haha it wasn't that bad at all. But right before this mission, President and Sister Miller served in Austrailia as a senior couple. Well they met a return missionary who served in our mission 13 years ago, he ended up helping them alot with their service over there. Ben Mitchell. Then President and Sister Miller got called to our mission and Pres. Miller called him up and flew him out here to speak to us. He is an unreal speaker and so motivating. I think alot of the Elders and Sisters left with a greater desire to be more obiedent. I liked it because he served in our areas, he knows what its like. The hours of 10-3, brutal. No one home, everyone at work. No public place to just go OYM (open your mouth). It was great, he spoke on the reality satan. How he tries to get us and its so true. I've witnessed it this week.
This past week we were real high and were just thrown real hard, real low. It sucked. I would say yesterday was one of the hardest days I've had on my mission. Mainly due to one thing but a few other contributed. I am glad today is Pday and I have alot of mail! Shauntae a girl we have been teaching since my first week in the area, she was supposed to get baptized this saturday. Long story short. It's not going to happen for six months. It's not a fun story and it's way too long so I am going to leave it out. I'm sorry. She's a foster child (18 years old) and the people who I guess are in charge of her told her she can't think of any of this for six months because it's causing her too much stress. It's so lame. She wants to be baptized. But I have to get over it and continue working, can't let it get to me. We will do everything we can of course but man, satan does anything to prevent this work.
OK I MUST GO! It's time to go play some serious ball then read the letters I got this week! I love all of you and God bless!
Elder Pizzey
It's been way to long since we chatted! So many things have happened! Where do I start? I mean there has been like five highs and five lows since, its really a roller coaster. I got in an car accident this week! We also got a new phone! Way better than our old brick. Well before I get going let me say a couple things. Thank you to everyone who sent things for my birthday, I feel loved. I just saw alot of packages before I came over here, excited to check them out. Another thing, this email might be way short. Sorry I just don't have alot of time today. We have an intense basketball game, basically invite only. Some of the best ballers in the mission, including one guy who red shirted for BYU. There are like eight of us who seriously play. So I apologize if it's short but you guys know me every week they are crazy long.
Well on Saturday I had a baptism in my old area. He is a wonderful young man, I love him. Elder England and myself taught him since our first week in the area. We helped him work towards baptism and a week before the baptism we found out he was on probation and had six months left. He's not what your picturing in your head right now. Sweet little guy, shy and just completely humble. Twelve years old too. Well that time flew by and Saturday was the day. I got a phone call last week from him, he asked if I could baptize him. Of course I was up for it and was super excited for him. Another spiritual experience. I could go into details of the baptism but no time. When he came up out of the water we hugged each other and I have never seen such a smile on him. I remember when we first found out he couldn't get baptized it was so hard. I just kept telling myself he's ready, he's ready. Its not fair. But now looking back on it I realize it was meant to be. We continued teaching him once a week and so did Elder Ng and his new missionary Elder Ellege from Hawaii. But now he was truly prepared and was anxious to enter the waters. I love him and will keep in touch with him.
Ohh man I have to wrap this up! So many other experiences, shoot! Well we started to teach a new lady this week, Jordan Poulsen. Her maiden name is Roy, I believe. She is a single mom. Raised in Winnipeg and lived in Lethbridge for a year. She went to Fleetwood Boden Elementary in Lethbridge, you heard of it dad? Well she is in her late 20's and she had been completely prepared by the Lord. She has gone through alot in her life. I mean at a young age, like 16 years old, she was selling hard drugs. Became addicted to meth for a few years but now she is completely clean and has been for several years. She has her life together and it's amazing to think of all that she has done by herself. From the first time we met with her we challenged her to stop smoking, its been a week and a couple days since she last smoked. A couple Preisthood blessings and lots of prayer we give thanks to. I told her to flip open the Book of Mormon if she ever has a tempation. Well she did it and opened to Alma 34. DON'T procrastinate your repentence! It hit her hard and the temptation left. Well we have at three or four lessons with her and everyone is spiritual. Something I've learned is to just bare down in pure testimony, it's more powerful than trying to convert with fancy teaching skills or anything. She has a million questions and our biggest struggle is just keeping things on topic. But it's good, she has such a desire to learn. Jordan has a Catholic background and she has a great understanding of the Bible. It's amazing to see how true this Gospel is. Take all the good from other relgions and bring it to ours! Your questions will be answered.
We had a mission fireside this week, on monday morning. That was nice, gave us something to look forward to so we didn't die with a week and two days of no PDAY! haha it wasn't that bad at all. But right before this mission, President and Sister Miller served in Austrailia as a senior couple. Well they met a return missionary who served in our mission 13 years ago, he ended up helping them alot with their service over there. Ben Mitchell. Then President and Sister Miller got called to our mission and Pres. Miller called him up and flew him out here to speak to us. He is an unreal speaker and so motivating. I think alot of the Elders and Sisters left with a greater desire to be more obiedent. I liked it because he served in our areas, he knows what its like. The hours of 10-3, brutal. No one home, everyone at work. No public place to just go OYM (open your mouth). It was great, he spoke on the reality satan. How he tries to get us and its so true. I've witnessed it this week.
This past week we were real high and were just thrown real hard, real low. It sucked. I would say yesterday was one of the hardest days I've had on my mission. Mainly due to one thing but a few other contributed. I am glad today is Pday and I have alot of mail! Shauntae a girl we have been teaching since my first week in the area, she was supposed to get baptized this saturday. Long story short. It's not going to happen for six months. It's not a fun story and it's way too long so I am going to leave it out. I'm sorry. She's a foster child (18 years old) and the people who I guess are in charge of her told her she can't think of any of this for six months because it's causing her too much stress. It's so lame. She wants to be baptized. But I have to get over it and continue working, can't let it get to me. We will do everything we can of course but man, satan does anything to prevent this work.
OK I MUST GO! It's time to go play some serious ball then read the letters I got this week! I love all of you and God bless!
Elder Pizzey
Monday, October 4, 2010
October 4, 2010
Hello Family and Friends!
What an unreal general conference! That's really all I want to talk about today but before I do let me throw at you all the random things I would like to tell you guys. So big changes in the mission. First thing. Preparation day has been changed from Monday to WEDNESDAY. This will be the last Pday on Monday, next week it will be Wednesday. So that means a full week and half with no Pday! I know, not fair right!? It was nice to have the weekend then a big break on Monday and then district meeting on Tuesday. It doesn't matter though not a big deal and I will obey! So district meetings are still after Pday, just on Thursday morning and then Friday is the same, weekly planning from hours 10-12. The times we attend the temple have all changed as well. We are now to attend on our Pday, during the hours of our Pday. But if we want we can attend the 5:30 session but must be home at 5:30 for our studies. I think that makes more sense but definetly not as convenient, it probably should be a little sacrifice of our own time if we would like to go and this way we will have more hours for proselyting. So these are basically the big changes in the mission. There are a few other things but not too big. Interviews are only quarterly along with zone conferences, they used to be every transfer (6 weeks). I thought you would like to know, especially the Pday change.
So this transfer is officially done! We did pretty good for this dead old area. Not dead anymore it's on fire! We had two people baptized this transfer and as of now we have six working towards a baptismal date. This week we will start teaching at least a couple new people as well. That is if I'm in the area still! Nooooo I think I will stay but we never know, I'm always ready for whatever the Lord has in store for me. Tomorrow though "transfer call tuesday" so we will find out, I guess you will have to wait till next week. Actually next week and half... thats too bad. I would love to stay though and I am confident I will, it would be sad to leave all these people I'm getting close too.
We moved this week! For some reason I really liked the change, we just needed a little change. We now live with the Johnson's who live in the Park 3rd ward which is just north of our old home. We have the entire basement basically to ourselves, I love the set up. We have own room of course, bathroom, study area and lounge area. We have a TV with a DVD player so if we want at lunchtime, at night if we are done planning (home 9 - bed 10:30) or on Pdays we can watch any of our DVD's we hand out. Testaments! My illegal copy of Joseph Smith: Prophet the Restoration or PMG training DVD's I have for district meetings. Remember I told you my MTC teacher, Elder Bott, was one of the six Elders they followed with cameras for four months on his mission. Those videos finally came out and they are sweet. BUT we really don't spend that much time watching DVD's, really any extra time I try to study. We don't have a kitchen so we share with them upstairs, which is OK. Really we never use it at the same time, they both work and we eat out at members homes at night. They do have a dog though! Skye! Man he is alot of fun, I forget what kind but he isn't a little rat dog. A real sized dog that you can actually play with. He always hangs out with us downstairs, makes me miss Macy! How is she? Still alive? Here is something cool. Sis. Johnson was raised in Edmonton. Her sister still lives in Alberta, in Calgary actually. Well her sister used to babysit for Bill and Doreen Pizzey! She said at the time they only had 2 or 3 kids! Crazy isn't it! I will have to get a her maiden name for you. Enough about the move!
So normally you don't get to go to conference until after your first year. Well I got a call Thursday night asking if I would like to go to the Saturday morning session! I guess they had extra tickets so they randomly chose some people. HECK YES! I felt terrible for E. Lundwall though, him being out for 11 months. So I told my ZL's that and they agreed, I was about to give him my tickets and then we got another call on Friday night and asked if E. Lundwall would like to go Sunday afternoon. So everything worked out and we were all good. I saw a few people at conference. First Brother and Sister Roosendaal from my old area! That was exciting. Then I saw Elder Boyd! He was there with the Provo Mission of course. Then Pres. Miller told E. Bourlson (my ZL) and myself to go find our missionaries who got lost, so we had to leave the building. As we were rushed looking for them I ran into Brother and Sister Bennett! Mark Bennett! A strange feeling! I wished I had 10 minutes to talk but I only had a minute or two. I wanted to thank him for doing all that he's done in helping me out in my youth. Being an example. He's one of the many people who God placed in my life threw church callings to help me through some of those difficult times in high school. He and those other leaders may not even realize the impact they made on our life's. So many memories with all of them. Bro. Bennett killed it on that bike ride from Jasper to Banff. Love you guys and thank you. One day I will serve like you and prepare future missionaries as well, thanks for setting the bar.
I am sure glad I was able to attend the session I did, Saturday morning that is. It had to be my favorite other than the Priesthood session. Elder Uchtdorf's talk on pride just spoke to me and called me to repentance! I loved it. But the Saturday morning session was great. Elder Holland's was way different than from what he normally goes with. Usually he's so intense and bold, but this time it was very different. Maybe because he opened up the conference? But I liked it, very heart felt. Elder Uchtdorf's was great as well. It's so funny because I think of what this talk would mean to me if I was just a normal person and compare it to a missionary. It's always completely different especially his talk that morning. We can't slow down as missionaries! We don't have time to just stop and ponder. To go for a hike in the mountains or just relax! We are constantly on the go! Non stop. The time we have to think is from 10:30 till we fall asleep as we lay in our beds. Even then you can't control your thoughts, they don't slow down. You loose yourself and focus on others. But that's what I love about this work. I get to serve God by serving others. It's such a unique experience and I will never get to do it again. Only the Apostles put in as much time in to our callings as we do. I love it. Coming back to E. Utchdorf's talk on really keeping it simple, as far as the gospel goes that's all we do! We teach the basic principles of the gospel over and over and study them over and over. Which is great don't get me wrong but it's just fun to be a missionaries during conference. All the talks mean something completely different than if I was at home.
One year ago I attended conference with our family, the mini family that is, plus Lindsay. But I remember during the Priesthood session an experience that changed my view of God's church. We were waiting for the prophet to come into the Conference center. Everybody was talking quietly but then he walked it and it went completely silent and everybody stood. The spirit testified to me then that he truly is a prophet, God's mouth piece on the Earth today. It was the first time it hit me what it truly meant to have a prophet on the earth today! Now as I attended this past weekend I kept reflecting on that experience. I was hoping the same thing would happen again but I was getting my hopes up or expecting it to happen. But it did! The first presidency walked in together just thirty feet away from me and I've never felt the spirit so strong! It was overwhelming. I looked at Elder Dohm (friend in the mission) who was standing by my side and we both knew we were feeling the exact same thing. What a witness it was. To me, that this is God's church and that those men thirty feet in front of me are true servants of our Heavenly Father, ordained of God!
The reason this experience was stronger this year than last year is because I'm more receptive to the spirit. I have been able to tune my instrument by acting on the simple whispering's of the spirit I have received. We must act! And not be acted upon and Elder Bedar always says. That's what I have this week and until next time keep the faith!
Elder Pizzey.
Monday, September 27, 2010
September 27, 2010
Some of the questions we ask Blake and his answers:
So have you found a place to live?
-- Yup, we have to share kitchen but we get the whole basement to ourselves. They are way nicer. The Johnson's. We move wednesday morning. She (the wife) was born in Edmonton and moved here when she was young. I'll get more details later plus her maiden name.
Are they in control now? (fires)
-- Yes, the win flipped and blew south over night.
Is that normal for there? (warm weather)
-- I think so, I love it right now. Not to hot. Like our summer. But we have to wear suits 24/7 after conference. Lame.
Hello Family and Friends!
I have no time left! And so much to say! I think this was probably one of the best weeks in my mission. I have like ten stories to tell but it looks like most of them will have to wait until I get home with my journals. I will probably make them short so you won't get the full effect but try! First mom wasn't it your birthday!? Am I wrong September 24th? Man I am terrible, this probably looks bad. But I love you and you know it! Happy Birthday if so! 28th?
Alright so lets start off at the beginning of the week. Things in the mission have been all over the place this transfer. We had a member of the Quorum of the Seventy come and make alot of suggestions/changes. The mission is trying to figure out what they want and like so things have been going back and forth for awhile. But in result to the many meetings they have cancelled quite a few District Meetings to keep the proselyting hours up. So this past week I had only my SECOND district meeting but it should have been my fourth! Anyways the meeting start and I turned 15 minutes over to everyone to share spiritual experiences from the week, as we always do. Well President Miller walks in and takes a seat as we are wrapping it up. It's only my second district meeting and I had another District sitting in on my meeting (their DL was sick). So its like packed and Pres. Miller is there, no pressure right! Then I thought to myself, "I prepared, why be scared?" So I didn't. The district meeting went unreal! I never taught so well! Everyone was involved and I was able to speak with energy and share testimony frequently. It was alot of fun.
After district meeting and brake-offs (I meet with each companionship privately and talk) Pres. Miller took E. Wright (other DL in the zone) and myself out to lunch. This was a cool experience. He asked us alot of questions like, "what do you think of...?" It was an awesome opportunity to say what I want to say. Then we went to the sick DL of our zone and had a meeting with our zone leaders and the rest of us. We talked about whats going on in the zone. Who's struggling and what we can do. He asked us what we think of basically everything that's going on. Sometimes I think people are quite and afraid to speak up and voice their opinion, why!? Speak up and say what you think. I think that's what people like, in these kind of cases. There is a reason they are asking for you opinion. So that was alot of fun!
OK so like I said this week was packed with spiritual experiences. I was able to go on two exchanges this week, right in a row. I missed my Elder Lundwall but I do love exchanges. There is something you can learn from everyone. First I went with Elder Conrad on Wednesday. He has been out for 11 months and he is doing unreal right now. He had a few struggles at the beginning but he is on FIRE right now! We had the greatest day together. First of all we had five lessons. Just to let you know this whole week we had to cancel dinners because we had two many lessons. We were eating dinner at 3:00! It's a good problem to have. But back to E. Conrad. We teach in complete unity, just mesh together like no other. Every lesson we had together was spiritual, we both agreed it was nice to have complete confidence in what your companion was going to say next! We had this lesson with a new guy named John. First time we ever met with him and we had a two hour lesson! All of us, including John, thought it was thirty minutes. John is ready. Man we walked out of his house and freaked out! It was to perfect. I could go on but no time.
Then I had an exchange with Elder Aleman. He's from Cali and has been out one transfer less than myself (I'm finishing up my 5th). We didn't have near as many lessons as I did with E. Conrad but we worked hard. Elder Aleman is in the Spanish assignment so it was a little different for him. We picked up a new investigator that night as well, Nicole Valencia. She is engaged to a RM (returned missionary) and we set a baptismal date for October 30th. All I will say is that she reminds me too much of Lindsay.
Then on Saturday we had that District Leader meeting at the mission office with President and Sister Miller. That was good as well. Talked about our purpose and responsibilities as district leaders. Discussed whats going on, some of the mission culture things we are trying to get rid of. Learned alot there. But no time to talk!
OK so Warren and Nicole Fowlks got baptized. Unreal the spirit is always present during an ordinance. But on Sunday when they were confirmed had one of those unreal experiences were you receive another witness that this work is true and real! It's these crazy moments that you hold to and rely on in difficult times. We walked up there and Warren sat down to go first. The bishop confirmed them a member of the church and when he said the words "receive the Holy Ghost" Yikes! I could feel it. I could describe it perfectly but don't like sharing or describing spiritual experiences unless its in the right situation. But I knew every person in that circle was feeling exactly what I was. It is all up to the person as to when they "receive" the Holy Ghost. Warren's heart was softened and his mind is in the right place to receive it at that time. He overcame a lifelong addiction to smoking and man it was unreal. Same thing with his wife Nicole. They were both touched. Perfect. Plus it was the Primary program, what a perfect Sunday to be confirmed. Will never forget it. It was so nice to see their two daughters Shelby (6 yrs.) and Jessica (7 yrs.) totally involved in the Primary. Man it got me a little too excited to have kids one day, those primary kids are cute. It was a cool to hear them sing, "I hope they call me on a mission..." while actually being on a mission. I was pretty happy, finally made it! The lyrics are pretty cute as well.
OK my time is way up! I must be going! But I am even more excited for this week. Picking up more people to teach and others progressing. I can hardly wait for conference, its the greatest thing as a missionary. Next conference I will be able to go! But make sure we prepare ourselves for this weekend! I'm going to make a list of questions and concerns I have about life and the mission. Keep that list with me as I watch and when the Holy Ghost answers them I will write! Love you all!
Keep that faith - Elder Pizzey
So have you found a place to live?
-- Yup, we have to share kitchen but we get the whole basement to ourselves. They are way nicer. The Johnson's. We move wednesday morning. She (the wife) was born in Edmonton and moved here when she was young. I'll get more details later plus her maiden name.
Are they in control now? (fires)
-- Yes, the win flipped and blew south over night.
Is that normal for there? (warm weather)
-- I think so, I love it right now. Not to hot. Like our summer. But we have to wear suits 24/7 after conference. Lame.
Hello Family and Friends!
I have no time left! And so much to say! I think this was probably one of the best weeks in my mission. I have like ten stories to tell but it looks like most of them will have to wait until I get home with my journals. I will probably make them short so you won't get the full effect but try! First mom wasn't it your birthday!? Am I wrong September 24th? Man I am terrible, this probably looks bad. But I love you and you know it! Happy Birthday if so! 28th?
Alright so lets start off at the beginning of the week. Things in the mission have been all over the place this transfer. We had a member of the Quorum of the Seventy come and make alot of suggestions/changes. The mission is trying to figure out what they want and like so things have been going back and forth for awhile. But in result to the many meetings they have cancelled quite a few District Meetings to keep the proselyting hours up. So this past week I had only my SECOND district meeting but it should have been my fourth! Anyways the meeting start and I turned 15 minutes over to everyone to share spiritual experiences from the week, as we always do. Well President Miller walks in and takes a seat as we are wrapping it up. It's only my second district meeting and I had another District sitting in on my meeting (their DL was sick). So its like packed and Pres. Miller is there, no pressure right! Then I thought to myself, "I prepared, why be scared?" So I didn't. The district meeting went unreal! I never taught so well! Everyone was involved and I was able to speak with energy and share testimony frequently. It was alot of fun.
After district meeting and brake-offs (I meet with each companionship privately and talk) Pres. Miller took E. Wright (other DL in the zone) and myself out to lunch. This was a cool experience. He asked us alot of questions like, "what do you think of...?" It was an awesome opportunity to say what I want to say. Then we went to the sick DL of our zone and had a meeting with our zone leaders and the rest of us. We talked about whats going on in the zone. Who's struggling and what we can do. He asked us what we think of basically everything that's going on. Sometimes I think people are quite and afraid to speak up and voice their opinion, why!? Speak up and say what you think. I think that's what people like, in these kind of cases. There is a reason they are asking for you opinion. So that was alot of fun!
OK so like I said this week was packed with spiritual experiences. I was able to go on two exchanges this week, right in a row. I missed my Elder Lundwall but I do love exchanges. There is something you can learn from everyone. First I went with Elder Conrad on Wednesday. He has been out for 11 months and he is doing unreal right now. He had a few struggles at the beginning but he is on FIRE right now! We had the greatest day together. First of all we had five lessons. Just to let you know this whole week we had to cancel dinners because we had two many lessons. We were eating dinner at 3:00! It's a good problem to have. But back to E. Conrad. We teach in complete unity, just mesh together like no other. Every lesson we had together was spiritual, we both agreed it was nice to have complete confidence in what your companion was going to say next! We had this lesson with a new guy named John. First time we ever met with him and we had a two hour lesson! All of us, including John, thought it was thirty minutes. John is ready. Man we walked out of his house and freaked out! It was to perfect. I could go on but no time.
Then I had an exchange with Elder Aleman. He's from Cali and has been out one transfer less than myself (I'm finishing up my 5th). We didn't have near as many lessons as I did with E. Conrad but we worked hard. Elder Aleman is in the Spanish assignment so it was a little different for him. We picked up a new investigator that night as well, Nicole Valencia. She is engaged to a RM (returned missionary) and we set a baptismal date for October 30th. All I will say is that she reminds me too much of Lindsay.
Then on Saturday we had that District Leader meeting at the mission office with President and Sister Miller. That was good as well. Talked about our purpose and responsibilities as district leaders. Discussed whats going on, some of the mission culture things we are trying to get rid of. Learned alot there. But no time to talk!
OK so Warren and Nicole Fowlks got baptized. Unreal the spirit is always present during an ordinance. But on Sunday when they were confirmed had one of those unreal experiences were you receive another witness that this work is true and real! It's these crazy moments that you hold to and rely on in difficult times. We walked up there and Warren sat down to go first. The bishop confirmed them a member of the church and when he said the words "receive the Holy Ghost" Yikes! I could feel it. I could describe it perfectly but don't like sharing or describing spiritual experiences unless its in the right situation. But I knew every person in that circle was feeling exactly what I was. It is all up to the person as to when they "receive" the Holy Ghost. Warren's heart was softened and his mind is in the right place to receive it at that time. He overcame a lifelong addiction to smoking and man it was unreal. Same thing with his wife Nicole. They were both touched. Perfect. Plus it was the Primary program, what a perfect Sunday to be confirmed. Will never forget it. It was so nice to see their two daughters Shelby (6 yrs.) and Jessica (7 yrs.) totally involved in the Primary. Man it got me a little too excited to have kids one day, those primary kids are cute. It was a cool to hear them sing, "I hope they call me on a mission..." while actually being on a mission. I was pretty happy, finally made it! The lyrics are pretty cute as well.
OK my time is way up! I must be going! But I am even more excited for this week. Picking up more people to teach and others progressing. I can hardly wait for conference, its the greatest thing as a missionary. Next conference I will be able to go! But make sure we prepare ourselves for this weekend! I'm going to make a list of questions and concerns I have about life and the mission. Keep that list with me as I watch and when the Holy Ghost answers them I will write! Love you all!
Keep that faith - Elder Pizzey
Monday, September 20, 2010
I have posted three new posts with pictures. Here is the link to the post:
Or you can just scroll down on the blog and you'll find the posts! ENJOY!!!!
September 20, 2010
Dear Family and Friends,
The work moves forward. We keep finding and teaching! I don't even know how. Before I get going let me say to Rob, Rob Hirsche that is, that his old companion Shawn Marsing says Hi! I spoke in his ward yesterday and he came up and talked to me yesterday. It sounds like the trip was killer and you had some funny stories. I can just imagine Paige soaking up the whole thing. We will see if I can get some pictures on this email for you guys. We will be moving really soon by the way. Our landlords have had Elders for a year and there time is up, they have some other plans for the future. They might go serve a mission. The stake thinks they found new place for us but just yesterday they told us there might be a 20 year old girl living there that they didn't know about so that is a huge NO NO. So we are desperately looking for a new place as we have to be out before October starts!
Have you seen the fires going on in the south east part of the valley? Last night as we were finishing up we could hardly breath, ashes falling like snow in front of the light on our bikes. Cool story. When President Hinckley announced the Draper and Oquirrh Temples he mentioned another temple that will be built in the south east part of the valley but said. "He will let that be and talk about that another time though." Something along those lines. Well the church owns property in the south east corner of the valley near Herriman (5000 people evacuated from that town due to the fire) which a surveyor of the church told us was land designated for that temple which was announced. Well the fire rolled up the hill and burnt all that land. Pretty interesting isn't it, was he not inspired when he said that!
I really don't have a whole lot for this week. Elder Lundwall and myself have had a cold this past week. I just got over it and he is still recovering, man it makes it harder to work and teach. Some killer headaches, ear aches and sore throats. We took some home made medicine from the Crowley's (our landlords) called "the cure of the black plague". It either kills or you cures you. It was pretty nasty but it worked. There are some funny videos of that. But Elder Lundwall and myself continue to work together in unity. We are becoming good friends, really loving the time we have. We have a weird feeling it might be short?
My favorite moment of the week was probably speaking! I haven't spoke for awhile, not since the first week Elder Ng came in. I feel like I got 10x better, I think just due to a better understanding of the doctrine and more experience in the field I guess. I spoke on how we can receive revelation through the Book of Mormon. One thing that I find I am slowly learning on my mission is how to connect with heaven. How to be a instrument in the Lord's hand. Actually more like how to tune my instrument to get on the same wavelength as the Lord's. If that makes sense. I was on my knees one night asking what I should speak on. So many topics and I have no clue. I hate giving the same talk twice and felt they the ward need something other than missionary work! It didn't come to me in the very moment but maybe a half an hour later just has I was about to fall asleep it came to me. Inspiration. How do we get it? How do I? The Book of Mormon its so powerful! And I sat up quick flicked on the light and wrote it down. I'm starting to recognize and know the promptings better and better as time goes on. Preparing myself to receive revelation for my future family! Well the talk went good. Shared a couple spiritual experiences involving that topic from my mission which I felt grabbed peoples attention. We will be speaking quite a bit in the next few weeks, looking forward to it.
Another experience I had this week. I was on a exchange with Elder Wakefield from my district in my area. We were leaving a dinner appointment and we were riding to the other stake to visit a few people. I had this feeling turn around and go see Shauntae right now. A little history. Shauntae is a 18 year old girl with learning disability who has a comprehensin of maybe twelve year old. She was had a date for baptism this Saturday the 25th. Well we spun around on our bikes and started to bike towards her house. We knocked on the door and her foster sister opened the door with a blank look on her face. I said, "Is something wrong?" then she asked me, "Who told you to come?" The conversation went on and she went to get the Makkies (Shauntae's foster parents) and Shauntae. All three of them came to the door in tears and said, "its a sign" I was just completely confused and had no clue what was happening. We sat down and eventually they told me what happened. Shauntae's Uncle and Grandma (the only family she has) just got off the phone with her telling her how terrible of a decision she is making. We were there to comfort her with words, scripture and testimony at the right time. We told her what to do and now a few days later all is good. She was able to explain to them her reasons for deciding to be baptized and eventually her Grandmother is supportive. Long story but it was unreal for me. I thought of 1 Nephi 4:6 the second I knocked on the door and saw the look on her sisters face. I was led by the spirit and I hardly knew. I have realized we always need to act on these small promptings. Its just like anything else. Practice, practice, practice. As we act we learn if it was just us, or really one of those distinct impressions from the Holy Ghost.
Finally we have district meeting tomorrow! I can't wait. It will be a good one. How to teach simple, clean and ask inspired questions! Also this week there is a District Leader training that should, should be good. We should be starting to teach like three new people this week! Exciting! Two weeks ago we found four and this past week two! We have six people working towards baptism, two of them this Saturday.
I will briefly tell you about Nicole and Warren Fowlks. They are people we will be visiting when we come back for sure. They are a most likely in there mid 40's and have a solid family. A couple cute little girls who will be turning eight in the next year or so. But they are as perfect as they can get for baptism. She was the lady who wanted to wait until Easter to get baptized but we said no way! And she agreed. They love the neighbourhood and what really caught there eye was the other memebers on the street. How they try to live the gospel compared to just understand it. They have a solid testimony and will be a strength to the ward. I am excited.
This letter has been all over the place but I will blame it on my headache. My thoughts are not flowing from my mind to my fingers to this screen as well as I would like them to, but hopefully it was a good enough update. Next week I will be back 100% and right in it. Thanks for your emails I love hearing the updates from home. Miss all of you Paige, Taren, Kamry and Breanne! The Brother in laws. Parents! Grandparents! Lindsay! Friends! But I must say your all missing out! Keep the faith! Can't wait for General Conference. Like what are they going to speak to us about!? Such a mystery!
The main idea from my talk. The biggest thing that separates us from other Christian religions in the way we read and study the Bible and other scripture, it is our belief that it isn't the ultimate source knowledge but it precedes the ultimate source of knowledge. And that is revelation! Bye bye!
Elder Pizzey
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